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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. A couple of my efforts, after trying the relatively poor examples in Pattaya.




    Beef Goa style if I remember correctly. Brought the lime pickle(seen on the left) with me. From Sainsburys.


    Rice is possibly Brown Basmati bought locally, together with Indian spices bought locally.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    Any chance you could pick up a few things whilst there, then post them when you get back to Thailand? Would cover your costs plus the price of a few beers?









    Scotch Bonnet?


    If it's a Naga curry, it should have Naga chilli peppers.




    Scotch bonnet only if Naga not available. Sometimes can be found in ASDA.


    I put them into my wet herb/spice mixes.

    Coriander, garlic cloves, Naga pepper. Finely chopped. Stored in extra virgin olive oil and sea salt.

    Basil used in an alternative mix.


    Those two are always on standby.


  3. 4 hours ago, stouricks said:

    Sorry, I was not boasting. I did mention Invade, NUC & RAM on my post, assuming the OP could go there if he wanted. 

    OK, it's not an i5 or i7, but it does the job very well.




    You stated the price of the wireless mouse, whilst completely omitting the cost of the RAM and SSD. You wrote "next to nothing". Whereas the average price would be another 1300 baht.

    So you are up to 5800 baht plus the wireless mouse. So perhaps double the cost of my suggestion.


    Your post was deliberately misleading. Why? To make your suggestion look better than mine?

    Worse still, you attach some silly emoticon to my suggestion, whilst being deliberately misleading to all on yours.

  4. Just now, Beggar said:

    But you talked even about SATA 1. And as SSD expert you know everything about operating systems supporting SSDs, interfaces supporting SSDs, about driver versions supporting SSDs, garbage collection, TRIM commands, wear & tear and much more. Let's cut a long story short - you win... 



    I mentioned SATA I, stating that you will even see a performance benefit with SSD on SATA I.

    I didn't suggest purchase of a SATA I device. I stated clearly Optiplex 780 or newer.


    SSD expert? Have you taken leave of your senses? What has that to do with the topic?


    Why would you even post any of that??


    Yes I know all about SSD design, but what has that to do with anything?


    Win? It is telling that you consider it a competition where someone has to win.


    I am simply suggesting the best option within a fixed budget. 3000 baht gets you an SSD etc.


    In fact I mention that I also have an Optiplex 780 with an inexpensive SSD and graphics card. It is a pleasure to use.


    Whereas you came up with some completely made up theories that had no bearing in reality nor the subject in hand.




    Let's just draw a line under it. Hopefully no harm done.







  5. 45 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

    OP, how much memory does your PC have?



    A very important part when talking about an older, but functioning PC, the DDR 2, or DDR3 memory. 


    He doesn't have the PC yet.


    Are people just posting anything, without aforethought?

  6. 54 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    If he buys an old computer it might even have only IDE. My computer has RAID 0 with 3 conventional disks and 450 MB/s and this with very many TB - in total I have more than 10 TB. Do the same with SDDs...


    He needs the computer as media center and then he needs space and not speed. Sure if he had SATA 3 then the boot will be much shorter with an SDD. I have a notebook with SSD too. I know this. But I have no problem to wait 20 seconds longer... I don't boot that often. And the Media Player will start faster but we are talking here about seconds. But after this the SSD will not bring any benefit for him. And by the way - I started to use computers when they still had punch cards and worked with them every single day until now and many years at one of the biggest software companies in the world. I started to work with computers with 16.



    Please...we are discussing Optiplex 780 or newer. So SATA II onwards.


    You comments about 20 seconds and no benefit to him are just absolute fiction!

    It is clear on the video shown that the Boot up times differ than a lot more than 20 seconds.

    Loading of applications and files are a lot faster too, as shown.


    IOPS are also much improved, so to suggest that there will be no benefit other than what you suggest is frankly, talking out of your posterior.


    Really no need to complicate the thread with unnecessary comment. We don't need to know about your system, as it has nothing in common with the OP's intentions.

    We already heard earlier about someone who worked for a software company and it was also clear that he knew absolutely nothing about PCs.



    He wants a cheap and effective solution. I suggested a budget of 3000 baht for a decent entertainment centre. That covers a solid PC with extra in the budget for the SSD, space for the two extra HDD and also a graphics card if necessary.


    Waste of time and energy arguing about whether he should include an SSD as the Windows drive. There are only benefits in doing so.

    So why waste everyone's time creating artificial barriers to something that is wholly beneficial.

    Are you worried about him spending the 500 baht?




  7. 1 hour ago, stouricks said:

    Got one from Invade for Bht 4500 with 4 GB RAM, 128 SSD next to nothing, wireless k/b & mouse Bht 300. Windows 10 Pro key from ebay or whatever 


    Then you have a full working W10 PC. Much better than an Android box, which really is only a phone.


    And you can put all your media, vids & music onto One Drive and access them from anywhere in the World.



    Why didn't you post a link, instead of just appearing to boast?


    This is what I found there for the 4,500 baht that you claim to have paid; https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/barebone-pcs/intel/nuc-celeron-j4005-intel-hd-600-ddr4-2xhdmi-boxnuc7cjyh1-p040011/


    Comes with a very poor CPU, no RAM and no storage, HDD nor SSD.


    So perhaps a link for the OP of what you are recommending might be useful.

  8. 52 minutes ago, stouricks said:

    Got one from Invade for Bht 4500 with 4 GB RAM, 128 SSD next to nothing, wireless k/b & mouse Bht 300. Windows 10 Pro key from ebay or whatever 


    Then you have a full working W10 PC. Much better than an Android box, which really is only a phone.


    And you can put all your media, vids & music onto One Drive and access them from anywhere in the World.


    Any reason why you placed a silly emoticon next to my post, with no clarification?

