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Everything posted by watthong

  1. "Its posts like this that do more harm than good the the LBGTQ community." Really? "Stoking up anti LBGTQ feeling by telling people who have a different opinion that there opnion is wrong and is bigoted." Can you read? Or you would rather spin? I didn't tell "people who have a different opinion that there opnion is wrong and is bigoted." so don't broad-stroke my comment. I'm calling a bigot, quote by quote, a bigot. Simple as that, got it? FYI, bigotry is always there, all around us, but unlike soi dogs, you don't make them go away by ignoring them. On a forum like this one, if you don't play wackamole with them, they'll metastasize like cancer. However, bigoted comments are allowed to run rampant whenever gay topic - marriage especially - comes up. Unfortunately, yes, but that's nothing new.
  2. Me too am going through the same ordeal...After 2 weeks of OTC self-medication (decongestants only, no antibiotic) at the 3rd week when the coughing got really really (tear-jerking) serious, yesterday I went to Ramathibodi Hospital off Victory Monument for a check up. The young lady doc who saw me spoke pretty good English, ie I could chat with her, she had me open my mouth for a look in, listened to my breathing both back and front. The diagnosis: pharyngitis AND bronchitis. She reluctantly ordered an xray - at my insistence though later I found out her reluctance was probably due to the high cost of xray - my lungs look fine. At the end she prescribed antibiotic along the usual decongestant stuff that I have used previously OTC. 2 capsules of Azithromycin 250 mg before dinner for 5 days. (Initially she prescribed something else but switched due to my allergy from Penicillin.) The services there was top notch, admins all around was prompt and courteous, totally on their feet. Even though I asked for a follow up appointment, the staff advised that if I needed to come back then I should go directly to the specialized department next time. As of this morning, the coughing has subsided considerably, because of that I'm feeling much better. Lesson learned: don't wait till it gets serious, get PROPERLY treated ASAP.
  3. Watch his language - which I multi-quoted in my post- the terms he used are not "Just because he doesn't agree." "He has a right to his opinion," sure but he couched his biases/prejudices in flowery/arcane terms to fool you. If you don't see them or don't want to see them, then of course you have the right to your opinion. Doesn't make him any less a bigot though.
  4. I used to take a stance of ignoring the bigots, and trying to hold on to the topic at hand which concerns the wellbeing of the LGBTQ plus community. But that doesn't stop them bigots from hijacking said thread by inflaming it with their vitriols. So let's call a spade a spade. (To steal a line from my "sister" Jingthing:) You are a hardcore homophobic bigot ! So try to find your place in an enlightening society if you can. FYI, bigotry will not get you neither here nor there. It's you who at the first place brought up the idea of sodomy/buggery - which involves a man/woman butthole, so again let's call a spade a spade. What's a vagina and a butthole have in common? They both discharge body waste. Therefore what makes sodomy more "sickening" than vagina-penetrating intercourse? Bigotry, that is. Just an aside, in my inexperienced teens I was lured into intercourse with a female classmate. Turned out she was having her period. I was turned off because of her female genitalia - which I finally had the chance to observe up close, and nah, not to my liking - but not because of the sight of her bloody tampon, which I considered a necessity to her natural bodily function.
  5. I was surprised that Merchant didn't call in a psychic to testify on this aspect of the relationship. Well, Robin Yeartie came close.
  6. Pivoting fast, didn't you? Going from the original accusation of improperly benefitting from their personal relationship to "Whether Willis and Wade “testified untruthfully”' about any aspect of said relationship. Keep moving the goal post, I'm sure you'll find some doubt somewhere somehow some time along the way...Distract, Deflect and Delay, the classic 3 Ds tactics.
  7. You are pressing the laws to your argument. Study this phrase: "Beyond a reasonable doubt." See that, no? pick up your glasses. There's the word "doubt" at the end. In layman term, the buck stops with the verdict. You don't have to be "sure."
  8. Bizarre indeed that you thought my saying "unnerved by realities of diseases and their consequences." was aimed at you? I started my post by concurring with you thanking the posted pic's author, then aimed my criticism at those who lambasted said pic. Not you, whom I have asked and thanked for info regarding your doctor's visit. Bizarre indeed.
  9. I too concur that pics are particularly helpful in showing forensic details that a thousand words can not accurately describe... Another thing I'd like to point out that this sub forum is about health and medicine. Not how to apply beautifying filter on tiktok. If one is so easily unnerved by realities of diseases and its consequences, then one should not peek in on this forum. Don't go in here and re-act like Snow White getting lost in the forest.
  10. Thank you for your kind wishes. Since getting ezcema I have been checked out by a specialist and after realising she just wanted to prescribe heaps of lotions onto me, particularly one (last) instance where she said I'm going to give you a new lotion which turned out to be what my local pharmacist has quietly suggested all along in lieu of what the doctor had previously prescribed, I quit going to her. One good thing is that "cancer" has been ruled out from the first visit, since then I just had to learn to live with ezcema (which tends to flame up if the weather get really smuggy on hot days.) Also I want to put in a plug for the new skin disease location in town (Bangkok): the Institute of Dermatology which was getting ready to open when I went there last year for my last covid shot. It's a governmental outlet and of course has after hours clinic for your convenience. Just a few steps from Victory Monument. I have not yet tried its facilities but it looks imposing and newly spic and span inside.
