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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 15 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My Mil came a stayed too long once.

    I didn't pay my wife her monthly wage as a punishment.

    Mil never stayed too long again.


    Alternate punishment would be go on holiday with the kid while the Mil is staying, leave all household bills unpaid. Let the two of them live happily together, paying for everything themselves.


    Thai people are used to lots more nudity and lack of privacy and personal barriers in their homes, but this is your home and as the man paying for everything you have the right to impose any rules you like. Your wife has no say, her family have no say. This is not a culture where men bow to their wives.

    I agree with your last sentence and this is the down fall on many farang / Thai marriages here, the guys get walked all over.

  2. 6 hours ago, morrobay said:


    Sure it can if they clear out all the garbage and trash lying around , sidewalks, full size city buses, remove dogs and other trash from corners. Then install some classic go-go bars like this one from the 00,s on the pattaylands.   So whats else, not that complicated: waterfront seafood restaurants, malls, hotels. With foreign engineers restore the Beach promenade and coast all the way past Bali hi  to to its past days of glory. De value the baht. If not well actually i could care less, I have enough girls on thr line and the less tourist around here the better. But for the sake of Pattaya if they do not follow the above thats their problem.  





    Not a tattoo in sight.

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  3. 2 hours ago, taninthai said:

    No info on when opening up,,,,,all local beaches are open but cannot go out to the islands.

    they just opened up department stores today,homepro,big C etc etc,,,so shopping is about all you can do.


    yes I stay down here,,,,waiting to ride my bike up to hua hin myself????



    I was planning on going to Ao Nang 5-9th June but completely pointless if the islands and tourist spots are closed.


    Plan after that was to ride back to central Thailand.



  4. 11 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    Beaches have never been closed in krabi,,islands and all tourist attractions are closed,Ao Nang is deserted very very few people and not many places open a lot of rain lately.a few restaurants open ,cannot sell alcohol in any restaurants,all bars shut, cannot gather in big groups on the beach,a lot of restaurants only doing takeaway.

    Hmmm, not what i wanted to hear....


    Are their plans to open up beaches and tourist attractions 1st June?


    Thx for the info, i assume you're down there?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    You jest, but I have always said Pattaya will not fall into a big hole and disappear.


    However, for those who think everything will return to normal, including their favorite places, once the order is given that everything can open again, i think they will be disappointed.  


    Many places here will either remain closed, or open again only to close again, but permanently.  


    Which establishments will open, and remain open, time will tell.  

    Yawn - bi bi.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Pattaya will survive, but the nightlife scene will look very different, after the virus has passed.  

    Hold on a minute, is this a glimmer of optimism?!@!!!


    Pattaya's not going to dissapear into oblivion just before the world ends?


    Are you feeling ok?

  7. 48 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    So, you live in Pattaya and have NEVER been affected by flooding.  Oh, I forgot, you don't actually live in Pattaya.  

    Correct, never.....along with many many many others i'm sure.


    And for the xxxxxxxxxxth time you're correct i do not live in Pattaya ( don't know how many times i've mentioned this to you? ) i lived there for 8 years but still have a condo.

  8. 8 hours ago, sabaijai said:

    1) Make an appointment at a hospital in your final destination. Pick a hospital, go to their website, make the appointment in a likely department online, then make sure you get a confirmation that can be printed out.

    That will get you through every checkpoint between your starting and ending province.

    Or 2) Have plates/tags on your bike belonging to the province you intend to end up in. 'Going home' is another legitimate reason, nowadays.

    I rode my bike from Trang to Chiang Mai starting May 1 and ending in Chiang Mai on May 3rd. My bike is registered in Chiang Mai, so it has CM tags. Worked fine all the way to Chiang Mai.

    I went through around a dozen checkpoints in all. All but two waved me through or were totally unmanned. Prachuap Khiri Khan was fine, no stop there. I was stopped at a checkpoint in Ratchaburi Province and my temperature was measured, then I was waved through. When I reached the outskirts of Chiang Mai, there was a rather large (in terms of health and law enforcement officer presence) checkpoint, but they waved every vehicle with Chiang Mai plates through.

    Good luck.

    Yes, this is a good call.


    We're shipping our bikes to Krabi and will drive back to central thailand with the plates showing that.


    I've also been through about 12 provinces in the last 5-6 weeks, stopped once at Phitsanulok coming back from Nan for a temp check and that was it.


    Good to hear about PKK, this is the once that concerned me.



  9. 5 minutes ago, Ron jeremy said:

    But it only happens when it rains, ????????????????

    expats should not live in areas of flooding? So you're saying they should not lve in pattaya?

    a world class family resort with lack of water, some houses have none, and then the flooding????

    what an intelligent responce, it only happens when it's rains.

    champagne wishes and caviar dreams! 

    Does the entire city of Pattaya flood?

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