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Everything posted by watthong

  1. "disgusting and puerile"? Yeah, quite an apt choice of words from someone who in a not long ago thread quite blithely remarked on abortion as how to get 'fetus remains out of a still "dilated womb". A visual impossible to un-see.
  2. Let's see, beside investigating "Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats" as Trump's latest claim to fame, what else do we have here during his stint at the WH: Amazing that some US folks would choose this clown as their leader. Different strokes for different folks. Nah, "Demented" would be a more apt choice in this instance.
  3. Emphasis on "BLIND(-ingly)". Interesting that blindness could mess up one's cognitive functioning, but I guess that happens some time.
  4. Listen up, MAGA crowd, great advice for you above. Thanks GG.
  5. I guess you prefer something a bit more genteel? How about this: "Such horrible questions, you didn't even say hi to me, ask how are you, how rude..." - Trump's reaction upon being NABJabbed at the 1st salvo.
  6. You worry tru, true much. Even longtime loser Trump could "hold" the post, though it was a nighmare. In less than a month all this caco-phony will be over. The locusts would go underground. Time to stock up for barbeque. Bliss.
  7. Thinking requires a brain. Regardless, he/she/it can't do it, for fear of being thrown out of a job.
  8. Less than a month and all this caco-phony will be over. The locusts would go underground. Time to stock up for barbeque. Bliss.
  9. "watch the spin?" Sound more like the thief sounding the alarm.
  10. @1:00 "Apply light and heat, erh...you know? Maybe you can, maybe you can't" - suggesting the then supposedly world leader on how to fight covid (in case ingesting bleach won't work.). No wonder the world was laughing in our faces. However, some US citizens think that's a show worth going on.
  11. What/how do you think will have to happen in order to make "things improve?" You have already taken her to the UK and that didn't work out. She's now in her 30s and not getting any younger. Or saner. The urge to pack up and leave you is stil beating somewhere inside her. Like a little alien. I'm 70 and in similar predicamment. It doesn't look like I will make it past 80. Wish I were 53 like you and would have walked out - like yesterday. A self-sufficient life as a single guy, in Thailand...aahhh, heaven on earth.
  12. The practice is called "frottage" - not to be confused with "fromage" (cheese). Though even that would not transmit urine infection. But when there's a will there's a way... let's defer that to the OP.
  13. In case you haven't noticed: ditto, same to you.
  14. As the world turns, there are anatomically perfect (American) men who don't give a hoot about the labeling. No questions asked and no time for smooching, they just "do" it, taking early lunch and seeking out what they couldn't get at home, then go home at the end of the day and make whoopies with their wife/gf. Speaking from experience as a gay man during my sexual heyday in So Cal circa early 2000, (not so coincidentally the setting for the TV series "Bored Housewives of Orange County") I had quite a few "friends with benefits" in this category...actually both JD and Tim (notice the first-name basis here) remind me of some of them (sigh.)
  15. To Trump: "No have!"
  16. Thank you for a clear and succint definition. One can elaborate further but as such is sufficient for those who are not in the known but scientifically inclined. However, to the homophobic bigotted crowd, it's like holy water to vampires. Charts and graphs are garlic wreaths to them. So just let it be... their kind. not to be mean, is dying out, fortunately.
  17. "Haitian immigrants in Springfield OH eat dogs and cats!" Is that enough decency for you? Moderators have nothing to do with how the candidates present themselves. They do not require debaters put on party conehats, nor ask loony questions such as to provoke the above statement. As to how US citizens would like their leader to behave on the world stage, most simply do not want an encore of the following laugh-fest:
  18. Says who?
  19. Looks like Trump/Vance 2024 is already down the sewers regardless, along with Springfield's murdered housepets. But despair not, Trump/fill-in-the-blank 2028 will be here soon enough, and as they say 3rd time is the charm...Imagine Trump in another 4 years - boggle the mind - would probably beat the latest Halloween sequel.
  20. Me too. Ugh, until now I always thought Barron arrived via immaculate concepcion...
  21. Ditto for Melania.
  22. Interesting that one of the words came out of Vance's mouth in response was "Censorship!" - to excuse his "damning non-answer." Then the refusal to engage, "We've talked about it, I'm happy to talk about it further - " but not right now, not right here at the debate, right Vance? It's Vance's own "Haitians are eating dogs and cats" moment. That question shouldn't have caught him off-guard. Or maybe he didn't prep, a la Trump?
  23. Sign of desperation: debating who won the VP debate. Yawn.
  24. "It was a slaughter - " go on, finish your sentence, the suspense is killing me... Nevertheless, I have to take issues with "Vance is a man in his prime": One, "a man in his prime" shouldn't feel so much desperation as to do kamikaze with his own political career. Two, which "man in his prime" wears eyeliner (maybe already tattooed in just for convenience's sake), defines real men as men who live within 30 mile radius of their mommy, and wears more than one beard, one on his face the other at home cooking curry? (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).
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