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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 1 minute ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    No, its had some serious money spent on that. For a beer bar in Soi MIT, madness, particularly in the present climate. Just proves the old adage, if you want to make a million on a bar in Pattaya, start with 2 million.

    Serious money, looks at it, there's nothing to it, new tiles / seats / lights that's about it ( same as the others, albiet most are scabbier looking ).

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Kennycrossfit said:

    Its muscle factory, very good gym. They got a gym in Bkk as well. 

    Ok, cool, you don't know opening hours ( i'm up very early ) and the prices of the top of your head do you?



  3. 9 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    Do a lot worse than Bear gym in Watboon. Clean, well organised, plenty CV, free and fixed weights. 7,400 per year..daily, weekly monthly etc available...2nd years membership gets 20% discount..I think they still offer one free session if you wanna try befor you buy

    Looks good, thanks for that.

  4. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    That would be no great loss to Pattaya. He has a lot of competition now and he didn't do anything to keep up with it. The gym business used to be easy money for him a decade ago, but he couldn't keep up. He was running his gyms like a tyrant, with rules such as no outside water allowed... and his gyms were filthy. He did well for the immediate period after California Wow closed in mid-2012, and then it was all downhill. I still have my lifetime membership that I haven't used since 2013 LOL.

    Out of interest what gym would you recommend?


    There's suppose to be a good one at Pratumnak, just past the art gallery turn left, it's just before the royal residence on the left, do you know anything about that, good or bad?

  5. 9 hours ago, Leaver said:

    I think this issue is something we are going to see more of in the near future. 


    In the past, wealthy Thai landlords could afford to have their commercial properties vacant for some time, whilst holding out for the next dreamer to start up a lease that was designed to fail from the outset.  Those dreamers were decreasing in numbers, rapidly, along with the shrinking western tourism market.


    Do Thai landlords negotiate, or do Thai landlords evict?  Do Thai landlords try to retain their current tenant, or possibly see them move to another property where the rent is more favorable?  


    Some tenants may stay put, regardless.  Some tenants will just hand back the keys.  Some tenants will seek a better deal out of necessity and / or good business practice. 


    Some of our favorite bars and restaurants may still be operating after the virus crisis has passed, albeit, some may be at a different location. 

    Well, thanks for that post about thai landlords, there's absolutely no point to this post.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Mattd said:

    The naivety of some people is astounding at times, please think before you write, some are on fixed installations for one, cargo ships can't just pop in to port, offshore vessels are carrying out essential tasks and some cost 100,000 USD per day ++++ to operate, they cannot just stop what they are doing, plus a lot of countries have, like Thailand, stopped seafarers from carrying out crew changes, meaning that those onboard cannot get off as they have no relief joining, there are a huge number of people displaced due to this.

    I do hope you all think of that the next time you put fuel in your car, cook, write on your imported computer, watch your imported TV, the list goes on and on, without these guys the world would be in dire straits, the supply line is essential.

    These workers are sacrificing a lot so that we can live.

    I understand how the offshore industry works but thanks for the lesson anyway.


    I was offshore at the time all this started, people had a couple of days to make the decision whether to stay or go home to their families, i chose the latter, turns out it was a good choice.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

    Then .... why come/stay here?  I have encountered exactly 2 "ordinary" Thais who were rude bigots in YEARS here, other than corrupt Immigration personnel, who use rudeness as an economic-tactic.   Given the CCP's well-funded anti-farang media barrage here, this demonstrates a significant inherent-resistance to bigot-hate tendencies.


    I work with Thais every day.  They are generally very nice, polite people.  I encountered a significantly higher percentage of genuine (explitives) in my passport-country, on a regular basis, than here.  That said, in my experience, most "ordinary working people" everywhere are good people, who seek to harm no one.

    When i chose to stay here things were very different.



  8. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Interesting question: For the majority the primary answer to number 2 will be money (i.e. for work), others funerals and urgent matters. I don't think there are many who traveled with frivolous disregard close to the onset of lock down.


    I was working on rotation in Dubai (4wks away, 4 weeks at home in BKK). I flew to Dubai for work on 23rd Feb - Thailand and the UAE closed its borders not too long after that.



    I think the lock down was a good idea. I argued firmly that it was necessary while we did not have a handle on the progression of this virus.

    Now, I think mistakes are being made. Not because I'm away from my family, but because the objectives of lock-down have been met. Health services were not overwhelmed.


    Can we wait another 12-18 month of lock-down for an vaccine? will a vaccine ever come?












    So if you knew the airports in UAE were closing why did you not come home to be with your family?


    Chasing the money one suspects?

    • Like 1
    • Sad 3
    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Mattd said:

    Somebody going to work in February, offshore for example, could not have predicted this.

