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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:

    Do you really think 6000 baht Thai salaries, a lot of which is sent home, is what made Pattaya prosperous? 


    Do you have any idea how much the hookers make, on top of their 6000 baht a month?

    This should be interesting.........pls tell us what the average wage is of a hooker.


    The very busy ones make a few baht for sure ( frittered away i'm sure ) but the majority won't be making much.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    The more widely traveled ones will proudly say they have also been to a village in Issan, and wear it like a badge of honor.  ????

    Why do you only mention Isaan, is that your only experience outside Pattaya?



  3. 2 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Thailand, possibly, South East Asia, I doubt it. 


    How many on TV, and the people you meet, sing the praises of Thailand, and when asked, "Where else have you been in South East Asia?"  Many answer, "I've only been to Thailand."  FAIL!!!!

    I don't doubt it but i'm not getting into a p!ssing match about it.


    What's your point if people have only been to Thailand, so what?

  4. On 5/21/2020 at 3:26 AM, Ron jeremy said:

    Sorry to hear of your loss.  I don't see anything positive coming out of this, the landlord, lawyers etc will not be of any help to you. They will fill their boots.

    I can't see them coming after u in regards to debts etc. 

    Its not a place to be in your remaining years. It's simply not fair to those involved in sorting things out. Are you aware of his 800,000 baht that could be in a bank account ? I've personally seen what goes on in this situation. The Thais are ruthless.

    Again, sorry for your loss and best wishes.

    i hope u find his will.

    It's easy to make provisions as to what happens with your 'estate' when you die here.


    Unfortunately it looks like this chap never had his affairs in order.

  5. On 5/20/2020 at 6:46 PM, Leaver said:

    I've been to all of the places you mention, except for Barretto.  How many "experts" on Pattaya can say the same?  Yet, they say "you need to get out more."



    I can, with the exception of Shinoukvile (sp) and have not intention of going.


    I'm sure that i've also travelled more thoroughly within thailand than you as well as many others on here have as well.

  6. 6 hours ago, grin said:

    I like the small footprint of these tanks but how would you stop the public water flow into them without a float setup? Can you use some kind of electronic valve?


    Is there just one inlet on the top and one outlet on the bottom?

    Normally, yes.

  7. I drove my car straight from showroom and had it clear wrapped - 30K.


    There's 2 places in Pattaya ( that i've used ) both are near the ramp exit that take you out of town, one is called Wrapworld, you need to go up to the lights and then 'U' turn and as you come back turn left at the lights and it's on your left.


    The other place is at the same set of lights at the BKK / pattaya and N Pattaya road intersection.


    My car was done at wrap world ( still looks good ) and i had a bike bike wrapped at the other place ( he also does goes valet service ).


    One thing to bear in mind, if you're getting it wrapped a different colour than original when you get stone chips it looks a bit silly coz you can see original colour.


    Good luck!

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:

    You walk on broken glass here mentioning money. Were on 100+ K PM. so i expect some snide comment.

    I'm about the same, just me and the wife + 4 dogs / 5 cats / 15 Koi.


    Some of the numbers people think they can live on simply astound me, they can't be doing much at all ( but i guess as you get older you don't do much, i'm still <50 ).


    Above is said with no malice.

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Sleeze it what made Pattaya economically successful.  Sleeze sells.  Take the sleeze out of Pattaya, and do you think tourists will come here for the lousy beach?   ????

    Don't care about the tourists.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I never suggested it was.


    I am merely saying that if one of the most, if not the most, popular sports bar in Pattaya is for sale, what makes you so confident your favorite sports bar will remain open, into the future? 

    It's too good to close, mainly expat customers that are full time here ( like many of these places ) and it's not in Pattaya's CBD.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Leaver said:

    Maybe if I called it the "CSD" (Central Sex District) you would understand.   ????????

    It's you who's only knowledge is of the sleeze district of pattaya, not me!

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Central Pattaya is the CBD for tourism, and tourists.  Maybe that's why there are so many hotels, restaurants and bars in Central Pattaya.  ????


    Where do you think is the central area for tourists in Pattaya, the dark side?  ????

    CBD - hilarious!!

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