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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. That "Mayoral secretary" sure looks like a housekeeper in those clothes. It'd also explain what she's doing at the Mayor's house every day instead of at the office. Perhaps a maid being being paid for with city funds?
  2. I have similar injuries. 1. Swimming is the best as you get to exercise whole body using water resistance. 2. Have you tried a recumbent bicycle? The recumbent body position takes the weight of your body off of the knees yet allows you to still get a leg & cardio workout. 3. Rowing machine may also work. Have you seen the new ones that use a waterwheel?
  3. That's chump change! I'll bet that's less than the amount of money a certain energy-drink heir has spent on cocaine since he went into hiding.
  4. An extra 20K baht? That's like US$500. I don't think I'd do anything different with it if I left it in the bank. But if I just started carrying 20K baht more in my pocket, I'm sure it'd just disappear every month without me knowing where it went.
  5. You guys actually arguing points of law? You think it will matter? The truth is simple: Prayut is untouchable unless the generals in the background say it is OK. It is obvious how the judges will rule.
  6. When you give something away for free, people stop placing a value on it, but treat is as mere entitlement. I'm for debt forgiveness, especially for lower-income families, but I think it should be based-on grades, or placement in that job sector. I think it should apply to trades school.
  7. Obviously you've never done business with Chinese people. If you sell it for 10k, they offer you 11k, then after you're locked-in contractually, you get a phone call that they buyer took the car to a garage where they discovered a bad transmission which needs 4k to repair, so he'll only give you 7k or he's going to walk. The 7k is cash so you need to decide whether you'll take the cash or start the sales all over again.
  8. Prayut's gone. The courts would never have "suspended" him without the approval of the military. Whatever happens in the courts are merely formalities for the masses to see.
  9. I've looked for private gun clubs in Thailand as I shoot trap, as a foreigner, all I've managed to find were clubs that charge ~US$50 a round. Not worth it to me when I pay 1/10th that at home
  10. Which faction has the most generals in support?
  11. I have found that communist countries never seem to have problems accepting US$ for products or services.
  12. They could be simply changing vendors or upgrading ATMs. Can't rip everything out at once, but have to do a rolling phase-out/phase-in. If you're curious, why not just go in and ask?
  13. Hmmm, let's try to list them all together: WW1 -Thais sent occupation forces to Germany WW2 -Thais technically allied with the Japanese but then attacked Vichy French territories, who were allies of Germany at that point Korean War -Thais sent troops to fight the communists Malayan Emergency -Thais fought against the Malays 1949 China Civil War -Thais let KMT Chinese forces operate along the border, later allowing remnants of 2 armies to settle on border to help fight deleted and communist insurgents Vietnam War -Thais sent forces to assist Sojth VN Cambodian-Vietnam War -Thais took advantage of conflict to cut slices of territories claimed from Cambodia China-Vietnam War -Thais fought the Vietnamese 9/11 -Thais provided assistance and logistical support to Allied forces I'm sure I missed a few, but even Canadians should understand that Thailand has, historically, been the most warlike people of SE Asia, and they have a history of fighting China as well. When China tries to cut-off all the SE Asian nations rights to navigate, fish, and exploit natural resources like gas and oil, the Thais will have no choice but to resist.
  14. It isn't random, they ask it when they suspect someone is unable to pay for their visit to Thailand. Most tourists will have the equivalent of US$500 on them when they travel internationally. But if you look like a derelict backpacker that is on their last legs, then this is a way to disqualify your visit into Thailand.
  15. I think the Swede may have known a thing or two about knives. He went for the victim's chest and ribcage, IMO trying to slip the paring knife between the ribs and into the heart & other organs.
  16. So it's just another plan to charge tourists more for the same old offerings by calling it "upmarket"?
  17. They buy a lot of gold to smuggle back around their necks and wrists. Gold purchase taxes in India have reached 18.5%.
  18. You guys are all too cynical! Don't you realize that wheeled IFVs are much more forgiving on paved roads if ever called-upon to defend against popular protests? The tanks and APCs formerly used would just tear the roads apart!
  19. ??? The arrested shooter is 61. You must be ancient if you think he is a child.
  20. Generals need their toys, otherwise, they feel left-out and start to plot...
  21. Boss, is that you? Ahem, The legal basis for a Red Notice is an arrest warrant or court order issued by the judicial authorities in the country concerned. Many of our member countries consider a Red Notice to be a valid request for provisional arrest. https://www.interpol.int
  22. Bah! Interpol doesn't issue the notice, it is the country that issues Red Notices. If you have checked Interpol's website over these many years and searched for Thailand Red Notices, you would note that the Thais never seemed to have bothered to issue one for him. Countries can't apprehend anyone if there isn't a warrant or request out.
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