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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 6 minutes ago, pixelaoffy said:

    More nonsense 'flaunt stance ' no I  ignored them . Sums you up when an 'ok and respond to the request is deemed the only response....  . No never 

    Perhaps it is really time for you to go home, as you suggested earlier. We come to Thailand to relax and enjoy. Seems like you have failed in that regard. You seem stressed and angry about everything.

    Let it all go. It's not as if you are achieving anything by being objectionable. It's just makes you look....objectionable.

    Relax, smile and enjoy. You are not going to win every battle. Even the best trained fighters will steer away from a fight if they can. I fight when there is no other choice. If I can remove the threat by other means, I will try that first. Disarming people with charm is one way. Be more versatile. Learn to dance and dance deftly around every issue. Don't be a stick in the mud. Don't try to be the number one fighter; someone else always wants to be number one. 

    You are not going to be number one in your grave. Avoid conflict. Be nice. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    no and they are in the case of delta at least which is causing the majority of ICU admissions and deaths. Show some evidence of the vaxxed being mainly responsible for transmission. That's scientifically impossible and supported only by those get their information from unreliable sources.

    So you are saying that the rising cases in Banglamung are because of the unvaxxed? Think about it for a moment before you reply ???? 

  3. Of course the issue is that once people got vaccinated, they let their guard down. Look at how many new tourists/arrivals are walking around with no mask or with it just hanging below their chins. Of course infections are going to go up. Those vaccinated people couldn't care less. They just want to do whatever they want. 

    Anyone not vaccinated can suffer for all they care. Their personal freedom is all that matters to them. But they don't care about the personal freedom of someone who has a different perception than theirs. Those other people must be forced to have a vaccine.....cheerleaders for it even. Knuckle draggers really. 



    • Thanks 1
  4. What is clear is that the world has gotten a little bit more mad. 

    People want others to suffer because they consider that they suffered.

    New kinds of discrimination; vaccinated against the unvaccinated...and using anything they can find as a weapon.


    Wearing a mask reduces the spread too. Vaccination was mainly for preparing against serious illness. But the bitter vaccinated wanted to force people anyway. 

    It's totally stupid and won't work. New research states that going shopping is possibly the riskiest activity outside of the home. Are you going to force people to show their vaccination status before they can buy food?

    It's disgusting.

    Being vaccinated does not stop you from catching and spreading the disease. It just reduces the incidence; just like wearing masks and taking precautions.


    But idiots use vaccination status to divide. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

    3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    Show me where I said that vaccinated people don't get covid or have the decency to apologize.

    Happy to show you once again:


    7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.

    What does that say to you or to anyone else reading?

    That you consider it "factually incorrect" to assert the vaccinated people can get COVID-19. English is my first language. 

    Maybe you can explain what you meant by that statement; rather than ignoring it each time I ask you about it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

    There is NO mandatory vaccination for kids with such a small risk.

    your reply came so fast that you surely were not able to read and understand the post you quoted.

    But I guess: "What must not be that cannot be", right?

    Exactly right. Quick reply with no thought beforehand. Hence the ridiculous assertion that vaccinated people don't get COVID....and then the denial that they wrote such a thing even though their quote is in front of their eyes.

    Don't waste your energy trying to inject any kind of intelligence into a discussion with them. It will just disappear into a black hole.

    Just smile and say okay and it might just go away.


    Just reading an article that consider shopping is the riskiest activity outside the home. Statistics eh?







    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Do you believe that vaccines will always reduce virus transmission for all mutations or not?


    I am not discussing vaccines. I am discussing your quote of 


    3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.

    which you now seem keen to ignore, but is here in perpetuity for all to see.


    On that note I will leave you with this quote:



    Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    Or you will also be like him.
    Answer a fool as his folly deserves,
    That he not be wise in his own eyes.


    Your name says all that I need to know about you. It's clear that you intend to ignore your stupid comment and act like it wasn't you who posted it at all.

    If I continue to try to have a dialogue with such a person, people would begin to think me the idiot.

    No thanks; you enjoy that particular glory.

    • Haha 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    I have never stated that vaccinated people will get covid. On the other hand you stated that

    I have never stated that vaccinated people won't get covid. I said that the vaccines will always reduce that chance. Stop lying.

    So what is this?


    3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.

    It looks like YOUR name and YOUR statement.


    If you now realise that you made a mistake in what you wrote, just admit it and move on. Don't behave like a moron and argue stupidly.

    • Like 2
  9. 23 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    oh, an anecdote that disproves the facts! I'll say it again. Vaccines reduce infection and transmission of all variants of coronavirus. That is an inescapable fact. In the case of delta, by a lot. In the case of omicron we don't really know yet but it is definitely greater than zero.If you wish to provide data that disproves those facts go right ahead. Otherwise, without facts, your ad hominems simply reduce your credibility.

    Say what again? Don't try to gaslight by trying to change the subject mid-discussion. This is what you wrote:


    2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.

    Looks distinctly different from what you are trying to assert now.



    It looks clearly stated to me. It looks like a clear statement that that vaccinated people do not get COVID-19.

    Are you now back pedalling from that statement or are you standing by it? If you are standing by it, then you'll need to begin by presenting your case.

    From here, it seems a statement based on crass ignorance.

  10. 2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    All you are saying here is that you stand by your factually incorrect assertion that vaccinated people will get covid.

    I know that we should expect this kind of statement from you, given your username....but with this, you are really taking the biscuit. 


    Best you stop. Go to take a shower/swim and cool down. You are really writing some special nonsense.


