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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. Just now, CharlieH said:

    Are you suggesting he voids any warranty he may have on the unit ?


    You don't void warranties by replacing storage drives and RAM. Even if he did, so what?


    First of all, AIO isn't even working, so what good a warranty? For the laptop, he can buy the SSD online and get the local ACER service centre(if there is one) to fit it for 300 - 400 baht + VAT, thus protecting any warranty.

    But if the laptop has a dedicated hatch for replacing the HDD, then it is regarded as a user replaceable part and won't affect the warranty.

  2. Just now, lopburi3 said:

    If you are changing from 1TB system, which believe most are now, you are likely to want more than 120GB.  The idea is to have fast access and in my case USB is 2 so external drives are fine for bulk storage but not great for running programs.


    Have done both clone and new but Windows 10 loads a totally bad video driver for Lenovo B310 so easier to clone and use the old drivers on HDD and have some old software that must use the clone process to keep.  Was not able to get monitor working for new install (which may be me but no easy system like other Lenovo models).


    Not likely. It's not that he chose 1 TB because he needed it, but more because that is what came with the system.

    Secondly, if the old HDD is still functional, he can place it into a caddy for use as external storage.

    So forget about the idea of needing to clone to a large capacity SSD, as it is simply not necessary.


    Chances are that he has next to nothing stored on the AIO. I would go no more than a 240 GB SSD. But for day to day usage, 120 GB is fine. Not sure why you brought USB 2.0 into it. Perhaps you meant SATA 2.0.

  3. 1 minute ago, lopburi3 said:

    If normal format as shown all will fit but you need to have enough storage capacity for your operating system/hidden files and what you plan to use for programs and such.  So the cheapest is likely to be too small.  I am using a larger 480GB drive and it seems to be working well now that I applied current firmware patch.  Suspect it is best you take to shop and have them clone to a drive large enough and make the physical change (which is all easy for anyone doing such things).  It really makes computer much more pleasant (faster to perform memory operations).  



    Really not necessary. 120 GB is fine for day to day usage. I am using the same and have over 60 GB of music and video on it.

    Cloning crud from another install is not recommended. Clean install to SSD is best.

    So really no need for a large capacity SSD. Comes down to how much he wants to spend.




  4. 7 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I'm sorry to be so dumb, between the language difficulties and my lack of know how about computers.

    So I have to take my computer to the shop, which is not a problem, to make sure I get the right SSD, or even the make and model number.


    No, any of those to which I have linked are suitable. I don't know about what you have seen.


    You might be able to buy them cheaper online, but if Advice will fit it for you, probably better to go with them.


    WD Green will be ok for you. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. If they can install it, as Trans has suggested, all the better. As it's a bit of a fiddly job for you. Laptop too.


    You won't regret it, especially for when it comes to the new laptop.


    The performance of your new laptop is somewhat akin to a mid range laptop of ten years ago. It is also in dire need of an SSD.

  6. 2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I went into a small computer shop in the next town about 15Ks away called Advice. I asked about an SSD and she put about six different ones at different prices on the counter, the cheapest was 260Bt, I wasn't sure about which one to buy, would any one of these fit in to my Lenovo AIO? If so I would buy the dearest one.


    Erm....how could I possibly know? Provide pictures or model numbers.


    This is what Advice has available: https://www.advice.co.th/product/solid-state-drive-ssd-?category=ssd-sata-2-5-128-gb


    Cheaper here; https://shopee.co.th/120GB-240GB-480GB-SSD-(เอสเอสดี)-WD-GREEN-SATA-III-6Gb-s-Warranty-3-Y-i.74778579.6116936444

  7. 13 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I appreciate you trying to help me, but never in my life could I handle anything mechanical, motors, computers etc, all my talents are in music.


    If you are a musician, you'll have manual dexterity;




    There is nothing technical about it. It's just about being able to follow instruction.

    • Like 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I don't even know what an SSD is, I don't buy things all to quickly, Before I bought that AIO I had my last desktop for nearly six years, I also have another Lenovo, the one that goes like a tent, for when I go traveling. 



    If at some point, you'd like to have a go at fixing the Lenovo yourself, we'll seek out and put together a guide for you.

    The worst thing about these devices is the getting inside them. But they shouldn't be that difficult. In the past, it just took a couple of screws undone to get to the storage drive. Now you may need to remove the whole of the back casing. 

