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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

    @Jen65 I do apologise for what this thread has turned into. I guess it would be best to first write down what would suit you the most, for the usage you require. I did jump the gun in believing you are asking about fixed internet point as TOT aren't particularly famous for their mobile offerings (although I used to have it 10 years back through their tie-up with Samart iMobile 3Gx), so it would be strange for only TOT and AIS having a mobile signal there, given DTAC and True have many cellular towers all over Jomtien (according to their maps, at least).


    Different users have different needs and for some, even your condo internet could be sufficient. I am rather impatient with my computers and phones getting ever larger updates (recent Windows + Office update just shy of 10 GB, MacOS updates not far behind), and working from home for 2 years, I need a reliable and fast connection, and honestly had no choice as basically no cellular service has more than 2 lines of signal up here.


    You might not need any of that and mobile option could work for you.


    Like every over-the-air connectivity, your speed would depend on distance from tower, height from tower (generally they point downwards towards the street so more than 5-10 floors above tower you might have little or no signal), weather conditions (signal drops in heavy rain), number of other users around the tower and what they are doing.


    But you are saying you already have an AIS mobile phone. In such case it is very easy for you to test whether that is sufficient - simply turn your phone into a hotspot (usually under Settings / Wifi sharing or Additional Connections - Share internet or alike) then connect other devices to your phone and see if that's sufficient. You can get 39 baht on-top internet package for 5 GB I think, which should be enough for testing if you currently have no data allowance.


    All the best with whatever you choose, and happy surfing.


    Actually what TOT(now NT) offer is Home Internet supplied via SIM, rather than a mobile service. There is no option for 3G, for instance. LTE Band 40 only. Interestingly, DTAC use the same. Probably a sharing of infrastructure agreement. But only on Band 40.

    For as little as 999 baht per annum you get unlimited data at up to 100 Mbps. Yes, that is just over 80 baht per month. Though to get the top speed, you may likely have to have the option for Carrier Aggregation on Band 40 on your device.


    You can see that it was easy for us to imagine the OP meant one thing or the other.

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  2. 1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

    That's what I thought TOT/AIS referenced - only 2 service providers available in building. But, apparently that's not the case, so I'll sign off this topic and let it be.


    Given the day - Happy New Year!

    The thread is good. The OP was not clear to us; but in the end it was good for the OP, as they possibly learned more about both options. 


    Maybe your comment about speeds from 2010 irked me slightly; but...it's the Internet ???? we have a bit of banter and we move on. Everyone is trying to help and that is what is great.

    Stay healthy and happy ????

    • Thanks 2
  3. On 12/30/2021 at 7:23 AM, tomazbodner said:

    Cable is still more reliable and isn't metered. Especially if you live on a high floor, cellular signal may be low or non-existent. I need to use all my phones on Wifi Calling, as there's barely any 4G signal, and basically no 5G signal up here. Things could be different in Jomtien, though.


    Mobile Internet too is unlimited. What's with all of the misdirection today?


    I am on a high floor and get a good signal from AIS. Currently using a 20 Mbps pack. No contracts and I can take it with me where ever I go.


    Though as I stated earlier, if it's just a miscommunication and the OP is interested in having something installed, as opposed to just going out and obtaining a SIM(and perhaps router) then all info is welcome. But be transparent about the costs.

  4. 1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

    That's expensive for speeds from 2010...


    ais banner images

    Also states that is for AIS Postpaid customers.... Otherwise 599 + VAT


    Something else you don't mention is:

    1. The customer get discount for installation fee with outdoor wiring installation amount of 4,800 Baht when agree to use AIS Fibre service continuously at least 24 bill cycles since the date of the installation. In case that the customer cancels the service within 24 bill cycles from the date of installation, the company reserves the right to collect the installation fee with outdoor wiring installation at the rate based on prorate basic of remaining bills under such period after deduct from paid bills.
    2. If the customer choose to pay for the installation fee with outdoor wiring installation in amount of 4,800 Baht since the first bill cycle will not determine the period of AIS Fibre service.


