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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. You can top her phone up at the orange Boontherm machines outside 7-11/Family Mart or within the convenience stores if they have an online service.


    But, unless she needs to keep a particular number, it is cheaper for her to purchase a separate SIM for now. Can go back to her normal SIM once Internet has been reintroduced to her area.

    50 baht for new SIM. 200 baht for unlimited data at 10 Mbps. If she needs unlimited voice calls, another 50 baht.


    Whereas to add a similar data package to an existing SIM would either be impossible or very expensive.

    How long has she kept the same number?

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Tom79 said:

    Why is everyone wearing face masks anyway?? Face mask does <deleted> all. It’s not airborne. You catch it when an infected person touches and object and then you touch it within a few hours and proceed to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. You don’t breathe it in unless someone coughs in your face..but <deleted> anyway since it will be in your eyes. ????‍♂️



  3. 3 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    First, i wanted to use my Macrium backup, but then I've somehow made a mistake by using the 32 version of W 10 Pro.


       The notebook is made for the 64 bit version and to change that I'll have to start from the scratch.


    You are right, putting the old HD in a case would also be okay, but I'd prefer to have all date in the machine without connecting it with old technology.


      The transfer rate would be very slow. If take the DVD drive out and put the old HD in, what kind of adapter do I need?


        Am I right that I need a 2.5 SSD? Thanks for your time and consideration. 




    I'm confused about your talk of adapter. Do you mean the adapter that takes the place of the optical drive?

    i.e.: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2nd-Hard-Drive-HDD-SSD-Caddy-Adapter-for-Dell-Inspiron-1440-1545-1564-1750-1764-/251516299989


    2.5" SSD is right for your DELL.


    Just clean install Windows 10 Pro 64 bit to the SSD if you have at least 4 GB of RAM installed.

  4. 10 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Come on you know the answer, WHO,CDC and the NHS  vs Anutin





    Should I wear a respirator in public?

    • CDC does not recommend the routine use of respirators outside of workplace settings (in the community). Most often, spread of respiratory viruses from person-to-person happens among close contacts (within 6 feet). CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, such as avoiding people who are sick, avoiding touching your eyes or nose, and covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue. People who are sick should stay home and not go into crowded public places or visit people in hospitals. Workers who are sick should follow CDC guidelines and stay home when they are sick.


    You would be an idiot to depend on that.


    How do you avoid people that are sick, other than staying inside, alone?

    Try avoiding touching your eyes and nose. You won't be able to do it.

    Covering your cough and sneeze with a tissue? Are you happy to depend on everyone around you to do so?


    I'll wear a mask thanks.

  5. 6 minutes ago, grumbleweed said:

    Absolute bs. They wear them to protect the patient




    The FDA states that when properly worn, surgical masks are “meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it from reaching your mouth and nose.”

    The FDA added, however, that a surgical mask “by design, does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures.”


    I know that you like to make yours appear the definitive answer, but it works both ways.


    N95 and loose fitting surgical masks are quite different products.


    N95 masks should be kept for critical situations. We aren't referring to N95 masks in general. The idea is to block larger particles from sneezing, coughing, speaking etc from entering the nostrils and mouth. Eye covering offer a bit more protection. None of this is infallible. But these are sensible steps to take.


    You'll note that advice differs slightly and that is because N95 masks are a scarce resource. So advice differs accordingly. If there was a glut, the advice would be different.


  6. Does any of the hyper intelligent naysayers here think that hospitals source their product from the local pharmacy?


    How exactly does an individual purchasing a face mask from a pharmacy, impact the wearing of a face mask by a hospital worker.


    Their statements are becoming increasingly idiotic.



    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Pharmacy on Soi Diana, just before Subway, prices 20 baht upwards


    I thought that you were telling people who aren't infected, to not wear one.


    Though I understand what you were trying to state and that is the N95 masks should be used for the front-line medical staff. Whereas the general public can use lesser facial coverings for daya to day use.


    The problem is that you make it sound as if the public should not protect themselves at all and that is dangerous.


    Everyone should cover the faces as amply as possible and sterilise their facial coverings every day.



  8. Just now, grumbleweed said:

    And there was I thinking they were simply fashion accessories.


    Without eye protection as well, it's like locking the door and leaving the window wide open. However, the natives are not renown for pushing the envelope where critical thinking is concerned.


    Another super smart TV member denigrating the locals.

    There are always going to be windows left open. But with less opportunity to get a grip, there will be less opportunity for transmission.


