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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Lol the hawaiian shirt as evidence with sunglasses. Guess it can't end that bad for him as no posession.
  2. They basically just do a chatter job by just copy pasting random things to all guys in their current list. They not really read or care what you write them except for just giving you a short reply to make you feel good. Then once you are warmed up as a lead, and it is also known you are no longer there and a real tourists, they will go for the exit scam which always is medical bills, funeral, a friend they share the room with cheated her etc etc. This is essentially how they spend their day aside from sleeping and eating. Actual customer interactions are not that much until a sucker arrives. Also it can often even be partly or entirely true but this still has zero to do with the guy or that it suddenly would rely on his donations. Just play it along and (pretend to) be broke, and see if she will keep talking to you as much. But even if you just send 50 euro a month that's a subscription. There is always a wedding, funeral or buffalo sick in each village almost every week. If it is not general drama with loan sharks, debts or medical. And most times all these costs actually go to alcohol for those events lol, you essentially pay for a party you are not attending. Coffins are cheap.
  3. This is just entire madness. They virtually live together with all their neighbors on a 400-500 square meter plot. And then by adding a little <deleted> pool they think it is worth 100-140K USD? You could buy like a 40 foot 3 berths near new sailboat for that money too.
  4. People totally lost it making these topics while ignoring this… its like you would earn only 1k fulltime back home. It is not only ignorance but also being an extreme idiot and hypocrit. If i go to europe with 10k a month I could state the same too. How does that relate to your average european? It does not.
  5. You still seem to have your head stuck in some pile of dirt. You don't seem to get the point, quality girls have nothing to do with earnings. What is the point to even brag about what your company and boss employs, that is not you, you are just a worker.
  6. What a nonsense reply, you now want to state that 'the right girls' 'make a lot more money too'. BS. I know doctors and laywers that barely make 40-50k.
  7. Like that changes anything, in reality you would still provide but just are ignorant to pretend you are not paying.
  8. Seems that has to do with you and staff and nothin with the restaurant. I have been going to this place for 15 years already and never had issues.
  9. Yeah unless it was someone who actually had some statue, power or connections. In that case nothing would have done so far. You get that right? There never was a issue with Thai laws, the issue has to do with the corruption and enforcement of them. This often result in those who are poor and powerless to get the most heavy sentencing VS the others the lowest or nothing.
  10. Yeah right, the hormones were studies about diseases while we talk explicit about transgender mice experiments. Stick your head in the sand even further.
  11. Eh ok, that justifies everything. The man child could not bear that pain.
  12. Of course they do, is like the worst airline that exist...
  13. How to know they are really clueless and this is never going to get better, only worse, well this article basically. Mean while Vietnam has achieved doing like 200-300% more farming yield on the same size land as Thailand already. You gotta suck big time if you can't achieve that after 4 decades. Start to think more and more that is the land of losers, incl most expats.
  14. You are kidding me right? You are offended because of some joke made on twitter about the pope? LMAO, he will be ashes soon anyway.
  15. You just confirm your ignorance and how much of an idiot you are once again.. Congrats.
  16. This is proven by countless studies, you must be the most ignorant person alive to not know this, stuff even went viral for a year. 📉 Only ~20% of Americans speak a second language fluently, compared to 56% of Europeans (Eurobarometer). 📉 Only ~1% of American adults are proficient in a language they learned in school (American Academy of Arts & Sciences). 📉 Most schools in the U.S. don’t require foreign language study or only require 1–2 years, which is barely enough to retain anything. A National Geographic survey found that only 37% of Americans aged 18-24 could locate Iraq on a map—despite the U.S. being at war there at the time. 🌎 Another survey found 1 in 3 Americans couldn’t find the Pacific Ocean on a map. 📌 Many Americans struggle to name countries in Africa, Asia, or even parts of Europe unless they are high-profile (like France, Germany, or China). The U.S. exports more culture than it imports – Americans mostly consume American movies, TV, and news, which creates an isolated perspective of the world. 🛫 Only ~37% of Americans have a passport (U.S. State Dept.), compared to ~76% of British citizens and 66% of Canadians.
  17. You could have an italian that is jew in the first place, what is the point you are trying to make here. Americans are usually clueless about any nationalities, cultures or languages, this is not an attack but just a fact. What is it with these endless jewish attention grabs.
  18. He is, he would have the same issue if he would not been jewish too, even he looked different. It's always about how people act, and how they act has a lot to do with what they think and feel. This is why some people with their face full of tattoo's come across as a threat and other as teddy bear.
  19. That has more to do with Americans than it has to do with Italians and Jews in America. Just saying. They are not exactly the brightest...
  20. Not sure what you even mean then, anyone who is not a 'real arab' in arab places usually gets <deleted>ty service and a lot of looks, I do too. You speak about a change of 2 years after 9/11, what did you expect? No change? Arabs have had nothing but war from us outsiders lol. Suspicion is logical, just as much as we have to proof ourselves each time with Thais, to let them be aware we are not 'idiot backpacker tourists in their first week' to get entirely different experiences.
  21. So they think you are mossad lol.
  22. To be honest, I spot them from a mile away. No joke. Same for most nationalities, i am usually right with my guess too. So it is very possible what the OP experiences, I usually also get defensive already when seeing a jew here since they messed around trying to buy everything up on a island in the south I lived + their wars. OP must look very obviously jewish then or just is a weirdo in general that arabs not like. If talking about the law of attraction, if one is aware of such things and then vibrates like that, you would also attract it.
  23. Once again a disgrace for the Biden and co followers. Yet they will still put their head in the sands.
  24. Good luck, took me nearly a year to get access in EU again after having a similar issue.
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