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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 13 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Don't patronise me. You said:


    "The likelihood is that she was the aggressor, hence she being the one that went to his place to attack him."


    Explain the first part of your statement. The aggressor in relation to what?





    Third time....the reality is that she went to his place. That shows that she is the aggressor. He did not go to her.

    The rest is just a story for which there is no evidence. If she was abused, then why did he chuck her out? Why would it not be that she left of her own accord.

    He clearly had enough of her but she could not get enough of him.


    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, HarrySeaman said:

    You can buy an Oppo A57 on Lazada for 1,497 Bt or an Oppo A83 for 1,589 Bt.  You should be able to find similar prices at Tuk Com or at the phone shops in the malls like Bic C Extra, Pattaya Klang and 3rd Rd or on Sukhumvit., or at a Lotus's on Pattaya Nua or on Sukhumvit.  Those stores also have their own phone shops so you can compare prices.


    If you don't want to buy a new phone I'll second the advice to go to Tuk Com to buy a second hand phone.  Be ready to spend about 2000 Bt on one from Oppo, Asus, Xiaomi, Samsung, One Plus, Sony, or Lenovo.  Ask for a 1 year replacement guarantee, which you won't get, but if they give you at 6 month guarantee then buy.


    Notice these are all Android phones.  If you want an iPhone, which are way overpriced in my opinion, you are on your own.




    Confusing post. You state that you'll find similar prices at Tukcom, but then you go on to quote higher prices from Tukcom and poorer guarantees ???? 


    That OPPO A57 to which you linked is from 2016 and runs Android 6. That might be an issue. The A83 is a bit better with Android 7.1. They don't seem to get any OS updates.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    The likelihood is WHAT?

    Do you need me to repeat it? A blockage in your brain?


    They were not living together. She went to his place and attacked him. That is the reality. The story that she cooked up has no basis for her going to where this 'dangerous and abusive' person would be. It's clearly utter nonsense that only a fool would believe.


    That was pre-meditated murder. 'If she cannot have him, no one can'. 


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  4. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:

    Far right would be the likes of the American Freedom Party and American Independent party amongst others.


    It's veering a bit off topic now though, this thread is about the USA rapidly descending into the murky realms of politicized law enforcement, more akin to third world banana republics. A sad day.


    That's not a neutral observer. That is someone with entrenched opinions. Even your spelling is Americanised ???? 

    Would you really like to discuss politicised law enforcement in a balanced way?



    Halkbank Investigation and the firing of Geoffrey Berman[edit]

    In June 2019, in violation of Department of Justice policy, Barr pressured Berman, then the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, to drop an investigation into close allies of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan involved with the Turkish bank Halkbank.[10] The bank and the individuals in question were alleged to have broken U.S. sanctions on Iran, funnelling billions of dollars to Iran and helping fund its nuclear ambitions.[10] Barr's demand followed a concerted pressure campaign by Erdogan and his close associates, including his son-in-law, Turkish Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, and Mehmet Ali Yalcindag, a Trump family friend involved in developing the Trump towers in Turkey;[10] Erdogan himself personally insisted to President Trump that the Halkbank investigation be shut down on at least two occasions, November 1, 2018, at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, and on a telephone call on December 14, 2018.[10] According to former National Security Adviser John Bolton, a first-hand witness of many of the events in question, this sequence of events "does look like obstruction of justice".[10] In a late Friday night statement on June 19, 2020, Barr stated that Berman was resigning and being replaced by Jay Clayton, citing Berman's behavior in the Halkbank episode as a primary reason for his removal.[10] Berman learned of this through press reports and declined to resign; the next day, Barr asked Trump to fire Berman, which he promptly did. Berman was replaced by his deputy, Audrey Strauss.[265] In November 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani figured in an SDNY investigation into multiple possible felonies.[266]


    On December 14, 2020, Trump announced via Twitter that Barr would be resigning from his post as attorney general, effective December 23.[267] Barr further confirmed his resignation in a letter to Trump on the same day.[268] In summarizing his tenure, Katie Benner of The New York Times wrote that "Barr brought the Justice Department closer to the White House than any attorney general in a half-century ... Barr made decisions that dovetailed precisely with Mr. Trump’s wishes and the demands of his political allies."[269] CNN summarized his tenure similarly, "Barr repeatedly and unapologetically prioritized Trump's political goals while furthering his own vision of expansive presidential power."[270] Ryan Lucas of NPR described Barr as "one of Trump's most loyal and effective defenders".[271] As examples of Barr's actions on behalf of Trump, these critics pointed to the fact that Barr made frequent false claims about the integrity of mail-in voting leading up to the 2020 election, misleadingly summarized Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election,[270][271] harshly criticized those who had investigated Trump,[270] meddled in criminal prosecutions of Trump allies,[272] and ordered the use of force on peaceful protestors across the street from the White House during the George Floyd protests so that President Trump could have a photo op at nearby St. John's Church."[270][271]


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  5. 2 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

    I agree about the hair!


