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Posts posted by habuspasha

  1. When did I decide?  I’m deciding now.  For the same reason I almost decided to retire a few years ago.  The long commute.  Over an hour each way from my Manhattan apartment to the college in the country.  That day before Thanksgiving a few years ago, a sudden ice storm turned the evening commute into a six-hour horror.  This time it’s the realization that I cannot drive safely at night.  Then and now, my savings will keep me comfortable—unless my wife’s Alzheimer’s lasts more than another ten years.  But this time I’m over 80.  And my loving and gorgeous Thai GF is almost 40.  So I will split my time and stop worrying about living till 140.

  2. 7 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Yes, let's be fair, it is a suggestion in large, bold font, as a heading, that is false.  Thar's how it is irresponsible and misleading.

    I did not choose the font or enlarge or bold it, and I was asking a question, prompted by a genuine concern based on published images of empty shelves and my GF's experiences.  I posted the locality of her experiences and asked if it was more widespread.  I found out that there was hoarding and transport delays due to covid, but no worrying widespread shortages.  That's good news.

    • Like 1
  3. "Having one item missing or low in one market is a food shortage?


    NO and No.  

    Not in one market, which is why I asked you what was happening elsewhere.

    And not one item.  And certainly not beer and kettle chips.  

    As we often say: This is Thailand!

    When my GF last discussed food, she mentioned that she had stockpiled noodles, rice, eggs, and pork. She said nothing about beer and kettle chips.

    At her Tesco Wednesday there were no noodles, rice or chicken eggs (they had duck eggs, which she doesn't like).  

  4. My GF says her local Tesco in Nakhon Pathom was out of noodles.  And rice was low.  Is this an isolated occurrence?  We saw pictures of empty shelves a few weeks ago.  And I understand some medicines like Tylenol are unattainable.  What is your experience?

    • Sad 1
  5. I don't think my GF is thinking in terms of normal coup codes, but she is certainly feeling the effects.  Her complaint is that everything is constantly changing.  "Crazy, that."  And life has become "scary."  She can't go out of the house, is afraid to buy food at the market, constantly worrying about her mother, father, son, or herself getting the virus.  Today finally she was able to get the AZ jab.  After standing for 6  hours in a packed former Robinson's, thanks to special selection by an uncle in the police.  I sense she's loosing pride in being a Thai.   

    • Like 1
  6. "Good news for you.....there's a "free" bus......"


    The free bus is not for Thais to travel to Phuket.  As it says, it is for "Foreign tourists caught out by domestic flight ban"  The gov't does not want Thais travelling from red provinces (now, most) to others  (including Phuket)..



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  7. 53 minutes ago, The Cipher said:

    Khabib?! Is that you? Big fan!


    I suppose I am optimistic. Everyone trying to push life's boundaries has gotta be a little optimistic, I think. I'd hope it doesn't cross over to rose-tinted though. There's a viable path to dual-city living. It just comes down to execution now.


    Always interested to hear perspectives from other under-40s tho. How do you see it?

    One route to dual-city living is to keep working in or near at least one of them.  Retirement may be the mistake.  Especially if you can find a job you enjoy.  I'm not under 40, but my partner is, and she is willing to join me in New York or Bangkok.  I just have to continue working in my 80s.

    • Like 1
  8. I booked my Phuket sandbox weeks ago for July 21.

    Told by hotel that my Thai GF should join me two days later to allow for my arrival test result.

    Finally, everything arranged and ready for me to leave NY July 19 and for her to join me July 23.

    Then on July 11 Phuket declares GF must be vaccinated 14days before her arrival, i.e. by July 9.

    In short, the Thai gov’t has forced me to pay for my SHA+ to get a COE, after which Phuket ups the ante to the impossible (getting vax yesterday) and the improbable (getting vax at all).

    Can anyone tell me where she can get vaccinated in Bangkok, where I will pay whatever is necessary, or alternately, where she can get access to a time machine?

    • Sad 2
  9. I suggest you read the comments to my query "How does a Thai Get a Visa to the US?" which has been running for the last week.  Lots of good advice in the 60+ responses.  My situation is remarkably similar.  I am helping my GF explore the possibilities of a B-2 visa at the same time I am awaiting COE approval for Phuket (also before classes start).  Agree that US vaccine and private Thai hospitals provide adequate security for me.

  10. I read somewhere (probably here on TV) that the US was open to visa requests for medical care.  Sure enough, there's a B-2 visa open to those who seek medical care that is not available in their own country.  See https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/a-b-2-visa-visiting-the-us-tourist-do-you-qualify.html.  Doesn't say anything about vaccines (especially, say, a Moderna rather than a AZ, Russian, or Chinese). But I wonder.  I wonder if any of the HiSos went to the US on that visa.

    Then for me and my GF, there's the financial issue.  She has no income.  So the US wants to know who's paying.  So there's an 8 page form called I-134 Affidavit of Support.  It's a contract between the supporter and the US gov't.  I'd be fine with signing that, but that would raise the question of our relationship and intentions.  I can't do that and lay low.

    I (we) might be going to Phuket after all.

  11. Thanks again.  Some more questions, if I may:

    1. Why 4 laughing emoji responses to my original post?  Is it "HaHa, no chance?"

    2.  I wrote n the OP that I would otherwise "meet her in Phuket," not that she is from Phuket.  She is from BKK.

    3.  I like the suggestion that I stay out of it and just have her ask for a vaccine visa, given Thailand's dim prospects--much closer to the real reason anyway;  The best she can do now is the AZ vaccine which is 10% effective against the approaching South African strain.

    And one comment FWIW:

    The slurs about bar girls are a bit tiring.  Sure, we can all recognize dead-eyed, emaciated teenies showing more ink than clothing.  But a) they do it for us, and b)where else do we meet young women?  In any case, thanks for your concern.  She dresses nothing like when we first met.  She has become middle-class.


  12. Thank you all.  We qualify on some points.  She will have a return ticket, maybe business class, if it matters.  She has a child, a nephew who is like another son, both in school,  and parents she largely supports.  She owns the family house (and still owns their previous one).  The downside is that she doesn't have a job.  I'm the source of support for all of that.  Have been for six years.  She has been taking university extension courses but no specific career plans.  Should I write to embassy people?  I could explain that she will certainly return because I cannot ask her to stay.

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