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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 13 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    while adding We Travel Together privileges and providing civil servants, state employees and state enterprise workers with an extra two-days of leave

    Just what the general populace need an extra couple of days off!!


    Well it's definitely what anybody suckling at the tit of the state want, you know the army, the police the other assorted uniformed parasites you know the ones who are already getting a wage every month, the ones who aren't relying on tourism or themselves to earn a living....

  2. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    “Drivers must rest adequately before operating their vehicles and try not to exceed driving hours limited by the law. Most importantly, drivers must possess a valid driving licence,”

    They are the gift that keeps giving!!!


    The fact they have to keep spouting this off just emphasises the woeful amount of enforcement and cavalier attitude to the law that said Darwinism will find a way....

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, petermik said:

    His holiness the PM as well as being Defence Chief is now Economic Chief and qualified enough to "keep an eye on things"....is there no end to this mans talents.........:whistling:

    Couldn't agree more Thailand is lucky to have such a wise benevolent all seeing dict.....oop's leader, leader yes that's the word perhaps even great leader I believe that has been used before for people with a similar skillset as Gen Pinocchio 


    No end to the man's talents or should that be no start to the man's talents, I will let you decide.....

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I heard they had just offered a $2 billion package to help Thai people.

    Yep lets wait and see how that works out but their track record is pretty appalling wrt the other stuff they have promised to alleviate the poor's hard ship, wont hold my breath....

  5. 6 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    Submarines are a wonderful piece of technology, something to be admired for the pressures they can withstand and how they can balance the tanks to rise and sink, yet still provide living conditions deep underwater for a long time. Truly impressive.




    How exactly could Thailand utilise submarines? To protect itself from who exactly? Or attack who? There's a vast Indian ocean on one side, and a closed Gulf of Siam on the other, where Thailand runs down most of it. There isn't really a country that is a threat to Thailand that would choose sea to attack it. Hence this may be as wasted purchase as the aircraft carrier was. But at least that was turned into tourist attraction. Not sure anyone would want to get into submarine that has no windows as a tourist.



    Oh I don't know might be able to double the price for fallangs too, give it several thousand years and they might even be into profit, bargain...

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