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Everything posted by Al BB

  1. I spent 45 Minutes with these forms at My K Bank. The Clerk was on the phone to HO, HO spoke to me, 2nd Clerk came to assist. Eventually, (SAME) forms were downloaded and printed, Typed, and had me sign them. I did, also, download the Info regarding these forms from the Banks Website., together with a Google translation as the info was in English. God knows what they will do with them now. Im from UK so most of this was Not Applicable. Pity the Head Office , or whoever institiuted the Original email, didnt pass the relevant info to the Branches.
  2. Ive printed the 3 forms and will go to my Branch tomorrow with them. Just a guess, but I reckon KBank branches will be inundated with expats in the morning!
  3. So where can I find that ? ....All my Tax Code Notifications from HMRC only show my NI Number as a reference.
  4. Ive got some refunded Baht in a Lazada "wallet" only issue is, no matter how I try, I cant access the "wallet" !
  5. Maybe they meant to say "manipulations" ? I have compared the Baht (recently on Xe) with a "basket" of currencies, they have all weakened , not just the US Dollar. As someone remarked, MAYBE they are loading up on Dollars at 32 to unload later at Circa 36 to help pay for the 10K Vote Buying ? Who knows, TIT.
  6. True, I worked for a Pharmaceutical Company , years ago, and they were using it as a cure for schizophrenia. Wish I had a Quid for every request I got from mates for a Free Sample!
  8. Ali-Al- Shakati (Good Welsh Name!) apparently born in Cardiff, according to the statement by the Chief Constable of Merseyside Police. Not "terrorist " related, but my bet is the "Mental" card will be shown soon! ...My condolences to the families of the deceased, I have friends and family in the area.
  9. Behind closed doors? Nah, on the Golf Course more like! ...............Anutin Birdied..........Takki Bogied !
  10. Same Same, Sent one of those "Proof of Life" forms back to one of my Pension Providers in August 2023, According to them not received, and according to Thai Post ............."at Airport" ...........??? Scanned and sent by email !
  11. Cannabis, Rice guess who's back, and who's coming back!
  12. My wife and I were there last month, and pretty much agree with all you said., Traffic is noisy, as they are "horn" happy (Could get you shot here! ) and I wonder where all the "Soi Dogs" 🐕 are ? We liked it.
  13. "the investigation is believed to conclude within a week.".............Some things get done quickly here...others take years!
  14. The GOVT can afford it! I have posted elsewhere on here, The National Insurance Fund Investment Account (NIFIA) stands at 87.65 BILLION GBP as at February this year. The (ESTIMATED ) Cost to bring us 500,000 to Parity would be 870 Million GBP.
  15. Bob, here is a FACT for you. The National Insurance Fund Investment Account (NIFIA) has (as at Feb this year) 87.65 Billion GBP in its coffers. The Estimated Cost to give us 500,000 Pensioners PARITY is aound 870 Million GBP.
  16. We did it (once) in just over 2 Hours leaving at 5.30am , we live near Central Rama 2. Normally about 3 and a half hours.
  17. Started about 50 Years ago, (Widening the road) I live Chom Thong just off Rama 2. Effing Nightmare!
  18. Just had a day of it, in the end the bots have to pass it on to human being! Cheers!!
  19. My thoughts too, whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it will it be good for the Shins, but will it be good for the "Good of the Country"?
  20. Yes ! I checked for 25th Feb one way (Nokair 1599 Baht) and then start adding and adding and adding! ....Not been to Phuket since 2015 for the very same reasons.
  21. For this excerise , My BP today at 14.30 Hrs is 125 Sys/73Pul.
  22. Around 3pm with ALPHAMED BP Monitor.
  23. I take Amlodipine, and I record my BP Daily.
  24. No wonder its 40th on the (Skytrax) list of 100 Airlines!
  25. Excellent Post, and so true Re the 250 (Unelected) Senators.
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