  11. I suspect she had her reason for hating foreigners, considering the behavior of some that I have witnessed along the years I have gone to immigration office...Yesterday I brushed against one old, tattoo-filled leathery farang at the grocery shop at the local market. He was taller than the rest of us, and simply barged his way through the throng of customers who were milling about. Hey dude, people were choosing their vegetable, you're not at the front fighting the Ukrainians, all right?
  12. If's it near the same BTS as before, that tells me they are moving back to the original location. Hopefully what has been done was renovation and expansion, the former premises were rather cramped...Thanks for the notice, much appreciated.
  13. Good news! btw could you tell of the price range and the level of communication/service there at that hospital (english speaking staff, doc, waiting time...) Thanks.
  14. I'm an American of Asian descent. Being Asian, I believe (rightly or wrongly) that I have "stronger" skin and "stronger" eye (brown vs blue) than my white American counterpart. But being American, especially one from California, I also have acquired the life long habit of sunbathing. Ever since coming to Thailand and retiring here permanently, say about 10 yrs ago, and carrying on with that habit while living in pollution choked Bangkok under a much harsher sun that that from Los Angeles, and believing that I had "tougher" skin, I kinda ignored all the protective cream/lotion that doctors recommend. As a result of that sun worshipper lifestyle, getting out of the pool in mid day, then sun bathing for another hour or so with little UV protection, I have damaged my skin almost beyond repair. Considering all the elements above it was like I was basting my skin - which is aging - with all kinds of toxic substance, then baking it in an oven to a crisp on a daily basis. I think at some point my skin had gotten stripped off of all its protective layers. Soon eczema struck. I could not take a regular shower or jump into a chlorinated pool. Re daily "shower" I had to put epsom salt and vitamin D into a big bucket of tap water before I could splash it onto my body. I could no longer use regular soap but had to rely on dermatologist recommended body gel. Luckily since covid we have moved to the city outskirts where there are lots of greenery, less pollution and that has helped restoring my skin to somewhat normal living standard. I can jump into a regular pool now but can not stay in the chlorinated water for more than half an hour. Still have to use gel instead of soap, but I can now "enjoy" the regular shower, what a blessing!
  15. Thanks for sharing. As they say a pic worth a thousand words, all the more so when it comes to medical matters. Much appreciated.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. So let me sum it up: - It's one long - sheet of - statement covering the last 6 months up to the day I ask for it at the bank (as opposed to 6 separate monthly statements.) - It takes a little while (20 minutes) for the bank to issue, ie the same day. (Same as the bank letter, they usually ask me to come back in about 45 minutes, one hour.) One more item...how much does this 6-month statement cost? (as the bank letter costs 100 baht.) Thanks.
  17. This "bank statement" thing is new to me. However, at my last extension, the officer did grumble a bit when she got just my bank letter, so maybe this was what she meant... Anyway, just wanted to get some clarification about the "6 months duration." Does this mean the last 6 months leading up to the day of application. Say, if I apply in May then I need statement each for previous Nov, Dec up to and including April? And finally, does the bank issue these monthly statement pronto, or do they need me to come back the next day? Thanks.
  18. How could that be? In short you only pay, via bank transfer, once your package shipped by them already arrived in Thailand? And that's just for their services, nothing else? (Do you know how they got around not paying Thai customs duty?) Thanks for a very detailed description of this shipping house. Your info is much appreciated.
  19. Does this company operate similar fashion to Planet Xpress. Meaning do they keep a warehouse where you can mail your stuff to them and they can do the packing (ie consolidating various separate items into one big box) before shipping them out?
  20. Sure, my thoughts and prayers too...But at the end things did turn out the way the general consensus had predicted. didn't they? So how could that be negative? To have read out loud the writings on the wall? For me the last nail on the coffin was when a (hole at the knees jean) street musician got top billing as "on-board entertainment." As the saying goes, "you've got to know when to hold/fold them." It was very early on quite obvious to us who were initially truly excited for this prospect that some folks had more money than "vision." From then on it was a prolonged bedside vigil until the last gasp. RIP.
  21. Really, then just for the record, who posted the comment below? Good thing comments once posted can not be deleted.
  22. Oh no, they won't be caught dead saying that, but never! They even agree that "have equal rights to expressing an opion (opinion.)" Here are a few, from the general to the individual. Just keep in mind first and foremost that they "do not hate gays." And so forth.
  23. Thanks for the interesting info. Didn't know that "get married abroad in person or/and get married via Internet" is possible either in US or elsewhere. Could you give a link to the forums you mentioned? Thanks a million,
  24. Unfortunately, anything beyond the following "obvious contenders:" Is indeed considered "learned and wise" within this range of "intellect." (At least the spelling appears correct...but nah, not worth it.)
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