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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    it's like we live on different planets.

    I was in Thailand. I don't know where you were


    Why would you choose such women...or allow them to choose you?

    Oh, for good or otherwise I did the choosing. I never got drunk enough for them to choose me.


    no one has threatened to leave or left because I don't give it. 

    I don't believe BGs will stay with anyone if the money stops, and that is who the discussion is about. If you have a Thai GF that pays their own way you must be incredibly hansum or they may be in it for the long con, IMO.


    Pooling resources for a better quality of life is the only suggestion I have received for when it comes to money.

    I wasn't with them for a better quality of their life, though I probably paid for a lot of sick buffaloes to be cured.


    I liked Thai BGs. They were often very pleasant company and never said no. All of the ones I took out were reasonably attractive, and were not high maintenance.

    If they became stroppy or caused problems they were out, unlike wives that are usually difficult to get rid of without serious financial inconvenience.



    I too in Thailand. But even when in Thailand, I wouldn't choose Thai girls. Plenty of other nationalities from which to choose.

    Don't understand your second reply.

    Didn't realise we were taking about BGs, BritMan stated ALL WOMEN. But yes I had a Thai girlfriend and I never gave her even a single baht. She got herself a job, but as her salary was relatively low, I would take care of the more expensive meals. The apartment was mine anyway, so no extra costs in having here stay. She kept her apartment. 

    But whilst she and everyone else claimed that she loved me, she was bat poo crazy and I was happy to get away. 

    If she was in for the long con, it didn't happen.


    My quality of life on my own is fine. But the suggestion was to pool resources for an even better quality of life together, if that were possible. But never even a suggestion to give them money.


    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Because we're in our 60s and 70s and these young women in their 20s and 30s are a lot of fun in bed.

    We may be living on different planets, but our planet isn't 'planet stupid'.

    You sound like a prude that's never had sex with 'wild women'.


    Have you always been in your 60s and 70s??!! You didn't state that because you are in your 60s & 70s, all women will rip you, and abuse you, if you give them the chance, that's just the way they are...because it is a purely financial relationship.


    I don't know why you would feel the need to comment on my sex life because of your need to pay women to commune with you.

    I have an amazing time with my current girlfriend. She is twenty years younger(though I'm considerably younger than you), has her own job and doesn't expect me to pay for anything.

    Sorry mate, but don't imagine that yours is the best and only way.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agree 100%. If they already have as much as they are going to get why would they try?

    Only give them enough to keep them keen.

    THEY look on US as a financial proposition- none of the ones I went out with had a romantic gene- so we need to look on a relationship with a Thai in the same way. Reward good behaviour and penalise bad. Be ready to walk away if/ when it goes bad.


    I really wish I'd read the Divorce sub forum on TVF before I married in LOS. Village wedding only.


    So sad. Reading of these experiences it's like we live on different planets.

    Why would you choose such women...or allow them to choose you? 

    Sounds like hell.

    Pooling resources for a better quality of life is the only suggestion I have received for when it comes to money. No one has ever suggested that I just give it to them and no one has threatened to leave or left because I don't give it. 

    Such an unfortunate perspective I see here.


  4. 23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Agreed with the rest .........

    But would totally disagree with this part, all a guy really needs to do out here is control his budget.

    All women will rip you, and abuse you, if you give them the chance, that's just the way they are.

    Never commit large sums of your money to someone else.

    Good one or bad one, it doesn't matter if she can't get your money.

    The bad ones are generally way more fun.


    Seriously my friend, you are totally off the mark with this one.

    But I'm guessing that it is ingrained in you and my perspective won't change it.


    Yes there are golddiggers out there, but it is easy to avoid them. 

    My rule, from since I was a teenager, is if a woman doesn't bring out her purse by the third date, she is gone. 

    She doesn't have to pay, but she has to genuinely want to pay. We don't live in Victorian times in the west. Women work now and have their own salaries, so there is absolutely no reason why men should pay for everything.

    If a woman genuinely cares about you, she won't let you do it anyway. The ones who let you do it will be basking in their own glory and you will create a millstone around your neck in doing so.


    None of my girlfriends, even the single Thai one, ever asked me for money and I've not ever given it. 

    Any relationship that is based on money, is not based in love.


    My partners stick with me because that is what they want, not because I give them money.

    I cannot imagine handing over cash to get someone to stay with me.


    Maybe you never had the self-belief to challenge your erroneous perceptions and so began and continued your relationships in a damaging manner.