    The 4800 baht installation fee that you have to pay back(at least partially) if you don't stay with them for at least two years.



    1. The entry fee is now only 800 Baht from the regular fee of 2,000 Baht. Special offer: The entry fee is waived for customers whose names appear as the householder in the house registration, or who has proof as the owner of the residence.
    2. The customer who pays the 800 Baht admission fee is entitled to a 100 Baht discount on the monthly service fee for a period of eight billing cycles. However, in case of temporary service suspension, the discount will be cancelled.


    What? More fees? ????



  5. 43 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    Please explain what "my own internet wifi" means to you?


    To me it is my own connection, with a router that gives me my own Wifi network inside my place. It could receive signal from cable (ADSL/VDSL/Fiber) or from 4G/5G cellular network, bunch of satellites, or provider's Wifi tower.


    I believed that OP's main concern was reliability and speed of what the condo offers. Cheap 1.xxx baht per year mobile SIMs of maximum 4/10 Mbps might give her no better experience than she has now.

    Clearly you do have issues; since 15 & 20 Mbps packs were mentioned and you even quoted my post containing that info. But somehow your brain has lost it's sense of recall and you are referring to 4 & 10 Mbps.


    On 12/30/2021 at 5:47 AM, Jen65 said:

    Pity the Condo will not install fibre optic cable as that seems to be the way forward nowadays


    Perhaps I misunderstood this statement as not allowing them to install Fibre, as opposed to using Fibre as a base for the in-house condo WiFi.


    Of course if the OP is happy to have a land based connection and is happy to go along with the conditions attached, that too can be discussed.


    But here, at least for the moment, we are writing about SIM supplied Internet access. 

    If the OP expresses an interest in getting a land based option installed, then best to check with her condo office as to what is allowed.


  6. On 12/31/2021 at 2:33 AM, Jen65 said:

    thank you, that's all very good info .


    Though not all accurate. 

    He is labouring under the impression that we are discussing land based/Fibre connections.

    That's what happens when you don't pay attention to the OP and just start writing. ????

  7. Just now, tomazbodner said:

    That's expensive for speeds from 2010...


    ais banner images


    Is there something wrong with you? This is a thread concerned MOBILE Internet. Why you are posting a pic linked to land based Internet access is known only to yourself. For unlimited mobile Internet access; it is cheap.

    • Like 2
  8. If you can only achieve, say, 15 Mbps; then there is no point in subscribing to the 20 Mbps pack. Saving yourself from paying the extra 100 baht per month.


    I already asked what phone you are utilising. Don't make me ask you again.:)

    • Haha 1
  9. On 12/30/2021 at 5:47 AM, Jen65 said:

    My Condo wifi internet is useless as there is one router each floor and management pays peanuts anyway so am looking for my own internet wifi ( on Jomtien Beach) .

    I have found that AIS and TOT have this available but looking for some feedback / suggestions before taking the plunge .   Pity the Condo will not install fibre optic cable as that seems to be the way forward nowadays .

    TOT service is not guaranteed above the 5th floor and your equipment would need to be able to see Band 40 LTE. 


    All networks are currently trying to kill each other with unlimited 15 & 20 Mbps packages for 200 & 300 baht per month respectively.

    But first you need to run tests in your apartment for as to which provider has the best reception and speeds.

    Best way is to get down to Central Festival and to obtain one from each network(50 baht each) and then go home to check the speeds and reception in your apartment.

    Once you have settled on the best, you can apply the unlimited pack to it or purchase a cheaper annual option from the same network.

    Which phone do you hold currently?


    Often AIS is the best, but in my Jomtien apartment; DTAC was the best. The only way to be sure, is to test.