    Was just chatting with an acquaintance yesterday, fully vaccinated with two(maybe three shots)...she has the Omicron variant, as has her friend who gave it to her.



    • Like 2
  11. 28 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

    comments blocked but quite a few reactions on their page



    Oooooo...plastic furniture to go with the up to 4000 baht 28sq. m. room. What a bargain!


    With hindsight, they probably would have left it alone.

    Now they have planted their name firmly in the mud. Perhaps people will go to see what all the fuss is about....at a big discount. 1,500 baht seems about right for a 28sq. m room and plastic pool furniture.


    They seem to agree; but just the price up for certain times.







    They might need to keep it at the lower price to attract people back ???? 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 20 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    I don't know the owner personally but I'm pretty sure I know who he is. He was coming out of his house on motorbike when I was coming past on mine.... The dog instinctively charged me and bit. The owner saw / heard it but carried on going....


    To be honest I'm not sure I have much chance of getting him to pay for anything? I'd probably have to go through the police.


    It's not just about him paying for anything; but to confirm that his dog does not have Rabies. If it doesn't then you don't need the Rabies shots nor Immoglobulin.

    So best to talk with him in the first instance. Once he knows that you aren't just after money, he will likely be a lot more cooperative.

    You might need to take someone as a witness and to translate.


    Usually it's at least three shots on the first day. Tetanus and Rabies in the arms and Immoglobulin directly into the wound.

    So if you want to avoid all of that; talk to the owner. Then it's just Tetanus(three shots over six months) and wound cleaning.

  13. 17 minutes ago, BestB said:

    This story stinks of bs from start to finish.


    1. She questioned if travel site revealed her identity to a hotel

    Is she a complete idiot? of course hotel knows who left a review and for which reservation.

    Did she think it was ok to write bad review if hotel did not know? if she knew hotel would know she would not have written it?

    2. Review has been removed and she does not know by whom, and questioning if hotel had it removed

    Once again, is she an idiot? who else would be able to remove it?

    In addition reviews are never removed on request of hotel, but removed because it breaches some guidelines or hotel can prove review is not honest


    Seeing as review was removed, i am certain hotel had proof her review was dishonest


    3. Hotel made very high demands, seriously very very high demands, which suggests her review was an outright lie and hotel has the proof to show it, fact that site also removed it, also indicates same 


    Do you think the 28 sq. m. room is worth 3000 baht per night. 

    The lawyer stated that his client did not remove the review. Even if she did, does that mean she is guilty of lying or just afraid?

    Is it a lie to opine that it is expensive?

    Do you think the room did look exactly like the picture? ????

    • Like 1
  14. Cannot make head not tail of what she was writing anyway ????



    6 ราคาแพงไป
    ตอนที่ไปพักห้องไม่ดูใหม่เหมือนกับที่องภาพ โทรศัพท์ก็ตัดต่อลงไปไม่ได้ ต้องเต้นลงไป
    Deluxe Room
    Khao Yai
    เอง ไม่สะอาด หนักงานกลางฝันก็ไม่ต่อยช่วยละไร แต่ก็มีหนักงานบางคนที่ต้อนรับคัดอน
    เซ็ตอันก่อนเปลี่ยนกะ เพราะไปถึงศึก ทีวีไม่ตัด ห้องไม่เก็บเสียง ดนเต็นานก็ได้ยินแล้ว
    ห้องไม่ต้อยเท่าไร ดีที่เห็นเขา ต้นไม่สีเขียวๆ แต่ไม่โปรงเหมือนลาลาบัส หรือ หอสตาน่า
    ห้องอาหารเด็กมาก คนไปหลายๆคนเป็ยคกัน ต้องมองหาที่จัแจลง รองนดนว่าง
    ถึงได้นัง รสชาติอาหารเช่าพอได้ อาหารมีให้เล็อกน้อย ทาเลโกส์ทางชั้นอุทยานมาก
    จริง ๆ แต่ว่าก็อยู่ล็กมาก อยู่ในหมู่บ้านคน ไปถึงตอนมีด หาทางเข้าสาบากมาก ราคาแพงดำ
    เห็ยมกับคุณภาพจริง ราคาพอๆ กับหัพักที่มีเช็อแต่เช่าไปแล้วเหมือนอพาร์ตเมนต์มากกว่า
    ทุกวันนี้พอจะไปเขาใหญ่ สามีจะแชวเรืองหัพักน็ตลอดเลย อยากไม่ปรับเรืองราคาและ
    มาตรฐานให้ดูสมก็บราคาค่ะ มีโอกาสจะกลับไปจักระดะ
    รีวิวเมื่อ ธันวาคม 19, 2564


    6 expensive to
    When a room does not look like the picture phone was editing down to not have to dance down to
    Deluxe Room
    Khao Yai
    Personally do not clean the hard work the middle of a dream, it does not sting the help and profit, but it has a heavy task, some welcome the screening.
    Set before a shift change, because to battle the TV does not cut rooms. full longer heard.
    Room no. how good to see him early, not green, but not Pro like Lala bus or tower.
    Restaurant very young people, to many people, as we need to look for. Jae down Vice the empty
    To bitch the taste food, rent, enough food to our little town, house floor Park a lot
    Really, but it is very small in the village, people go to when the knife find the entrance. bak, very expensive black
    See with high quality real price as the room stay with a check, but rent the apartment over
    Today I'm going to Khao Yai husband is dimmable calendula room hotel Internet all the time. don't adjust price bearing and
    Standard view. it is the price. will definitely go back to unknown buyers sellers
    Reviews on December 19, 2564


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