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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 1 minute ago, Parsve said:

    A really strange and unsustainable idea. More holidays will only make workers poorer by moving money to the rich in the country. There are only two things that can increase Thailand's economy and that is to increase exports and in every way work to get more foreign currency. None of this is supported by this idiotic proposal.

    Think you will find there are 3 things first 2 as above and lastly remove the buffoon's in charge and get people who actually know their <deleted> from their elbow into these positions, wont hold my breath...

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  2. 5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Yes, it's a scare tactic. A similar tactic is used by organsied criminals when they're racketeering.


    This is where people need to start filming the police back. Asking why they're visiting people to tell them that their adult children are not breaking the law. Reminding the police that they're wasting tax payers' money and police resources and time. Maybe have a list of unsolved crimes in your area and remind the police of them. Belittle and humiliate them passive-aggressively so they won't want to visit. 







    Really think that in the land where face is foremost that could very well work, it also helps that the average iq of local plod struggles to get into double digits...

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  3. 7 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

    It's what you define as a scooter.  There are many scooters I would not take on a trip outside a city but I would do it with a PCX or Nmax or a Forza or Xmax.  They are more than adequate here.


    And I keep seeing the "get myself out of danger" with those arguing for bigger bikes. I am more concerned with good brakes and suspension here than horsepower.  Speed kills.  Brakes save lives.

    I think you will find in general motorcycles have much better brakes and suspension than scooters


    Having the power to go around a numpty and create space has saved me more than once and no doubt will do so again


    It's been mentioned before by other posters but do not disregard what has been mentioned about the average road user being more aware of bigger bikes it's a massive benefit 

  4. 55 minutes ago, 12Gon said:

    I used to have a Versys, it is a bigger engine with lots of more torque, I prefer that engine to the CB500X. Still , now I am riding a CB500X. Mainly because it is much better in the city. I felt that the Versys was top heavy and harder to navigate in town. I prefer the smoother ABS on the CB (maybe the Versys ABS has improved on later models). All over the CB is more relaxed to ride, I feel that I have much better control and it never surprises me. The Versys was more fun to ride, is better for overtaking on the highways etc. But for a beginner on a new bike. Honda is just easier, without feeling boring. BTW, I am 6'2 and Versys don't even win the ergonomics battle for me. Much more crunched hip angle on the older Versys. Check out http://cycle-ergo.com/ for info 


    Good luck!

    What this guy said!!!


    Power is addictive and as you get more experience you may want more, most do including myself


    For starting off and gaining that all important confidence and experience I don't believe you can get better than a 500x. It's forgiving and not intimidating plus light and well balanced


    I would argue as a first step into bigger bikes it's probably better than some smaller capacity bikes thinking Ninja 400, Mt 03 and the KTM 390 because its not as hyper and high revving


    I really don't think you can go wrong but like you said you need to take off the scooter hat and just do it, don't listen to the people who are frightened of their own shadows


    Take it easy and if possible get a bit of training. As for traffic I could go virtually anywhere in downtown Pattaya that you could go on a scooter as well as get myself out of danger much quicker, soon becomes second nature...

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  5. 53 minutes ago, yeahbutif said:

    So I take it if you come into contact with someone who has the virus.as long as tested you ok if negative? Very odd so why isolate for 14 days thought it was for a chance to make sure not have .so why not test all people coming in and going out ?sounds simple to me...but maybe I too clever lol

    Shush stop talking logically it's not welcome here, they are hoping nobody will notice then they can bring on the next 100 days of no infection......

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