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  10. 11 hours ago, Isaanlife said:

    My quality of life is very good. But it's not about the money. It's the fact that I don't need to work at all or stress about anything


    People that contradict themselves are not telling the truth. Just like you.


    It's not about the money and the fact you don't work? Those are your words!


    Do you think life is free? Quality of Life is Free?


    Of course it is about the money because it if wasn't, you would be working your <deleted> off like the other 99% around the world trying to buy food and basic necessities.


    Quality of life comes with a price. Being able to AFFORD food and basic necessities. That takes MONEY!


    What's the difference between the way you live and the people's house show below with no furniture, appliances or running water?


    MONEY! Which they have none or no means to make any.


    As it happens, I do live in a ocean front penthouse....or near enough.


    You just finished saying IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY


    What exactly did you use to pay for your ocean front penthouse?????????


    You contradictions of your own words are evidence you are not telling the truth.


    Perhaps you should pre-read your long posts to make sure your story lines up?






    As the thread Troll; you are really having to work overtime.


    Allow me to remind you....


    Your post is senseless and suggests you must be lower income?


    There's no affordable child care in America. POVERTY.

    Complete BS, it all depends where you live. There are more lower income areas in America than higher income areas.


    And there's lots of homeless people in America.  POVERTY.

    There is a lot of homeless people all over the world and in Thailand as well; so what?


    Healthcare is a privilege in America, not a right.  POVERTY

    You obviously have no clue how healthcare works in America. Why don't you explain how much insurance you have in Thailand and how much that costs you, with a policy we can verify your statement?


    In America, I've ordered food using UberEATS and had to pay a $10 fee, plus I give a $10 tip on top.  Then the drivers sometimes show up in a BMW or Tesla.  POVERTY.


    Why not just pick up the food yourself? Too poor for your own car? If the driver is working and earning a living, what concern is it of yours what kind of car they are driving? You support the service and the outrageous tip for them to buy the car.


    It sounds like you are bitter and moved to Thailand because you couldn't afford to live in your own country, probably no advanced education and are jealous of people that work and have a better car or earn more than you?


    Quality of life is better in Thailand


    Do you live in an ocean front mansion in Thailand? I didn't think so.


     Do you live in a Penthouse Condo in downtown Bangkok? I didn't think so.


    Do you think your quality of life is better than all the rich people have it around the entire world? Of course not.


    There a millions of people around the world in every country that have a quality of life you will NEVER EVER reach. Fact!


    You have a better quality of life in Thailand because it is all you can afford. 


    Instead of being so bitter, accept the truth. 


    Anyone with one ounce of common sense would read right through your post.


    Quality of life is ALL dependent upon money.


    Millionaires have a hell of lot better quality of life than you will ever have; no matter there they live.


    You certainly didn't end up in Thailand because your rich, but understand one thing? Whether Thailand or not, rich people will always have a better quality life than you.


    Maybe you need to open your eyes to all the expensive cars, houses, beach properties, penthouse suites, etc. in Thailand and compare your quality of life to those folks?


    Are you jetting off to Aspen this winter? Monte Carlo? Beverly Hills?


    I didn't think so. Your definition of quality of life is ONLY what you can afford.


    PS. There are a ton of rich Thai families in the USA. Lots of Thai families with their own businesses, driving a Benz, own their own large properties, have their kids in US Colleges. Better quality of life in the US than you can afford in your country.


    Try looking in the mirror before being so bitter.


    People reap what they sow from their education and hard work ethic.


    If you could afford the USA, you would have a better quality of life



    That is not even all of the nonsense that you posted. Embarrassed yet?


    Everything you wrote was elitist nonsense. That people with more money automatically had a better quality of life that people with less money.


    I made it clear that I spent LESS MONEY than possibly all of my wealthy friends; but almost certainly have a better quality of life.


    You tried to align holidaying in Aspen/Beverly Hills/Monaco as if it had some relation to quality of life. That was really another wrong turn for you and now you have egg on your face.



