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Everything posted by torturedsole

  1. The price of fish and chips in the UK now is rather hard to swallow (excuse the pun!). Our local is over twenty quid for one large chips and two cod.
  2. Try this: Change iPhone location
  3. You need to change you location to Thailand in iPhone settings. I suspect your location is set your home country.
  4. I do partake in a couple of three alcoholic beverages to help me sleep. As well as two or three in the lounge for good measure.
  5. In fairness, the NHS are finished, with or without WW3.
  6. Legal challenges galore. Pathetic attempt trying to stem the tide of migrants. Actually laughable. The Tories are toast. It's what replaces the retards that concerns me most.
  7. It would be a terrible incident if Greta was accidentally struck across the head with a police baton. Probably best move to China where they're far more tolerant of anti-government protests.
  8. Check Flightradar24 over Ukraine for latest aeronautical activity and don't forget MH17.
  9. I know it's not the done thing to comment on moderation, but I might get away with suggesting the moderators appear to have collectively developed a recent sense of humour. Nice! 😀
  10. You're a master in backhanded compliments.
  11. Haha. Where are all these warriors hiding? Try a general military call up in the UK and see who signs up to fight Russia. Will be lucky to enlist of a couple of non-binaries who won't fight Monday through Friday. Blimey.
  12. So are you saying there're singers in the food court?
  13. Agreed. My Thai wife either lives in the UK with me or Thailand with me. There's no in between. She won't visit Cambodia or Vietnam so little chance of even contemplating PI, let alone live in those places.
  14. Anyway, I explained to the chief of Phuket immigration and six of his agents that the bag of charlie somehow teleported itself in between the pages of my passport and it could happen to anyone. Oh how we laughed, although for some strange reason, they kept pointing at me.
  15. Don't forget to regularly oil your AK-47, particularly during the harsh Ukrainian winter. 😉
  16. The Tories are only interested in looking after themselves, their cronies, illegal immigrants and Ukraine. The electorate isn't interested in anything other than sorting out issues relating to the UK and this is why the Tories will be annihilated at the next General Election. The NHS, law and order, immigration, taxation, unemployment, infrastructure, services all need addressing before throwing money at arming Ukraine. If you're such a Churchillian macho man, why don't you go fight Putin on the frontline? Notwithstanding, there's nothing to fear from Putin. Being colonised by Muslims is a far bigger danger to the UK and the electorate know it.
  17. Strange choice of city to host this year's popularity contest.
  18. Not much difference, other than distance and Haneda being a bit more modern.
  19. Billions available to house illegal migrants and arm Ukraine to the teeth, but no money to fix all the potholes blighting the UK.
  20. But still have to present a passport to check-in and boarding staff. I would imagine most staff would have reported him to Border Force had the powder been noticed in London or wherever and he'd have been arrested there and then. Very occasionally, there might be a sniffer dog at departures, but obviously not when he left.
  21. Yes, it would be interesting to understand the OP's reluctance to open a BB account as I can't see they do anything different from the rest of the banks. How times change! I'm fortunate to have opened a BB account a day or two after I got married fourteen years ago on a 30 day visa exempt and merely pushed my wife towards the counter of her local BB and let her do the talking. Half hour later, I was proud owner of ATM card and bank book (btw, BB are obsessed with that bloody bank book. Without it, you'd be forgiven for thinking the four horsemen of the apocalypse had suddenly appeared). Anyway, out of interest, how much does the agent route cost roughly? I doubt there'd be much change from 4/5k baht.
  22. That's why I mentioned 'on conviction'.
  23. An earlier poster mentioned six months imprisonment and in the grand scheme of things, I reckon six months would be a maximum. However, he might get lucky and merely be deported on conviction given such a small amount.
  24. Agreed the most plausible explanation is that the small bag of charlie worked its way into the passport through a mix of location, motion and gravity. Either way, not a good idea to leave the UK with even a small amount of coke in your man bag. I actually feel a bit sorry for the guy as he's obviously not an international drugs courier, but about to learn a severe lesson. I hope the kids out there contemplating coming here are reading stories like this and taking it all in, much like having travel insurance that covers all instances prior to arriving in Thailand / abroad.
  25. Customer satisfaction is everything.
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