    But it is doable. As long as you still have use of your faculties, we should be able to guide you through painlessly.

  9. 41 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Put the high power glasses on this time - Kingston SA400S37/480GB - so guess that is the A400 model you mention.


    Yes, those A400 were notorious for freezing at one time. So I guess you got one of the bad ones.



  10. 26 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I don't even know what an SSD is, I don't buy things all to quickly, Before I bought that AIO I had my last desktop for nearly six years, I also have another Lenovo, the one that goes like a tent, for when I go traveling. 



    This is what I mean. Better to have a basic understanding before acting.


    Currently, in both your AIO and new laptop, you have the old magnetic spinning disc kind of storage.

    They cannot react as quickly as the new fangled SSD(Solid State Drives. Think SD cards, USB drives). SSD have no moving parts, so can react much more quickly and are much more able to handle the rigours of the modern Internet.


    Currently they cost as little as 500 baht. Swapping your old and slow HDD(Hard Disc Drive) for an SSD, can make all of the difference.


    Old style and new style for comparison.





    • Thanks 1
  11. Just now, lopburi3 said:

    Indeed it was a Kingston 400GB drive.  Was great for speed but having computer stop every few minutes just did not make it.  Could not find anything on Google (although similar issues were reported and fixed by various tweaks).  


    Not 400 GB but A400. Perhaps fixed by a firmware update.

    But nothing to do with the AIO device. Just buy a different SSD and it will be fine.

  12. Just now, possum1931 said:

    Thanks, I will try and do what you say.


    Don't just go off on your own to try to do it.


    Just let us know when you are ready to begin and we will guide you through it. Personally, I would buy a cheap SSD for 500 baht upwards and fit that to it. If for whatever reason it didn't work, you could use the same SSD for the new laptop.

    You will be amazed at the difference in performance.

    But don't try anything on your own. Your penchant for buying things all too quickly a case in point.

  13. 26 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Model No is acer Aspire3 CO6-008273.  A315-22-900l/A9. There is no local Lenovo centre that I know of, that is why I am asking.


    Yes. Rather unfortunate. You need to understand what the local shop attempted and then get back to us. Did he change the RAM or try an SSD? If not, he didn't do anything useful.

  14. Just now, lopburi3 said:

    I have an original Lenovo AIO model from over 9 years ago and still will not fail.  Idea Center B310 model and believe only sold in China and Thailand.  But I did have issues when trying to use SDD as replacement for HDD as drive would become active every few minutes and lock system up for short periods (progressively getting more often) - nothing seemed to fix it and returned to using HDD with no further issues.  Windows installed graphic drivers did not work however on a fresh install but copied Windows 10 back from SDD successfully.  Computers can be so much fun.  But can not fault Lenovo construction.


    Kingston A400 SSD? If so, the problem was with the SSD, not the AIO device.

  15. Just now, possum1931 said:

    I am not computer literate enough to do what you say and the local computer shop guy does not know any English, if it is as simple as you say, and I am not saying that it isn't, then why can't the computer guy fix it, he has had it twice?


    Intel® Pentium® Silver J5005 Processor is not the worst processor in the world, but paired with old style magnetic storage, 4 GB of RAM and HP software bloat, you may not be getting the best out of it.

    SSD should be a basic requirement in your case.


    Until these avenues are tested, it's difficult to give any more advice.


    Saying that, the CPU in your new laptop is possibly even worse...



  16. 2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    It is well documented on this thread about the Lenovo rubbish AIO desktop I bought, it is almost half way through a three year onsite warranty. I bought it at Fortune Town. I also bought a Lenovo tablet which is also rubbish, 


    There is a lenovo dealer at Fortune Town, I took the tablet to them, but they are so unreliable about anyone being available to fix it, so I don't fancy taking it the AIO desktop to Bangkok which is over 300 Ks from where I live,


    Anyone got any ideas as to what I should do to get it seen too? The nearest cities to me are Nakhon Sawan and Phitsanulok.


    Still waiting for the full model number of the ACER. Like some on this thread, the thought is that you do not have genuine Windows 10 installed.


    Likelihood is that you have bought yet another laptop with slow magnetic storage with a hooky copy of Windows 10 to boot..


    Take it to the local Lenovo centre and get them to try it with different RAM/SSD......and get an SSD for your current laptop and clean install Windows 10 to it. 