    I never created expectations that I could not fulfil or that would create negative stress for me ongoing.


    Even when one of my girlfriend created a huge amount of debt for herself, I didn't give her a penny, but helped her to budget and control her spending. Now she has no debt, a nice little nest egg and her own place.


    It takes all sorts to make the world go around. So if you are the type that likes the woman to be at home waiting for you and you pay her for the privilege, that's up to you.

    But to state "All women will rip you, and abuse you, if you give them the chance, that's just the way they are." is more indicative of your state of mind, than the reality.


    I've had quite a few girlfriends and none have tried to rip me off. Many have been bat poo crazy, but none have shown even the slightest interest in me spending money on them.

    Yours took advantage because you allowed them to take the reins.








    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Exactly right. And it is also why so many people in uniform abuse their position and make life difficult for people they are there to serve, as the uniform allows them to act 'bigger' than they really are.


    Yeah...seen a few foreign police volunteers hit with this syndrome. One idiot had to be dragged away by his colleagues when they realised that he had lost the plot. 

    Tried telling people to move for no good reason other than he thought he had the authority. 

    • Like 1
  6. They give you what they advertise. Likely 60 GB at whatever speed is available at your location per month No hidden costs. 


    If you want to stick with AIS, you can get unlimited 4 Mbps/10 Mbps for 150/200 baht per month. 


    Truemove H offers a similar package for 1750 baht for the year.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    From memory, yes, I used a microsoft account.  I am not sure why I installed Windows 10 that way, maybe because microsoft prompted me to do so.  


    Yes, the installers does so. You needed to know how to bypass this. If you took advice at the time, you would have avoided many of the things that you are having to tweak now.

    You can still go in to change from a Microsoft account to a local account, as in Windows 7...


  8. On 4/22/2020 at 4:22 AM, villagefarang said:

    I wrote the following recently.


    "There are literally hundreds of topics out there proclaiming and championing the ugliness of the world we live in and filled with hateful combative language.  It is a virtual race to the bottom, to see who can be the most hateful, negative, vindictive and spiteful.  Look at how sad my life is, how mistreated and misunderstood my existence is.  Come one, come all, and celebrate my misery and affliction.


    I have simply chosen to carveout a tiny space where I can share how I look at the world and live my life."


    Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.

  9. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think the answer is relative easy: Because sometime these girls are the first and only females who ever gave them a good time. She smiles at you, she takes care your drink is full, she kisses you and looks at you like your are the sunshine.

    How many guys are treated like that "back home"? As far as I remember basically nobody!

    And then she doesn't tell you every night she has a headache. Instead she does what she has to do for half an hour and then you looks into your eyes and tells you how happy you make her.

    Sounds great to me.

    And I am pretty sure that most guys who lost all their money, having a second chance, would do it again.




    How can you remember how other guys are treated at home??


    My western girlfriends give me massages, foot and full body. Previous, Welsh, gave me head massages and washed my hair at the kitchen table when I came home after work. These girls are out there. Perhaps you were looking in the wrong places.

    I've never given any of my partners money. They earn their own.

    On the other hand, I won't look down on anyone who looks for love wherever he can find it.



    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, Barley said:

    How do you get the 200 TBH deal for unlimited data at 10 Mbps for a new SIM? 


    Also for foreigners? All operators? 


    Go to network provider and request it. You'll pay up to 50 baht for the SIM and 200 baht for the package. They might also still offer an unlimited call package for another 50 baht.


    They are codes available if you prefer to apply them yourself.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    so is it worth changing over then, Charlie?

    Sounds like it is? ????


    Wow....talk about attack the messenger.


    I just try to give the best technical advice possible. 


    But now Charlie H says the same thing, now it's good advice. ????



    • Haha 1

    10 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    blimey, you do love those SSD's dont you? ???? 
    I've been usings PC' since 1989, starting with the Amiga 1000 and never in all that time has a Hard Drive failed on me.

    HDD create a bottleneck in any modern laptop. If you could fit one to your current laptop, you would understand.


    It's like putting tractor tyres on a Mini Cooper. HDD should only be used for large storage.


    No modern laptop should be sold with old and slow mechanical HDD. 


    But if you are a patient man and don't mind your laptop slowing down considerably over time, there is no need to take my advice.

    It wasn't for you anyway, since you have already purchased. It's to avoid people making the same mistake. Why buy a laptop that is not upgradeable, unless it is really cheap.


    Some people aren't keen on change. No shame in that.

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