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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. Big time fraudster caught! This Swede stole ~$1 million over three years and hides in Thailand! Meanwhile, some fat slob named Sam Bankman-Fried embezzles $3-10 billion over roughly the same amount of time and hides in the Bahamas! I think Thailand really needs to up,its game if it wants to compete as a haven for fraudsters!
  2. My guess is that he has been slaving away in the back of a restaurant or construction project all this time. He probably got snitched-out the day after he went to his boss and asked to be paid for the 3-years of labor he has already performed.
  3. No economic vision. As Western countries seek to move health & technology manufacturing out of China, all the other Asian nations are throwing themselves at these companies to set-up factories in their countries, but how much has Thailand chased after them? I don't see much activity at all for this kind of future. Just ask yourself, would the Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporians, etc. rather work in Thailand or India?
  4. Sounds like one lucky Russian had his prayers answered. BOTH headaches gone!
  5. You always show up at these posts about Thai police matters and insert an "If it was the US, they'd have already shot him..." comment. Are you sure you aren't a Chinese sock puppet here to spread disinformation?
  6. I'm guessing he sold guns to finance his retirement. -Or he let his house be used as a holding house for a gang. No way would a collector or shooter have 4 pistol grip only (PGO) shotguns. PGOs only work well in movies, in the real world, they hurt like hell to shoot and are inaccurate becauss you can't aim them.
  7. Dude, If you want to talk using reason and rationale, you're in the wrong country! Why don't you go slam 10 shots of random liquors, then come back and try posting again!
  8. I'm pretty sure his father-in-law has already picked-through the spoils to decide what to keep or give up to confiscation. Joe Ferrari is a commoner who was lucky enough to marry into a powerful family. It was the FIL who opened all the doors to his impossible promotions, and now that he's publicly convicted of murder, will close those doors forever.
  9. While China is enjoying poisoning the US with fentanyl, drug traffickers are spreading fentanyl drugs back to their own youth. Fentanyl cannot be detected by existing test kits for opoids & amphetamines and so I have doubts that Thai medical examiners have conducted a complete drug screening.
  10. Luxury Karaoke = Brothel. That's the saddest KTV I've ever heard of. 237 men and 29 women... That's like 10-men per room and only 1.9 women companions. Successful Asian luxury KTVs would have way more women than men to sing along and keep pouring the beer & cognac +cola.
  11. Ornamental gold = plated gold? Have you visited a silversmith to have a replacement made in silver? If you are willing to leave that part in silver, perhaps the silversmith will do it for you.
  12. 5-year closure? So this Chinese national wouldn't think of reopening it under a different name or anything like that?
  13. North Korea is a primary source of counterfeit US$100 bill. They have always used SE Asian countries to launder their fake bills. Notice that these notes are all the old style of discontinued banknotes and not the new "blue" banknotes printed in multicolored inks, metallic inks, and incorporating a wide hologram strip. North Korea is unable to counterfeit those.
  14. Hey, in this case, it may have been a Ukrainian! I'm glad the Thais handled this case so expertly and used a multi-Agency task force to sniff-out and chase-down this 59 year old threat.
  15. You left out my part about almost all of them being illegally possessed. Primarily as carry-overs from the decades of war there. And I agree about no attrocities there. I think that the Cambodians truly lost the desire for war after the Khmer Rouge agreed to stop fighting. They were simply tired of war. (Of course, this doesn't include gangsters and criminals, who'll kill you over a gambling debt)
  16. I had always thought it was Cambodia. When I was working for an NGO there, the estimate was one-in-three adults had a firearm. But then again, their population is much smaller than Thailand, so I guess total # is much smaller. -But I still believe that % of gunowners is higher there. Although "legally owned" probably numbers at 100<.
  17. I'd be more impressed if the courts stated what his total worth was, and whether he has any other children -or wives.
  18. They'd blame the woman for being out by herself (and likely hair uncovered!). Definitely a prostitute and deserving of anything that happens to her! She'd probably be whipped in the town center. And if it could be proven that she was a virgin - then one of the men would be forced to return honor to her family by marrying her. ...real good law
  19. Viagra is a drug. Lookin' at the picture, there appears to be 3 young ladies talking to the officer. Pehaps this gent just tried pushing himself a little more than his heart could take.
  20. Viagra is a drug. Lookin' at the picture, there appears to be 3 young ladies talking to the officer. Pehaps this gent just tried pushing himself a little more than his heart could take.
  21. Mexico smuggles fentanyl into the US, but they get the drug or precursors from China.
  22. That "Mayoral secretary" sure looks like a housekeeper in those clothes. It'd also explain what she's doing at the Mayor's house every day instead of at the office. Perhaps a maid being being paid for with city funds?
  23. I have similar injuries. 1. Swimming is the best as you get to exercise whole body using water resistance. 2. Have you tried a recumbent bicycle? The recumbent body position takes the weight of your body off of the knees yet allows you to still get a leg & cardio workout. 3. Rowing machine may also work. Have you seen the new ones that use a waterwheel?
  24. That's chump change! I'll bet that's less than the amount of money a certain energy-drink heir has spent on cocaine since he went into hiding.
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