  17. 24 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    do you think panic buying is also a good thing? it's sad that there is a shortage of masks for people who have symptoms, even a shortage for those in the medical profession. You are jointly responsible


    No, I don't think that panic buying is a good thing...


    Stop writing utter rubbish. Jointly responsible....idiotic. Equating the using of N95 face masks with panic buying. Only in your mind....

  18. On 3/14/2020 at 3:02 AM, scubascuba3 said:

    It's stupid to wear a mask unless you have symptoms, that's why there is a shortage, don't join the stupid club


    I simply do not agree. If someone sneezes in your vicinity, you'll be glad that you are wearing one.


    Seondly, if you ever look at medical staff or anyone working in quarantine, they have Hazmat suits and masks on.

    If it were the case that only people with symptoms should wear a mask, then why are they bothering to wear them?


    It's just one of a range of measures, but it doesn't mean that you should omit them entirely. 


    Soap and water, alcohol and bleach based disinfectants...and masks. Practical measures.

    • Sad 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, stouricks said:

    Sorry Mr Eindhoven, I was a bit harsh, but I actually do still have a 256 GB HDD, over 10 years old. A bit silly keeping it eh?




    Out of interest, what's the full model number of said HDD? That has to be a rare beast. 250 GB or 320 GB was normal. 256 GB? Interested.

  20. 7 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

    Using the car analogy, I found Windows 10 was more about the road the car was driven on (navigation) rather than the car itself.  I am still using the same hardware (car) it was driving it (finding where I wanted to go in the software) that was using a different route.


    Yes, things like the tiles I did not like.  Should we all be like sheep, and follow Microsoft off a cliff? 


    Windows 8 was different to Windows 7, but you skipped Windows 8.  Why didn't you feel the need to move to Windows 8, after all, it was a new "car." 


    Continuing on with the car analogy, what's wrong with caring about performance (moving to Windows 10) whilst not caring about appearance (staying with Windows 7) 



    If it's a hobby that you enjoy, then why not?

  21. 1 minute ago, stouricks said:

    What a silly statement. Almost any laptop even with a Celeron processor will be enough for word processing, surfing the net and watching docs (I take it you mean documentaries and not files in Word).....don't know about films or TV though!   555. And the 'tons' of storage space depends on the size of your SSD & HHD. You could have your OS on a 60GB SSD and a 256 GB HDD for all I know.



    A bit over the top. Nothing silly about his statements of simple facts.



    • SSD 128 GB/256 GB/512 GB หรือ
    • HDD SATA 500 GB/1 TB/2 TB

    is typical.


    So 60 GB + 256 HDD would be impossible. Especially as there is no such thing as a 256 GB HDD. So that could qualify as a 'silly statement'.


    Not sure why you appear to adjudge him so harshly.

    • Like 1
  22. 33 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    In the small town/village where I stay, there is virtually no English speaking at all, so I cannot ask the computer shop guy anything. I would be surprised if he even knows one word of it.

    As for the warranty, there are no Lenovo dealers I can take it to, I took my Lenovo Tablet to their premises in Bangkok and they said they would need to keep it for five days.

    The nearest City Nakon Sawan is 60 Ks from me, and there is no Lenovo dealer there.


    Difficult. An AIO in your situation was never a good idea. <SNIP>


    You need something that is simple and easy to service. The ThinkPad suggestion wasn't a bad one, as business devices are designed for easy servicing.


    Consumer devices are designed to look sleek. Getting inside them can be a pain. The support for them can be poor, as compared to business devices which can still be getting BIOS updates many years later.


    What is the full model number of the device you purchased? You do jump in headfirst. ????


    Example: Acer Aspire 3 A315-55KG-38CE (NX.HEHST.002)



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  23. Just now, possum1931 said:

    Yes, I took my Lenovo AIO to the local computer shop, and it still keeps freezing up, just a pile of rubbish, I now have a Acer

    Aspire 3 in it's place. I also have a Lenovo tablet which has always been problematic, I cannot even get Bluetooth to work on it.

    No more lenovo for me.


    Problem is that you cannot indicate what steps were taken thus far by the places you have taken it to be 'repaired'. Did they tell you exactly what they tried or what they saw as the issue?

    So we cannot use the process of elimination to work out what is wrong, remotely.


    Did they try different RAM modules and/or a different HDD/SSD?



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