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Posts posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. 1 minute ago, scotsdude said:

    I was forced to fly back to the UK on the 9th of March so as to carry out 14 days quarantine before joining the vessel on the 23rd of March. Thailand was then classed as Category 2. They threatened to stop wages if I didn't comply. Only got 11 days with the family that last time instead of the usual 26 and we've had to do a eight week trip instead of four. That'll be ten weeks away by we dock next Monday and June doesn't look very promising either for flying back. Nightmare...

    Yeah not good.


    Think of the pay cheque, every cloud has a silver lining.


    Being away is not the end of the world what would concern me is an emergency of any nature, that would be a night mare!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Wo knows maybe they closed at 10 and were cleaning up because they live in the same location.  Maybe the thugs came banging on the door which was closed because they saw light son, who knows, what does it matter?, the thugs are still worthless pieces of human excrement in my book and should be handled very non delicately....

    I don't disagree with your last sentence and all your other comments may be true, the following may also be true:


    They were open beyond the curfew time coz they were trying to make an extra bit of cash when all their competitors were closed....

  3. 25 minutes ago, rak sa_ngop said:

    I have a Thai friend from Pattaya who attended a funeral about 60 km outside Khon Kaen. He was there about 8 days and had to have a Covid test before he was allowed to leave the province. He arrived back in Pattaya last Wednesday and was told he had to self isolate/quarantine  at home for 14 days.  He is not sure if they check up on him, although he says they can drive by and see that his car has not moved to confirm he is still at home.


    Maybe he was just unlucky and picked a bad entry checkpoint.....who knows.

    Being a funeral ( at what sounds like a small village ) the Pu Yai Baan probably wanted to play the big man.


    Who told him to self isolate back in Pattaya?



  4. 50 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Yinn try safe life. 


    You not answer what the problem? 


    Villages grow own food share together will survive more than city areas. Many city, Chiang mai, Pattaya, Bangkok etc people people join the line free food. 


    Ranong no problem. 


    Grow food, share the neighborhood together.

    And durian cheap now because no tourist!



    So you're happy to watch your countries tourism industry ( and all the people that work in it ) go down the toilet because you can now buy cheap Durian?


    Says it all really...

  5. 10 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Haha that old chesnut. The real world? What like Nakhon Nowhere, drinking cheap beer and eating mama's noodles out of a roadside hut,  pretending to be all Thai in your vest and sandals. Nah, you can keep the real world.


    Oooh, look at me I'm so different...and extremely boring I have no doubts!





    Are those conditions better than yours? lol

  6. 17 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    HashBrownHarry doesn't need gates opened and restrictions lifted, oh no. Didn't you see he just roams around the country as normal, even finding 'several' places to drink beer, while the rest of us stay at home 'scared'

    That's right, like many of the Thais have been doing for several weeks already.


    You should really get out more and find out what's going on in the real world.

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  7. 22 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    We plan on going as soon as they open the gates, "and their racing"...........


    As we have 2 girls and 2 teenage boys, we want the girls with us and find the family room at iBis to be perfect as they provide a double bunk for the girls in the room, and it's about 30m2, big enough with a balcony, only thing don't like is there is no window in the bathroom and it is a bit tight, that said, the breakfast is plentiful, and the pools are good and there is always parking, so would recommend iBis depending on your budget and how many kids you have. The teenagers get their own room across the hallway as that is what we request and it works out well.


    There are plenty of beaches to go to, just a matter of driving around, or walk down the side street of iBis and you will find one about 300 metres away.


    Google maps is a good tool to use to find places, like hotels, restaurants, and beaches. 


    I believe 1 June is the date they will lift the restrictions, so best keep an eye on TVF for updates, then get out of the gate.

    Nice one, thanks for the info.


    No kids, just the wife.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Yes, that's right. You are normally travelling all over and finding 'several' places to drink despite a blanket alcohol ban in all bars and restaurants. Just like normal times.


    Like I said, i believe you.


    As for me being scared lol. We can't all be tough guys braving these (boring) provinces lol.



    You have no idea, do you, i'm merely stating facts, beleive what you will.


    You also prove how little you know if you think all provinces are boring.


    No idea....


  9. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Yes feeling it very hard of late, never one to ponder or be depressed, but being cooped up in the house since the kids (4) started school holidays around 5 March, although we do have a big house, it's cool and the kids have lots of gadgets, games and toys to amuse themselves with, albeit it the 2 girls have their cat fights daily....lol.


    We did have plans to go south to Hua Hin, Ao Nang and then onto Ko Lanta when the kids school holidays started, but we didn't book anything as we waited to see how this Covid-19 was panning out, then they closed the waterholes down on the 20th March that I frequented at least 3 times a week, then the following month they banned alcohol sales for 3 weeks as we know, not a big drinker, but was starting to worry if they extended it because I was down to my last nips, then they lifted the ban, hip hip hooray, I like to know I have the option to pour me a drink at night when watching TV, the thought of not having one when I want one, wasn't pleasing, that said I do go nights without, so I am no alcoholic.


    The weather of late hitting the 40's is yuk, but like I said, indoors it's cool although had put on 2 A/C's around 12pm and 2 pm just to send that cooler feeling throughout the house.


    I miss going out to the waterholes and listening to the BS and the local gossip, playing pool, as opposed to staying home, although not complaining, have a fantastic energetic wife who doesn't stop cooking, baking etc etc and both the foods and sweets she makes are to die for. We sit at the front and have our morning coffees, talk, and then have a game of badminton for 30 minutes before it gets to hot, then she will go for her workout while I hit the laptop.


    We are now planning to go down to Hua Hin, Ao Nang and onto Ko Lanta for 10-14 days, 10 will be on Ko Lanta, just want to sit on the beach under some shade sinking a couple of cold ones, dropping in and out of coma's while the kids have fun on the beach, eat at restaurants, look at some eye candy, get a massage and maybe a boner ????


    I also don't want to sound ungrateful as we have all the luxuries one would want in a village in Isaan and when I see my neighbors and how they cope in this weather in their timber huts with iron roofs, I tell myself that prison life in our big prison cell is good and we will get out of here soon, hopefully by the end of the month.


    Went and got my flu and pneumonia vaccine today, so ready to go, and when the Dr was jabbing me, I said can you also give me the Covid-19 one as well, she looked at me, thought about it and then started laughing, who said Thai's don't have a sense of humor ?


    Hang in there, we are all in the same boat and we are all going to the same destination. An old Greek saying my mum used to say to me when things were down, e.g. "as long as we have our health, nothing else matters", a lot of truth in that.

    When do you plan to go to Ao Nang?


    Could you pls report back with what hotels / restaraunts / beaches and islands are open, i plan to go end of the month if all good.



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