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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    Been against the military for some time do keep up.

    Yep seem to remember your backflip after your vociferous defence of the junta and clear disdain for democracy and the will of the people...


    2 minutes ago, robblok said:

    But time and again polls have shown the Thais dont want tourists get in unless quarantine and tests are done. Hard to argue with that.

    Are they the same polls that show 97% of the population is in favour of the junta or any other number plucked out of thin air for any number of things 'your' junta want's to enforce?


    4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Its just the ones living off tourism and some locked out foreigners think differently.

    Nonsense there is a ripple effect that affects many aspects of the economy and wealth of the population at large, you cannot simply write off a large percentage of GDP without consequence


    Anyway Robb I reckon 'your' junta have achieved their aim of spreading fear of the world at large and hoodwinking the populace, they do that don't they they had you fooled for age's!!

  2. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    But they are still a majority. That is how a democracy works. Why would the minority be the ones that say stuff. 

    Blimey, Robb talking about democracy, well I never...


    I thought you were of the opinion that some people were too stupid for democracy hence the need for military strong men to jump in and help the population by overthrowing their elected government, you know essentially destroying what little democracy there was because you and the rich found them distasteful...

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  3. 44 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    About a third of Thailand's 69 million people depend on land for a living, but nearly 80% of private land is formally owned by just about a fifth of the population, according to land rights groups who have long called for reforms.

    And that right there is the crux of all their problems the hi-so caste control every aspect of the poor's lives, always have and always will unless something significant happens and that will take blood and sacrifice...

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  4. 16 minutes ago, webfact said:

    He has assigned health officers to figure out ways to reduce quarantine from 14 days to a lesser but appropriate and safe period.

    Anutin using his authority to re write covid 19 safety procedures doubtless using his vast medical knowledge!


    Either that or he just opened his mouth and let the drivel spew forth, I will let you decide...

  5. 2 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I doubt that very much, this guy went on a hate campaign, in his mind he's winning...I suspect he will attempt to make some money out of this.


    Then he will be deported for being a dangerous criminal.


    A dangerous criminal??


    Four reviews locked up for a weekend on the Island where the hotel owner is local royalty, threatened with two years in jail, lost his job


    Would you recommend shackles on the way to the airport?

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  6. 24 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    The 1st review was released and it was taken down after 5 days as report here and other media outlets

    At least one review was posted in June on TripAdvisor accusing the hotel of 'modern day slavery' -- which the site removed after a week for violating its guidelines


    Pigeon chess again, I bow to your superior grasp of the facts and unswerving trust in what the hotel has said...

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  7. 4 hours ago, Elkski said:

    <deleted> is a gabby yank tourist?   You mean the Yank, from the country, that freed your a$$?

    Gobby mate, gobby not gabby look it up it will be on the net somewhere...


    I don't mean any offense to Yank's as I believe that is a common description for people from the USA same as I don't get upset with Brit, Pommie, Ozzie but up to you personally I recommend either getting a thicker skin or get down to the cop shop and get a report in, <deleted> I despair... 

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