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Everything posted by unheard

  1. That's a typical Thai way. They often do that even on high end builds. While not done to perfection, there's nothing of a concern regarding structural rigidity.
  2. That's the most unusual setup! ???? Is the equipment Thai sourced?
  3. Maybe in his particular spot.. I've had a chance to observe a few construction sites in the Chiang Mai vicinity and every single one of them used the common wide footing pads design for columns. Like the ones in the picture I've just posted. That's the reason for my question if his design has been permitted by the local authority.
  4. How about the adjacent driveway? The same thickness as the carport slab?
  5. What's the proper soil surface preparation process prior to pouring concrete? Is the compacted or loose sand layer strictly necessary?
  6. That's unfortunate. Was the PU insulation option available at the time? I've never heard of Bluescope coated metal changing color. That's undeserved generalization. Maybe the low quality coating of cheaper brands does.
  7. Exactly, the thicker the better. Even the 25mm option still works wonders.
  8. Yeah, but piles are not used in rocky soils, regardless of proximity to other dwellings.
  9. I'm not here to argue with you. Let's just move on...
  10. Not only BlueScope-franchised stores. Lots of roll forming shops in Thailand have the PU application machines. They will apply that insulation to any coated roofing metal they have in stock, including Bluescope. And yes, PU insulation is normally offered in different thicknesses, starting with 25mm.
  11. On the contrary, it makes a lot of sense. On a sunny day a metal roof without insulation will be re-radiating lots of infrared energy, in-directly heating up everything parked underneath.
  12. Actually from what I've seen, builders normally create much wider footing pads to distribute the house's weight. Especially for the multiple story houses.
  13. Is there a solid rock layer (bedrock) that comes close to the surface? Was your house plan permitted?
  14. What is the usage plan for collected water?
  15. There's a much better option over the glued-on very thin silvery material. It comes in the form of the 25mm PU insulating layer, which is also applied by the roll-forming shop during the roof sheet production. PU insulation has different properties and applied without any additional gluing agent, therefore it doesn't fall off and has much, much better insulating qualities.
  16. unheard

    septic tanks.

    DOS Bio Clean or WAVE Bio Seed
  17. @MJCM Have you run a test of your well water?
  18. @Batty "Im not expecting anyone to give me an actual specific model (unless you want to) but rather just a heads up on what it is I need to be looking for." It largely depends on the quality of your water source. It's usually recommended to get a Reverse Osmosis system (RO). RO systems remove pretty much all impurities. With RO you have two options - a cheaper one with a tank and a more expensive one without. The more advanced tank-less systems work in "real time" - they don't need to use storage tanks (which need to be periodically sanitized) to store filtered water, have higher output, normally monitor the quality of filtered water and use filter replacement alerts based on the filter's actual usage. https://shopee.co.th/YOMIZU-รุ่น-Kiyo-ii-เครื่องกรองน้ำ-RO-Tankless-Real-time-<deleted>-monitor-i.269977134.12225835321?sp_atk=a9368f10-a725-4ea4-939a-f894305c93cd&xptdk=a9368f10-a725-4ea4-939a-f894305c93cd https://shopee.co.th/เครื่องกรองน้ำ-Xiaomi-Water-Purifier-600G-รุ่น-MR624-เครื่องกรองน้ำอัจฉริยะ-สามารถกรองน้ำได้อย่างมีคุณภาพ-i.389579344.8332978690?sp_atk=98619b4b-db8d-44f6-b9f3-ca88308bbdd6&xptdk=98619b4b-db8d-44f6-b9f3-ca88308bbdd6 https://shopee.co.th/เครื่องกรองน้ำPhilips-Water-AUT2015-ดีไซน์หัวก็อกแบบคู่-ระบบกรอง-2-โหมด-สำหรับน้ำบริสุทธิ์และกรองดื่มได้-i.41904241.20443256989?sp_atk=f78340e5-e4cb-475e-ad0a-523764f01bc8&xptdk=f78340e5-e4cb-475e-ad0a-523764f01bc8
  19. The cost IS the reason. I was referring to the Thai market in general and not to your particular case. As @proton has previously mentioned, most Thais prefer to have their houses built with many windows and multiple sliding doors. Cheap, Thai standard windows. The vast majority would never even consider getting western standard, thermally efficient units due to the costs.
  20. Pretty much the reason for the energy-efficient windows being so uncommon in Thailand.
  21. Yes, the residual moisture (if any) left from manufacturing or maybe just a minor ingress of the not too humid air in the case of a minor seal compromise. But it won't last long.
  22. Congrats. You win! Can I go now? ????
  23. Nothing to do with being gas charged (mostly). And everything to do with air leaking in and out of the void between the panes (broken seals).
  24. I really don't understand your point in regards to labor. As In regards to foreign based U.S. located auto plants... To have access to a highly protected auto-market. Also to be insulated from currency exchange rates fluctuations (which is the case with the Japanese). And often to take advantage of the local tax breaks (job creation incentives). Did I pass the quiz?
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