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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 6 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    People in many different countries are being sued for negative hotels reviews that they have left in many different countries

    if you are sued its an expensive and costly business

    The problem for both hotels and review sites is without reviews their business model is screwed and in the case of review websites they may as well closed if no reviews are being published


    Do you care to point out a few of these many active cases because you know what I haven't managed to find any, tbh I have not looked very hard but I reckon the reason this is news is because it's rare as hens teeth, happy to be proved wrong....

  2. 4 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Initially, however, he said he will sue the EC, demanding 70 million baht in compensation for the loss of the opportunity to perform his duty as an MP.

    Blimey is that the going rate they expect for a term at the trough?


    Thailand is truly shafted by the whole nest of snakes, their greed and lack of anything even resembling honesty or honour is appalling, all the lot of them are despicable and beneath contempt....

  3. 51 minutes ago, polpott said:

    It was the Thai owner.


    Out of interest I have read the 1 and 2 star reviews on trip advisor and there is a common theme there and some of the hotel replies are overtly passive aggressive, some are downright insulting. Tells you a lot


    Never really took too much notice when I have stayed there but then again I am used to poor service at most places and just expect it more so on the islands where there is a limited pot of staff...

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  4. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    The case prompted Nonthaburi immigration to go to Sarasas Witaed Ratchapreuk School in Pak Kret to check up on all 74 foreigners working there. The rest were found to be in Thailand legally.

    Seriously!  they expect us to believe it was only the 75th naughty teacher who was not legal to work in Thailand??


    Seriously, in the land where corruption is everywhere and the Police are for sale?


    I call BS on this and I also reckon the authorities are probably a bit more wealthy and the school a little less so...



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  5. 7 minutes ago, Alex25 said:

    Boy, as somebody who spend 45 years in the crisis communications business, I can tell you it's not easy to be stupid enough to turn a minor dispute into a New York Times front-page scandal, but here's proof positive, it can be done.



    Thanks for that you just summed it up nicely!!


    World news, front pages, critical examination, reckon this hotel has turned into a nightmare for TaT and the tourism industry in general and rightly so


    Highlights how 'face' is keeping this country back the fact this comes on the back of red bull and the student protest's doesn't help. There's a saying any publicity is good publicity, well in this case I disagree...





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  6. 1 minute ago, ChipButty said:

    One thing about the Marriott group is the best breakfast you will ever get 

    The one in Rayong has a great restaurant and the pools are awesome and much less busy than the Pattaya one, come to think of it that was one of the reasons we liked the Sea view as their pools are really good as is their beech, shame really but I personally will not reward an organisation willing to stoop to getting negative reviews jailed, then again I have a moral code I try to live by

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  7. 1 minute ago, Andy from Kent said:


    Please tell us all how much you paid for each nite of your visit.


    Surely you weren't paying 6,000 THB a nite.

    Thee last visit would have been about 2014 and it was expensive however I was working offshore at the time and more than happy to push the boat out but no I don't think I would have been paying that much but it would have been in the 3's I think!! 


    I always plan ahead and book early, for anybody interested another favourite of mine is the Marriott in Rayong again not cheap but brilliant food and you get what you pay for, I have been to enough <deleted>ty places to choose never to do that again only ever search 4 or 5 star places!



  8. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Vicha said that the reason he accepted the responsibility even though he was 74 years old was to initiate reforms in the legal system

    My mum used to say if you've nothing nice to say then say nothing at all, my opinion is that's <deleted>...


    I was never good with <deleted> advice so I feel it's my duty to point out this guy has enjoyed a whole lifetime of watching/enjoying corruption and personally I feel it's highly unlikely he will change


    Reforms? I hope so but doubt it, more of the same hypocrisy, lying, corruption and same old <deleted> different day, on past experience that is guaranteed.... 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    However, he was certain that the Thai legal system was the “strongest”, but the people who applied it were the problem since Thailand has nurtured nepotism for years and it had resulted in a social gap in both the economy and justice.


    Anybody who says the the words 'thai legal system' and 'strongest' in the same sentence is <deleted>in deluded, 'nepotism' however fits right in...

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  10. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    “When 12 - and 13-year-olds march on the streets raising three-finger salutes, and adorn themselves with white ribbons all over Thailand, it shows how corrupt people with power are,” Vicha said.


    This guy is in position of responsibility, I wonder what he thinks about people potentially getting jailed for 2 years because they post a negative review on a website


    Wonder if anybody with even a minimal degree of intelligence believes this will make Thailand's tourist industry more appealing to the foreign market


    Seriously have to question some facets of Thai society... 

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  11. 13 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    I have been reading since I was old enough to get a junior library card in the 1950s and apart from Angola every country I have been to/worked in I have managed to find second hand books. I have about 500 or so hard copy books that I have read and reread over the years but a few years ago I met a guy who downloaded me 165 Gb of ebooks.


    I have been catalogueing them over the years but had to start again in 2016 when my hard drive crashed and I lost 2 years work. Fortunately the downloaded stuff was on a seperate hard drive si I started once again. I try to work for about an hour a day and so far I don't think I am even 25% finished.


    Up to 31 December last year I had converted 4,062 authors to the Mobi format and I reckon I must have about 30,xxx books and perhaps another 50,xxx to deal with.


    I use a Lenovo tablet to read them on using FB reader which is a good free program.

    Don't know if you have tried a kindle mate but if you've not it is a revelation compared to reading on anything else, the bog standard one now is just as good as the more expensive kindle paperwhite version other than not being waterproof, plenty of free stuff available too

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