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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Meanwhile half Africa is selling openly in Bangkok and Russian maffia in Phuket. Seems he bought with a local, or a farang who sucks in life and helps them do this.
  2. Name an example device or battery, it was just about you not being able to find it, not because it not exists. I can fix anything, similar to amorn in cm
  3. Untrue, most batteries are generic batteries and you could always buy them. Just few people in the west know or do that. And yes, that usually does result In people firing them away, hence you can get those shavers for like 250-300 baht already with usb charging port. The batteries have crappy cells, so they last just months. The batteries itself however usually connect with a small thing, similar to a remote controlled toy car, and you can buy them all over the place. If you want a quality product and it uses a battery, it can basically never be less than 750-1000 baht, comparing it to the 250 cheap ones. Good example most can relate to is powerbanks: the crappy ones don't even do half of what they say, if still working 10 charge cycles later. Those batteries cost retail in Thailand like 30-100 baht each only, so no surprise then. AA and AAA batteries in 7/11 cost more.
  4. Met him and smoked a J with them on Phangan while ago
  5. Why keep an account if less than 500-1000$ balance longer term anyway.
  6. What is the news in this? The entire news is to do it without a long-term visa, with one, it never been a issue. You shave, dress, have a lease and long-term visa, 9/10 banks say yes. At worst a residence certificate on top. Just the lease and long-term visa alone and a wife beater chang shirt + flip flops likely still do at 8/10 branches. One must look homeless to be refused.
  7. Not so hard to do, just go to websites selling the products since before, check web archive servers on previous prices, quantity and weight + compare. could be programmed in hour(s)
  8. Laugh what you want, the owners that run AI bots and software, laugh harder. Its like legal slavery, exploiting chips for chips. i could potentially learn more about someone, than they know about themself and their life, themself…
  9. Doesnt work like that, too hard to explain, its complicated.
  10. When testing “normal people” they actually most times pick the human writing sluggish over the AI ones, and this was of 2-4 years ago, today they are 10-20x better. You wouldnt know really: most articles are 80% AI already.
  11. It more says: the average human is super stupid and heavily underdeveloped since centuries. Think about that, ciao. i mean the avg thai wouldnt get this: they would start a story that says a recent died monk is reincarnated.
  12. A lot but the answer is too long to even start about, you lack the knowledge.
  13. I could write posts or reply posts based on any type of persona, style, goal, amount, use a residential proxy and nobody would be able to know. In fact, how sure are you my posts are not automated based on my writing style. None of you guys would know. This is similar to the dead Internet theory: all real opinions, of real relatable humans, are wiped away from your view without knowing it. instead the rest is then filled up with mainly robots, which you think are fellow expat users, to then be able and steer the audience into specific directions / opinions / political choices etc etc etc. It is so easy to manipulate the average internet user, my custom gpt can tell a thai girl being out for money by pasting 5-10 of her messages. I trained it on thai real life scenario’s data lol. I could make this forum look busy again by using AI and bots.
  14. Just open it yourself, usually it's some simple screws and they use these lithium batteries with simple connector pin cables. Often these batteries are sold on lazada and you can just connect it and close it again + done. Often they have this blue color / wrap around them, many devices all same same. I started replacing batteries in all kinds of devices, it is really easy to do and cost little. Shops often would charge me a few thousand for it.
  15. 12go.asia tells you options: 220-240 from ekkamai or mo chit and 460 from Khao san.
  16. Soon in the news: Thai woman causes traffic accident during holiday in England.
  17. Insane like half their GDP in support again.
  18. Way too few for the population size, have any reasonable intelligence, over there. Specially if looking how rich and developed they used to be. Let's be real here, most Americans would think that Washington is a country.
  19. Totally subjective, to actually go and see his body, not have to be more people than it would be in a hotel room setting, or even a house. Suicide is never good unless you tell people upfront, so they can avoid the issue for strangers, and you then do it clean with like some pills. That's why they should provide these services legally and safe in like hospitals.
  20. You watch too many movies if you were thinking he had a chance of surviving this lol. Just FYI like 500,000 people yearly die of slipping and falling with a height of 0 meters, a heavily underrated threat and death. If you jump from around 30 meter height, you would be going down with 80km per hour, it is unlikely to survive. Jumps lower than 30 meter can result in failed attempts, IMO people want it to fail if they jump from 10-20 meters. For more info join our walk in Saturdays at the Pattaya Flying Club.
  21. There is plenty of dumb Americans who do. I think over half of them today won't even know why it happened.
  22. Chiang Mai they just tried to setup people telling us they renovated it, for like 27 million baht. Turns out: nothing is renovated except some aquarium part, otherwise it is a S hole and I feel sorry for most animals there. They can't even make the zoo plastic and garbage free it seems. Better to close them if they can't run. Cashiers are horrible too, I know multiple people incl myself where they would not believe my son was Thai, or I was the father lol AKA trying to rip me off.
  23. That doesn't apply for all the embassies and consulates where people apply for visa's, they seem to take empty passports all the time, they only check the psychical stamps. Also I doubt immigration by default 'sees everything' unless they actually dig into their computer information. By default they first check the passport itself + recent histories in the monitor screen of their system only. So a new one could also help with that; as the officer just stamps it and moves on, as of seeing not dozens of full pages. Know a lot of people who were refused for a new tourist visa due to the full passport, and accepted with the new ones, so yes, a passport renewal, depending on your usual history and visa activities, can certainly be useful. And yes, it does not delete all history from the systems itself. (deleted)
  24. Foreigner in coma no news, Thai gets a small shove in the back; big drama 24/7 non-stop for a month.
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