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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. And both statements can be true; 1. "It's not humanly possible to stop them all." This is obvious given the length of the French coast line 2. "France isn't even trying to stop them." On a scale of 1 to 10 I don't know how hard the french are trying. probably not very hard. As I've said before; they're geniuses. From one of my earlier posts: "So instead of spending resources on chasing and arresting them they let them set of to the UK, the same place that recently gave them (and the rest of the EU) the finger. I tell you, the French are geniuses. Vive la France!????"
  2. No, it's not. Economic effects of Brexit "In October 2021, the UK government’s Office of Budget Responsibility calculated that Brexit would cost 4% of GDP per annum over the long term.[49] 4% of 2021 UK GDP is the equivalent of a £32bn cost per annum to the UK taxpayer.[50] After rebates, the UK’s EU membership fee in 2018 was £13.2bn.[51]" But I'm sure your unlimited "freedoms" will more than compensate for this.....
  3. No, I think it's pretty clear I'm talking about twice impeached one-time-president and attempted coup plotter trump. If you ever feel confused about who the thread is about I suggest you refer to the OP. Hope this clear up your misunderstanding,
  4. Yes, too bad you won't have any either now that you've lost easy and free access to hundreds of millions of consumers. But I guess those amazing trade deals with Guatemala and Niger and.....other places will more than compensate!
  5. And if you ask really nicely I think they will let you back in and I'm pretty sure the French (and others) will make the process as smooth and non-humiliating as possible.????
  6. Once again, that's not correct (in case you missed the post by placeholder): "The port of Dover's chief executive disagrees with your categorical denial: "The Port of Dover's chief executive Doug Bannister accepted that Brexit had resulted in delays, telling LBC on Saturday his team were "recognizing that we are in a post-Brexit environment, which means the transaction times through the borders are going to take longer."" https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/23/uk/uk-france-dover-delays-brexit-gbr-intl/index.html
  7. Yes, we're practically slaves here, not totally free like you lucky Brits!????
  8. So instead of spending resources on chasing and arresting them they let them set of to the UK, the same place that recently gave them (and the rest of the EU) the finger. I tell you, the French are geniuses. Vive la France!????
  9. It's also led by a right-wing populist who is very chummy with the killer Putin.
  10. No, my country pays a lot to the EU every year and we get a lot back in the form of full and free access to the common market. It's great, you should try it!
  11. But why would they waste a lot of resources on that when you Brits can easily pick them up when they arrive? It's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, isn't it? So, no probs! You're out of the EU and have full control over immigration (like you had before leaving) so all is good!
  12. I maintain that leaving the EU was an idiotic move by the UK, I have not called any individual an idiot so do try to calm down. Sheeeesh, if you're that easily riled what will happen when you're forced to sit for hours in a passport line?
  13. Well, then they should be just as easy to spot when they arrive in the UK, right?
  14. "I think they probably don't see any real harm in it." And that's a really scary thought. "It will be interesting to see how the "traitor" part plays out. If he genuinely believed that the vote was rigged...?" If trump attempted murder do you think a valid defense argument would be that he thought the person he tried killing was the devil?
  15. Boring already arrived. Being stuck in passport lines is the very definition of boring. Feel sorry for those who voted no and now have to pay the price for the idiocy.
  16. Having a lying traitor as president is not good for the country, the same country the MAGA crowd live in (although it can be argued they live in a parallel dimension/alternative reality so it might not apply).
  17. Not really a surprise as a common denominator among the Brexit crowd is being stuck in the past.
  18. So it's spiting your face by cutting of your nose. I agree, been saying that all along. Sticking it to the libs/man is more important to the MAGA crowd that democracy and the rule of law. Sad.
  19. Something to back up that astonishing statement? No? Then please get back under your bridge.
  20. Run Hawley Run’: Video of Josh Hawley fleeing Jan. 6 rioters sparks memes " Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) may have broken a Guinness World Record on Thursday — if there’s one for guest starring in the most movies and music videos in a single night. There was “Chariots of Fire,” with Hawley running in slow motion to the film’s iconic, piano-punctuated theme song, then came the jaunty tune from “The Benny Hill Show,” followed by soundtrack entries from “Rocky,” “Titanic” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” Hawley hit the music scene next, appearing in Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run,” Van Halen’s “Runnin’ With the Devil” and Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill,” the 1985 song recently resurrected and whipped to the top of the charts thanks to its prominence in the Netflix show “Stranger Things.”"???? What a sad and pathetic worm.
  21. Don't forget traitor. This is what he swore to do when entering office: " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He betrayed that oath in the most fundamental and despicable manner. Shame on him and those that still support him.
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