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Everything posted by watthong

  1. It only takes a click to give a SAD emoji. Don't give it (or the sender - usually some troll/moron/or someone who disagrees with ya, so what) the power to make you feel sad or otherwise. Treat it like a flake of dandruff! (same with not feeding the trolls.)
  2. Thank you for a very detailed follow-up, much appreciated. By the way during your going thru the initial ordering process with Zenni, did you notice anywhere that gives an option to custom the lens for indoor use (like watching tv, or staring at your computer, different viewing distances) as opposed to for outdoor use?
  3. I for one am very skeptical those who sneak up their biases under the camouflage of "factual posts," it's not that hard to spot contradictions that popped up rather often. Unless you choose to ignore them.
  4. Not that strange really. "Coming from someone who allegedly doesn't like Trump" - btw "allegedly" should be written in ALL CAPS. Remember what Trump said about there's fine people on both sides? In Trumpspeak, that means he has his followers on both sides. Side that loves Trump, and side that "ALLEGEDLY doesn't like Trump." Understand that time is hard in Trumpland right now, it's raining indictments and the prospect of the master heading for jail is becoming frighteningly real, the MAGA folks are getting desperate. Even those who used to be discreet start to show their true colors.
  5. Great idea, and while you're at it, don't forget to move your target!
  6. Voting for Clinton in 2016 and "celebrating" her defeat? Are you to be believed?
  7. So it's ok for you to post pic of Hillary 2016 "election celebration" party on this Trump trial thread, but when someone mentioned it's popcorn time to "celebrate" Trump mugshot, this is your brush-off: "Fine. But the topic here is: Trump trial in Fulton County will be televised, judge says." FYI popcorn time is more pertinent to this thread than your pic of Hillary party back in 2016 that you posted here. There's a word in the English language when you claim more legitimacy to your action that has much less relevance than that of someone else. I let you figure that one out.
  8. Between watching "the snowflakes crying when she lost" or the Proud Boyz crying for mercy in court, I much prefer the latter spectacle: "But I wanna chance to take my baby girl to school -" Oh shush, baby, shush...
  9. Yep, not "actual" democracy, by the look of Trump still at liberty to tweet and slander... However, that's no excuse for lawlessness, as some might fervently hope. And by the way things are going lately, yes, we are "havin' a laff" - "dark days" indeed.
  10. "Trump trial in Fulton County will be televised, judge says" - One burning question: will Fani bring back Melissa on the witness stand? (Oops, she's Michigan jurisdiction.)
  11. Please don't make me repeat myself. here: "And as someone here has pointed out, Raff could say he didn't feel threatened while a gun was pointed at his head. That however doesn't negate the fact that someone pointed a gun at his head."
  12. A friendly reminder - Raffensberger is a Republican, with career aim to be advanced from current position - so whatever truth managed to come out of his mouth, it only does so from one side while the other side of the mouth stays paralyzed. A la Pence. And as someone here has pointed out, Raff could say he didn't feel threatened while a gun was pointed at his head. That however doesn't negate the fact that someone pointed a gun at his head.
  13. Uh oh, another confession by accusation. Shoud have learned by now...
  14. That the way he - to be clear, I'm referring to the one you were responding to - often "sounds." There is this trick in the English language. Someone simply pointed out to you: "That guy parted his hair to the left side." You have to wonder why he had to say that...
  15. Lucky for us mere mortals, Mark Meadows does not make laws. Per common sense, the reserve should be the law: it only takes one decision that Meadows was NOT performing in his official capacity to DIS-qualify for removal.
  16. "The weaponization of the justice system" - Another oximoron coming from the fertile (as in fertilizer) communal gray matter of the GOP. Listen, DOJ job is to persecute and punish wrong-doers. You don't do this by wearing flowers in your hair or chanting psalms. DOJ by its nature (raison d'etre - pd my french) is to serve as a weapon, at the disposition of the American people. You don't go to the DOJ to get marriage licenses or birth certificates. Most (sadly, most but not all) adult Americans know this.
  17. Well, the reason Trump buried his burnt-("I say, Sit!")- orange face deep, deep in the cushioned backseat of his motorcade was probably to avoid the excruciating scrutiny of bignoc "face reading" talent! Compare this Trump-brand of "bravado" to that of Marie Antoinette, though she knew not for long, held her head high on her cart ride to the scaffold.
  18. Triple that. Rep Barbara Lee of California has just jumped into the fray...
  19. Because race and sex where Trump is concerned (personally that is) are like holy water and garlic to vampires. To make it a woman and black, to whom probably for the 1st time in his privileged white life, Trump had to sit when a female (and younger, ouch this hurts) African-American said "Sit!" - as it happened - only makes that industrial strength. Deep burn on Trump face the moment he got out of Dodge, I mean Atlanta. Of course, this made Trump fanbase sore to the ninth degree seeing their master suffer the humiliation of a lifetime. Thus, they're out in force to hunt down the next big black witch(es.)
  20. To understand the nuances of such profound maxim, one needs to decipher MAGA parlance. One primer example: STOP THE STEAL -==>> meaning STOP THE VOTING PROCESS then STEAL THE VOTES. In everyday normal (read sane) language, we would simply say the thief is sounding the alarm.
  21. Anchovies (and olives) are to Italians what pah-laa (fermented fish) to Isaan folks, core ingredients of their indigenous cuisine. If those are gross to you, then you belong to a distinct minority = as a distant whiff of camembert might bring instant nausea to some of my Asian friends (though they'll be perfectly happy with a wedge wrapped in foil of "La vache qui rit" ie the laughing cow brand of cheese for toddlers.)
  22. And what's the situation with renting motosai in-town. especially post-covid. We plan to get there by train, and for transportation (to Ao Manao for example) we would need our own I guess? Thanks for any suggestion.
  23. Let me start with - instead of shooting down the MAGA batsies - saying something agreeable for a change: "Trump seeks to make the most of historic Georgia mugshot..." - absolutely, why not, if he didn't I would have thought the sun rose from the west this morning. It's called "shameless", in American jargon they say it's being caught with your pants down. But for Trump, it's always a Kodak moment. For me, it's a most delectable time of the day when they managed to put a collar around Trump neck, ie make him comply with the law. Imagine Trump had to pay attention to little "rigger" Fani, you better haul your big fat white ar$e over to our grimy Atlanta courthouse before Friday. Or else. And just like in a wet dream, Trump dutifully showed up. Truth be told, Trump mug shot gave me a Proust' madeleine moment, it recalled the same kind of thrill as when as a kid, I used to sneak into my cinema down the block that showed loops round the world striptease, just at the moment when the lady peeled the last patsy off her crotch. That doesn't happen often these days, know what I mean, I'm so so grateful whenever it did. Scowling will do for now, we fully understand - but we gotcha, right Donnie? Yeah, sleep well and try to swallow your big Mac - look like you've lost couple of pounds the last few days...
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