    That is what we are trying to do. Cut down on transmission.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Nope that's not the reason, it's difficult to find any masks so when someone gets the virus or mild symptoms they can't find quality masks because people are wearing them who shouldn't be


    Why do you keep banging on with this ridiculous story?  Do you think repeating it often enough makes it true?


    Everyone should wear a mask. Even when you speak to someone, projectiles are emitted.

    If someone approaches to speak to me without wearing a mask, I will simply move away.

    You repeating the same mantra over and over again, only encourages the idiocy of the foreigners who think they know better because they read it somewhere that masks are not enough to prevent transmission.


    They need to get it through their thick skulls that it is not only for their protection, but for others.


    So time to stop selfishly thinking of themselves.


    If you want to point the finger at someone, point it at the hoarders, not responsible people protecting themselves and others from another possible source of transmission.


    You need to be able to understand and interpret what you read and not just repeat it parrot fashion.


    How many times have you posted the same misinformation now?





    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Yes I had a good look at it. does it fit into the laptops USB port? It looks a different shape.


    You are not paying attention. What has USB to do with anything? ????


    JaiMaai has linked you to the correct cable; https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ugreen-hdmi-to-dvi-241-cable-dvi-241-to-hdmi-cable-11150-10136-10137-10138-hdmi-dvi-d-cable-241-2-gold-plated-support-1080p-tv-dvd-and-projector-xbox360-ps4-i105383517-s106014539.html



  11. 4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    It's a Samsung, but it is no use and years old, I will have to get a new monitor, as advised by another poster I will take a photo of the connections on my laptop and make sure any monitor I buy has the right connection.


    No need, just make sure that the new monitor has an HDMI input.


    What's wrong with the Samsung monitor and where is the rest of the model number? ????

  12. On 3/21/2020 at 2:38 PM, possum1931 said:

    I am very interested in getting a separate and keyboard, please excuse my ignorance but the screen I have was used with a tower, and obviously cannot fit in to a laptop, what sort of screen should I get? Does it just fit straight into the laptop with some sort of usb type of input, or is there another way? Also, does it have a plug to the mains.


    What's the brand name and model number of the monitor you have now?

    The laptop obviously has an HDMI output, so one end has to be Male HDMI. So we only have to ascertain the connections available on the monitor. I am guessing VGA.

    So something like this; https://www.advice.co.th/product/converter-splitter/converter-hdmi/converter-hdmi-to-vga-audio-ugreen-40248-



  13. Have you actually taken the time to call Truemove H yourself in order to find out? Crazy for you to imagine that we could guess remotely.


    You have his name and number, so you can call to find out. They won't know that you are not he.




    If, as you say, it is just for mobile data, cancel what he has, buy a new SIM and apply the unlimited 10 Mbps pack.


    The only mobile data pack that I know that fits your description, is their Unlimited (up to 300 Mbps) data pack for 1605 baht per month.


    If he has that, get him to run a speed test, to ascertain what speeds are available to him.


    If not much more that 10 Mbps, cheaper to go with unlimited 10 Mbps for 200 baht per month.

    • Like 1
  14. Part of the issue at Jomtien Immigration office, is that people completely ignore the given instructions. I mean, just about everyone.


    First of all, you are supposed to take a number and then wait outside maintaining distance. The numbers are called out over a Tannoy system and can be heard clearly outside.


    But instead most people take a number and then wait inside, making for a lot of people sitting and standing around in close quarters. Complete idiots.

    Then you have the people brushing against you in their panic, with no thought for an excuse me to give people time to move out of the way.

    Then you have the people who don't bother to wear masks, but then want to ask the Immigration Officer questions whilst spitting all over the IO, completely oblivious to the IO recoiling in horror.

    Added to that, rude old men fighting with each other when they should know better.


    Then you have the people trying to enter the building through the exit, all to trying to gain an advantage.


    Was really a most unsavoury experience. Showered before and immediately after the experience and bagged up the clothes I wore, for washing.

    • Like 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    If that were true, then why the security stickers stop you are warn you against even opening the case.

    Would it not be considered as changing the specification of the supplied unit.


    So what ?? That's a bit harsh considering he has 18 months warranty and may not want to "throw it away" 

    Is there a security sticker on the dedicated hatch? Have you access to the OP's device?


    So what is your suggestion? Keep a non working unit for eighteen months and only then try to fix it?


    Not at all helpful....



  16. 4 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Because my computer is limited to USB2 is much slower than USB3 which current computers use so external drivers are limited to much lower speeds.



    He is not running his PC on external storage, so it really has no bearing on anything.


    It's the SATA revision that is important. But in this case, neither is important.

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