    To conclude, I will leave you with two things. One an adage: 



    Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    Or you will also be like him.
    Answer a fool as his folly deserves,
    That he not be wise in his own eyes.



    The other, an allegory: 



    An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.  Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna.  The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

    The Mexican replied, “only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, “but what do you do with the rest of your time?”

    The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos.  I have a full and busy life.” The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise.”

    The Mexican fisherman asked, “But, how long will this all take?”

    To which the American replied, “15 – 20 years.”

    “But what then?” Asked the Mexican.

    The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part.  When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!”

    “Millions – then what?”

    The American said, “Then you would retire.  Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”



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  11. 23 hours ago, plus7 said:



    I was trying to book a hotel for a quarantine stay. Contacted one from the list of approved, they said write an inquiry to hotel's email.

    I sent the inquiry, they replied with the pricing. I agreed. They sent bank account number (private) for the payment. After I made the payment they unexpectedly asked for 25,000 as "security deposit".

    This was suspicious and I called the hotel again. Hotel said they had a security breach and I actually made the payment to hackers.

    All the communication and the payment request was done from company's email address.


    The hotel refused to provide the room and refuse to return money.


    At the same day I reported the case to police, but would like to get money back from the hotel. Technical information (SMTP headers) from the emails is identical in legal and in hacked emails.

    I hope there is a small case court in Thailand to resolve this easily.


    Banks don't help, send me to police.


    What do you think, is there a way to get money back ?




    Closes in twenty minutes.

    • Like 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I tried it again with another site and it done the same thing. Stopped at 67%. Don't understand about seeders, that's where it gets complicated for me.

    You could have named the series in your very first post and likely saved yourself and everyone else visiting your thread unnecessary pain.

  13. 8 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

    I appreciate the information here. I'm going to need extensive dental work and predict it will take some time to complete. Weeks or months I don't know. I have a small concern about starting the procedure and then having my dentist possibly closed down if another wave of Covid comes through part way through the program. I'm not predicting another wave of Covid, but wonder if it's better to wait until C-19 is well behind us. Any thoughts?  

    Get it started; don't worry. The sooner it's begun, the sooner you can improve the quality of your life. Don't wait.

    Plus if you go private; there will be some flexibility whether things are ordered officially closed or not. The reality is that no one will accept that again. 

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  14. 16 hours ago, Bohemianfish said:

    Implants can be delicate. They should make sure you have enough bone to put in an implant. They may have to build it up before an implant can take hold. And it can be tricky with the angle they have to put it in. I got nine done in the states by a dental surgeon. My regular dentist doesn't do that type of work. 

    Indeed that was one of the things that I looked at when doing my research. They had to have the relevant qualifications in maxillofacial surgery. 

    In fact I was operated by my Implantologist in an operating theatre, together with the hospital's top anesthesiologist.

    So we aren't talking about a general dentist.



    • Confused 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    Never a truer word was spoken! I mean physical laziness is one thing but I can't abide mental laziness. My wife has an utter aversion to sit and think through anything for even a minute, when she has nothing better to do apparently than scroll through Facebook for hours investigating other peoples lives. Forget planning, they seem to give every opportunity in life to set them selves up for failure. Have you ever seen 2 Thais organizing to meet somewhere? Meet you near Lotus on big road (the big road is 15km long and has 7 Lotus shops). I miss not having someone to bounce things off or give ideas. 

    I thought it was just my experience ????


    It's not a Thai thing; it's a manic female thing(hides).

    • Like 1
  16. 27 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Do you supply pizzas to the public? Where is your shop?

    If I did, I would not be purchasing 120 gram packs of cold cuts ????


    I just make sure that they make the pizza the way that I like it. Grottino do that for me, so I have pizza there.

    There were others happy to customise; but I haven't got around to them.

