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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Yes. Hugely embarrassing for Americans in general and Republicans in particular, right?
  2. I think trump gracefully bowing out of anything won't happen anywhere even if there were an infinite amount of parallel universes.
  3. Really? A red ripple instead of a wave would still be a disaster for President Biden's agenda?? Gotta hand it to you; you're definitively a glass half full kind of a guy!
  4. I think it's a combination of several factors that prevented the predicted blue wave from happening: 1. trump. Even many conservative voters have had enough. 2. SCOTUS, more specifically the lying bunch of ultra-conservatives that ended Roe v. Wade. 3. GOP fielding lots of candidates that only the most brainwashed MAGA cultist would consider voting for ( Herschel Walker being a prime example).
  5. Weak morals. 20,000 lies. Still you defend him.
  6. Fox News Pundits Admit ‘Red Wave’ Turned Into ‘Absolute Disaster’ "“We have the worst inflation in four decades, the worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in U.S. history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that and looked at the Republican alternative and said, ‘no thanks.’”"
  7. I'm pretty sure most MAGA cultists would prefer mid to late 50's. USA lily white, non-whites safely kept in their place, all non-heteros safely hidden away in their closets, women in the kitchen etc.
  8. Blabbering incoherent drivel for 5 hours isn't a sign of anything except proof that the guy shouldn't be in charge of anything at all.
  9. Since the topic is trump probably going to announce a 2024 run I think it's very much on topic to discuss one of the many examples that shows him not being able to lead even a gaggle of geese across a road.
  10. Oh, was that what trump tried to do during his "presidency"?!
  11. I'm hoping for 20 to life.
  12. And you know what the best part is? He will never turn into a traitor that tries to subvert democracy by changing the results of an election and siccing his looniest cultist on the Capitol in a desperate coup attempt.
  13. If, by that reply, you categorize trump as a "true leader" then you and I live in different universes. In the universe I inhabit trump is obviously not even fit to lead a gaggle of geese across a lightly trafficked road.
  14. Yes, and considering many of the MAGA guys truly deserve to be called that and worse should tell you all you need to know about them.
  15. "Democrats and their ilk love to use loaded phrases to demonize their opponents." You mean in the same way trump uses infantile nicknames for his opponents? Or that MAGA guys love to talk about snowflakes and <deleted>? And no, election deniers are not "anyone who does not fall lockstep into line with their political and social positions", they're MAGA cultist who have lost touch with reality and believe the pathetic lie that trump told when his inflated ego couldn't cope with the crushing election loss.
  16. He has not been trump and that is more than enough.
  17. Patriotic frenzy? With all the talk of the Big Lie, a dash of conspiracy theories and a dollop of Quack-Anon stuff it's more like traitor frenzy.
  18. As I've posted before; - Thailand: Great food, cr@ppy beer. - All of Thailand's neighbours: Cr@ppy food, great beer.
  19. Because you order from Pattaya based businesses like Siambury?
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