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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. That's not correct. There are millions who still worship trump and he is by now one of the Biggest Losers ever.
  2. In some ways he's more dangerous than trump because unlike trump he's intelligent. However, it remains to be seen if he can talk the talk of the snake oil salesman, they type of moronic drivel that won over the "gone-down-the-rabbithole-and-ain't-ever-comin'-out" crowd that absolutely worship trump.
  3. Indeed. No doubt the French (and others) will bend Britain over a barrel and have their way before graciously allowing a reentry. I predict the UK will have to agree to adopt French as an official 2nd language!????
  4. I predict a reentry application will be sent within 5 years just as the food parcels from the EU to starving Brits start arriving.
  5. I think it's been established that it's shaped as a mushroom but we can definitively agree on it getting smaller.....
  6. I have sometimes tried watching live events using (paid) VPN's but more often than not the VPN is detected and I get blocked. I'll watch all the games live via my Android box which I pay 3000 Baht a year for. It also gives me basically any movie or series that I wanna watch.
  7. Trying to think if I've ever read a more unhelpful/useless reply to a request for information but nothing comes to mind.????
  8. Don't forget how they coined the awesome expression "freedom fries". Geniuses, the lot of them!
  9. Apparently the "blue tick" is a roaring success!????
  10. You're absolutely right, yet you complain constantly about us mocking trump, and if there ever was a better analogy about trump's "unfitness" to lead than "a blind person who wants to be a pilot" I haven't seen it. Well done!
  11. You're right. The amount of comic relief that guy has provided is immense and he doesn't get enough credit for that!
  12. "....various credible news sources...." Such as? (????)
  13. As probably the biggest BS artist in the world surely he is able to get as well as he gives, right?
  14. As has been pointed out before trump needs to come up with a simpler nickname for DeDantis than "DeSanctimonious" as the MAGA cultists don't do "big" words.
  15. trump and putin, once a formidable duo, reduced to the Biggest Losers of the century. Karma can sometimes be a beautiful thing to behold.
  16. "He campaigned to release prisoners and give them counselling instead...." Really? He campaigned on releasing all prisoners and give them counselling instead?? "...they all voted for him..." No, they did not, see attachment. "......yet they complain of crime in the community." Links? You know, if I wasn't such a polite person I would say you're talking rubbish.
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