  17. 6 minutes ago, tgw said:

    lol - kind of defeats the intent of forum recommendations


    value is not about cheap. but I don't need to explain that to you.


    wanted: good pizza that makes one full with a honest price based on what the pizza actually costs to make, not based on the perception of how fat the customers' wallets are.


    of course, places that are specialized in making pizza to order will have a price advantage.

    A lot of words for nothing.

    Value to you and I are likely not the same.


    Just a 120 gram pack of cold cuts(Proscuitto crudo, coppa, napoli salami) in Big C cost 420 baht. Enough for two pizza for me. Marinated artichokes, marinated mixed mushrooms...You either buy them or make them yourself. How much of a cost to put on that?


    So please; I don't know your standard. You live in Jomtien, go to take a look for yourself.

    Don't try to lecture me about the intent of discussion forums.

    If you don't care about quality, then eat...lesser quality.


  18. 4 minutes ago, tgw said:

    what about value and size ?

    They have menus, take a look for yourself.

    I don't talk about value and size when it comes to pizza in Thailand.

    Think about the ingredients. Sour dough for the base if they are any good. If you want genuine ingredients, you know they are very expensive in Thailand. If you want cheap cr@p on your pizza, then you can save some money.

    So better you talk to them or take a look for yourself. If you care about the quality of your food; talk to the chef.


  19. On 12/22/2021 at 7:53 AM, tgw said:

    I'd love to know a good pizza place from where to order around Jomtien, where size, taste and value are just right.


    I tried Frankie's before, yes, it's good, but lacking a bit in the size and value departments.

    I had several Le Mar's pizzas in the past and I'd say it's good-average all round.

    I ordered a couple of times from the Pizza 2000 place at VT1, it was ok for value and size, the taste was ok but average.

    Also tried Toto's a couple of times (Thappraya near Dongtan, don't know if it's still there), and while size and value were okayish, taste suffered from the use of poor quality cheese and ham


    I tried "Pizza old school" (Kao Talo, Darkside) a couple of times, and it would check all boxes for me, but alas, it's too far away for me to order from.


    The places that come to mind: La Bocca; Stefano and Tommy, the Sicilian chef, should be able to knock up a decent pizza. 

    Gian's; also on Thap Phraya. 

    and Marco's, again on Thap Phraya.


  20. I have some experience with this. I did a fair bit of research in Bangkok before making my decision. Research included checking the qualifications and experience of the Implantologists. I actually called to speak with them personally. I don't mess around ;)


    So apart from the relatively high cost in Bangkok; especially if you want to avoid the roving Implantologist nonsense, only one person managed to convince me; a practitioner at Phyathai hospital in Sri Racha; Dr. Paweenwan Suwangatte. This after even sitting in the chair and being examined at the Bangkok Dental Hospital. I think they quoted me 65k at the time.

    I think the roving Implantologist thing in Bangkok is the main thing that put me off them.

    The small clinics that I looked at did not even have a 3D X-Ray device. So you had to go to a hospital to get an X-Ray to have it ready for the same roving Implantologists. No thank you.

    I chose a hospital with a dedicated Implantologist. Up to date, I have had at least eleven years of experience with the same Implantologist; so I can wholeheartedly recommend her.

    Has recently moved to private practice; replete with a 3D X-Ray device :) Now in Bang Saen.

    I recommend you make an appointment. You will find the experience quite different from the Bangkok style nickel and diming.

    Expect prices from 45k. Though I would recommend paying a little more for a solid ceramic crown.






    • Thanks 1
  21. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    You're equating not helping with doom and gloom, which is completely false.

    My actions are generally neutral, I neither help or harm, but mind my own business.


    Except for the two Thai girls I put through high school, then put through university.


    Nope; I just mentioned my general character. You assumed perhaps that I was referring to you. I wasn't.

    In fact I clearly suggested that you likely are caring/helpful; but you just choose to not get involved in everything.

    I can't say that I've seen any doom and gloom posts from yourself. I would say that you are somewhat pragmatic.


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