  9. 2 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Didn't you read my post? Lazada


    There is even a link to it in post #3, but instead of being helpful, someone decided to Troll by scaremongering, instead of simply hovering over the link to check that it was from a legitimate source.

  10. 2 hours ago, mrjohn said:

    The old PC has a working 500Gb HDD which I would add to expand storage, hence the question.

    Is the existing graphics card likely to be adequate for watching video?


    Is there anything else I might need to do to make it serviceable?


    Depends on the quality/resolution of the video. I have a Full HD TV(1080p), so all of my downloaded and streamed content is in Full HD.

    If your sources are of a lower quality, the existing specification may be adequate. You'll know when you try it.

    But if you've ever utilised a solid state drive on any of your PC, you won't want to go back to using a PC without a solid state drive.

    It more effective than adding RAM in this case. Though if you can find a PC with 4GB of RAM on-board, that will be enough, especially with an SSD as the Windows drive.


    For me, since I am outputting to a Full HD screen and monitor, I prefer a graphics card with an HDMI output.


    Here is an example of a cheap and cheerful graphics card; https://shopee.co.th/Gigabyte-Nvidia-GT210-1GB-DDR3-i.20714596.2282215808


    Lots of low end SSD for around 500 baht;












  11. 2 hours ago, Beggar said:

    "I only used it for watching TV programmes downloaded on my main PC." 


    Don't waste your money for on an SDD as recommended here. Old PC don't support with their old interfaces the transfer speeds anyway. And for storing and watching downloaded movies a conventional HD with a lot of storage space might be a better option alone because of the much cheaper storage space. 


    If you don't know, it's better to not post as if you do. You are completely wrong. It's not all about maxxing out the connection on SATA III. You'll see big improvements with SATA II and even SATA I.

    In case you feel the need to argue, watch the video;



    Device from 2008.


    Apart from your entirely incorrect assertion, my suggestion is for SSD as the Boot drive, the other two HDD(one supplied and the other already owned) for storage.


    Having the device boot up in seconds, together with applications and everything running snappily on relatively old equipment, is worth the 500 baht outlay.

    No need to use the other PC to download anything and then transfer it. Everything can be done on this new second-hand PC, fitted with an SSD as a Boot Drive.


    All possible within the 3000 baht that I mentioned, including an inexpensive graphics card.

    So an entertainment centre in it's own right.

    • Like 2
  12. The Optiplex 760 & 960 is somewhere in between the two. You will find examples of those from the same seller(both on Lazada and direct, from 1299/1699 baht.


    Optiplex 980(early 2010)(released just after the 780(late 2009) for say 2000 baht, https://www.thailandallit.com/product/2174/dell-optiplex-980-2


    Even SFF can take an extra HDD and a low profile graphics card.


    You could spend a bit more for a newer 7010(mid 2012); https://www.thailandallit.com/product/2926/dell-optiplex-7010-desktop-2


    So a fair bit of choice. 

    Whatever you do, fit an SSD as the boot drive. Cost from 500 baht.

  13. 5 minutes ago, mrjohn said:


    There was a guy in our town who I would have trusted to do such a job but he's closed down due to lack of demand.


    My thoughts entirely. Is there much chance to upgrade these machines. Could you add another hard drive for example. Just found this one which looks like a bargain.



    The 755 is a couple of years older than the 780. I wouldn't go for anything older than a 780.


    Yes, they are eminently upgrade-able. As business machines, they are designed that way. So just seconds to remove the side panel to attach extra drives. I added an SSD to supplement the existing HDD within.

    I had an HD4350 graphics card from an older PC, so I attached that too.

    Now in use as an entertainment centre, as it plays downloaded and streamed 1080p media smoothly with that combo.

    • Like 1
  14. 31 minutes ago, dreaming said:

    Thanks Mate.


    If i do it in 7-11 is there some extra fee on top of the 160.5 baht.


    I am a bit of a newbie at this. If I top up say 200 baht and then put the code in - is that all I need to do


    No extra fee.



    Bear in mind that if you obtain a new SIM, you will be eligible for unlimited data at 4 Mbps or 10 Mbps, for 150 or 200 baht per month. If you want unlimited calls to any network, you can add that for 50 baht.


    They might be able to apply it to an existing SIM, but I wouldn't bank on that.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    Bhumjaithai party-list MP Mrs. Natee Ratchakitprakarn was today handed a one-month prison sentence, suspended for one year, and fined 4,000 baht by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Offices after she was found guilty of failing to fully declare her assets, as legally required.

    Her conviction also means that she loses her status as an MP and she is banished from politics for five years. 


    The Minister of Tourism and Sports, Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, is the wealthiest member of cabinet with a net worth of over five billion baht, according to the National Anti-Corruption Commission's (NACC) latest disclosures.


     2+2 =?


    Apparently the money came from investments by her husband Phiphat.


    One such; http://www.ptgenergy.co.th/en/about-board.php


    Guess who is the second richest? 


    Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul



    • Like 1
  16. 100% the figures are under-reported. Many people will have mild symptoms and think they just have a cold or mild flu. Maybe up to 20% will have symptoms worrying enough to go to a doctor or hospital.

    So 80% of cases may not be known by the authorities at all. 

    Then of course some people simply won't report even if they have more severe symptoms, for reasons of their own.

    When I entered the country, everyone had to place their fingers on the bio-metric scanner, with no method of sanitisation.

    So almost certainly infection was spread that way. It would be a huge case of good luck if that didn't happen. 

    So the country is hoping to survive on good luck, rather than good practice. At times like this you see quite how poorly the brains work here. Geared more to maximising the amount of money they can put into their pockets and how much they can trick the people into adoring them.


    • Thanks 1
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