    "But most of all it is the fact that he is a filthy traitor who couldn't handle losing the election and actually tried instigating a coup."

    "For the one with the ultimate responsibility only the ultimate punishment fits the crime"


    Thats you opinion, not fact!


    Remember innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law??


    It's a fact.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Gknrd said:

    I was thinking of making a nice tea out of it.  Just a thought. I found a place that delivers now.. So we will see.

    I am much better today. Went to the hospital three days ago and they gave me some pills and cough medicine. And sent me home. 500 baht... Next day after taking the pills I felt better.  Thanks Pfizer...

    And a big thanks for the US government that made the vaccines available to me pronto and no cost... two thumbs up..

    I am over 70 and doubt I would of made it threw this without the vaccines.


    You'll need something fatty in the liquid if you want it to have any effect. If you bought something of quality, not filthy brick weed, it might be better to use it in your cooking. Porridge made with hot milk for example. Brickweed is likely too dirty for that purpose.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, jaywalker2 said:

    I went down to lower Sukhumvit yesterday. All the vendors are back blocking the sidewalks so I guess the ban is over. Also, there was a new dispensary at the Nana Hotel, where Hooters used to be, and another next to Foodland on Soi 5. Prices for both were expensive between 700 and up to 1,000.


    Now, I can't wrap my head around paying 1,000 baht for 1 gram of weed, no matter how good it is. So I walked along until I saw a likely vendor and told him I was looking for ganja. He referred me to his friend at the next table, who sold me 10 grams for 500 baht.  He also threw in a free doobie (which he said he sells for 200 each), which was packed.


    I have to say it was pretty good. The biggest difference between this and the weed I bought at The Dispensary for 400 a gram was it took a little more to get high and it smoked a bit harsher.  But the result was basically the same. and for 50 baht a gram I was a happy guy.


    With the wealth of info on this thread, it's hard to understand why you would pay 50 baht per gram of standard brick weed. The price at street stalls and markets is between 100 and 200 baht for 10 grams. He didn't throw the 'doobie' in for free, you paid for it.

    As BritManToo illustrated earlier, 500 baht is more than the cost of 100 grams of brick weed and that includes the delivery charge.

    Don't do it again ???? Buy something better with your money. There is cleaner locally grown stuff for a lot less than you paid.


    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, prophet01 said:

    Recently the old work ThinkPad I use to surf the internet repeatedly loses web connectivity and I have to click Troubleshoot problems.

    The diagnoser runs through its routine and inevetably ends up re-setting the network "Wi-Fi " adapter. Finishing on the below screen.




    Then, after sometime only a few seconds seconds connection is lost again and I have to repeat the troubleshooter almost in a constant loop.


    Any ideas on resolving would be most appreciated.

    Exact device model number and OS installed?


    First thing to do is to make sure you have the correct Driver installed.

  9. 3 minutes ago, stoner said:

    i really only eat foreigner food and most of it is imported. i don't eat thai food. never eat out. only once in a blue moon. during smog season i wear a mask on my bike as much as possible. pm2.5 filters all over my house with AC running 24/7. i have a 5 stage RO system in my house as well. 


    i do what i can to minimize things like that. 


    it is quite easy to just not smoke really bad chemical laden weed though. brick is generally all the same and from what i have seen that comes out of it i stay far far away. 


    as for the ignore. o well. most of the time i only offer help. it may not come across the best at times but i have good intentions. 



    He wasn't talking about smoking it. He talked about extraction and filtering(probably washing away the nasty black stuff).


    You do it in a different way, that obviously does not get rid of the dirt.

    Please do not reply to my post. It's already off-topic, so let's just leave it there.

    He has his opinion and you have yours. We've read enough of yours if you don't mind. Let's talk about cheap and good herbs.

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