    Find another employer, are you having a laugh.......................... not all farangs can work in Thailand and unless you haven't noticed, the world is about to go in to the biggest recession that most of us will have never experienced before, jobs are not going to easy to come by.

    What you are basically saying is it is som nom na for somebody trying to do their best and support their family in hard times.

    But it was announced a few days before they actually shut the airports so travel arrangments could have been made to return.

    • Sad 6
  10. 1 minute ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Um, no, because I still can not leave here even to go to work (where I can not take my family) until I can actually come back to them. 


    So plenty of reasons to moan. And please spare us all the "if you don't like it then leave" sh*t. Its old, stale, and boring especially in the middle of a global pandemic. 

    See what i mean, moaning is just winding you up, i rest my case.


    Anyway i respect your decision to leave ( when you get the chance ), many just continue to bimble on...

  11. 4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Why are you on this discussion forum then? -  Isn't the point of this forum to discuss and express opinions, otherwise we may as well just read the news. Unless of course your point is to express your opinion that there is no point in others expressing their opinions !!!... hmmmm

    Why not?


    A lot are not opinions, only complaints, at least that chap has the balls to do something about it and leave unlike many that just complain.

    • Sad 1
  12. 1 minute ago, cornishcarlos said:

    When you want to use it again, you will have to pay the tax/compulsory insurance owed for when it was off the road anyway.

    As far as I'm aware, you can't suspend use, like in U.K for example.

    You can stop paying any extra insurance that you might have taken ie 1st class policy.


    Yes, i agree, might be worth paying the compulsory insurance, it's only about 650 baht or thereabouts


    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    I have no problems with the way Thailand operates and to be honest I respect it in alot of ways, but where I draw the line is legal family units being second class and different from locals. 

    you know we all have the option to leave, right?


    i dislikes the majority of thai people perhaps more than most and just ignore them and have very little to do with them but moaning about it will achieve nothing, it is not going to change anything so what's the point?

    • Like 1
  14. Great ride!


    From Nong Khai i would drive along the Mekhong ( route 211 ), amazing scenery and a few places worth seeing, some viewpoints and temples etc. Take this route until Chiang Khan and spend the night ( or more ) nice little walking street with loads of food and some nice seafood places on the river.


    From there i'd take route 201 out of CK and turn when you get to route 21 and go up through Phu Ruea national park, also very nice, follow route 21 until you get to Lom Sak and then turn right to Khao Kho / Phu Ta Burk etc, maybe spend a night somewhere up the mountain, weather should be perfect at the time you suggest.


    After Khao Kho quite a few options for getting to CM, depends how many days you want it to take. Once down the mountain turn right to Uttradit on route 11 until that'll take you north, place worth looking at IMO are Phrae / Nan / Phayoa. Or instead of heading north have a look around Sukhothai / Tak / Mae Sot ( border with Myanmar ).


    Options are endless, be sure and take some warm cloths if you're an early riser.




    Oh - i'd forget about Isaan for biking, very flat & very boring IMO.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Exactly, but the longstanding truth that I noticed within the first year of living here (and that has only really gotten worse, and that most people refuse to believe) is that Thailand is for Thai people. There is very little, if any, consideration for foreigners in any way. Its always been like this, it will always stay like this. When push comes to shove it will always be Thai first, and even if you marry one you will always be a second-class person. 


    Itll never change. 

    Yet we would not complain if our own countries acted the same right?


    Then there would not be entire towns / cities following Sharia Law throughout the UK....

    • Like 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    How so? 

    You would be quite happy if it were only you and hookers?


    Do i really need to explain, this sums up your intelligence nicely - lol.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Not sure why you are singling me out for your posting attention, but I am happy to entertain you.


    I don't hate anyone. Show me where I have said that.


    If there were only me and hookers here in Pattaya, and no one else, like people like you, I would be very happy.  ????

    That makes you very sad indeed!

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Not hard to work out, Harry.  You can average it, to some degree.  Of course, it all depends on how attractive the girl is, and how hard working she is. 


    Let's take your typical Soi 6 hooker.  Say she's on 4000 to 6000 a month appearance money, at 7 days a week.  Maybe she gets taken upstairs twice a shift at 1000 baht, and the odd lady drink a shift at 40 baht commission to her.  


    So, 5k baht salary. (averaged)


    Say, 1500 baht per shift for boom boom. (averaged) That's 45k baht per month.  (yes, I know, how do you have 1.5 shags. I did say, averaged)  Some girls will get more business, some will get less. 


    Let's say she gets only one lady drink a shift, and that's being conservative.  So, that's 1200 baht per month.


    Total:  46,200 baht per month.  


    Of course, the above figures are pre virus, and with some western tourism.  


    What do you think about the above figures?  Wrong?  Right?  Close to the mark?   

    Based on the munters i've seen of late i'd say there's very few of them that make anywhere near that much.

    • Thanks 1
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