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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. There you go made it even more accurate than the original!
  2. Nobody who reaches the top of that cess-pool is a good guy, they're all rotten to the core and absolute examples of why the whole Thai establishment needs burning down and starting again, nothing else will work and anything else is a complete waste of time....
  3. Anyone backing Russia and Putin is morally bankrupt especially with Navalny barely cold! the world may well judge their actions Unfortunately it's not at all surprising as in Thailand you can pretty much guarantee if there's a choice of doing right or wrong they always go the wrong way It's what you get when poor education and low iq is mixed with dim entitled idiots in charge and matched with nepotism and corruption, an absolute recipe for disaster!
  4. A very brave move to bring up this hot potato! it's still being used to neuter dissent, even teflon Tony is not immune and we all know how slippery he is! I reckon this is exactly how they will control him till he shuffle's off this mortal coil It really needs to go but the establishment is never ever going to let such a potent muzzle go to waste, seems fear and coercion is just about all they can do with any degree of skill...
  5. Why would I ignore the morals and scruples I live by? I do think the treatment of the Thai people is shameful and embarrassing. I know I can't change anything personally but when I see the establishment pissing on the people then telling them it's raining I won't stay quiet and accept it
  6. I really don't hate Thaksin he is just another sad old hypocrite who will be dead soon, the establishment have already neutered him and he has paid for the privilege of returning by betraying his supporters and country. He is beneath contempt I do dislike the way the Thai people are being treated by their establishment and the way they have been indoctrinated to just accept it. I also dislike the complete disregard for the rule of law shown by the establishment and I find it embarrassing so God only knows how educated Thai's feel about it I would say the establishment should be ashamed but unfortunately I don't believe they know the meaning word...
  7. Which Thaksin has backed by joining with the former junta parties rather than respecting the will of the Thai electorate and sticking with MFP as they promised If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem and Thaksin's action's is proof of where his affiliations lie and it obviously isn't with the people!
  8. Just shows how good everything is going in Thailand when this is all they have to concentrate on It's like like living in Nirvana I tell you! the overlords are honest, fair and content and the serfs are happy in their designated roles, all is happy in the fiefdom... And then I woke up
  9. Well that'll be a first then!
  10. Aw still a bit confused I see! is it a little clearer that I don't like the convict at large or the junta as they are one and the same by their actions Unfortunately I can tell you something but I can't understand it for you but maybe I have made it a little clearer for you I do try to do my bit for the hard of thinking but figure if you can't even work out a statement from a nickname you may be beyond my skillset...
  11. Works for them? Is that why they constantly lead the world in road deaths? well I never...
  12. I fear you're right but I think unless it is removed root and branch another lot of dinosaurs will simply take the place of this lot The people lauding Thaksin are the ones that confuse me his actions and betrayal of the electorate is breathtaking yet some outwardly intelligent people seem completely blind to it It's as if they think Thaksin is against the junta his actions say he isn't and by not being man enough to stand against it he actively condones them I can't see any changes to the status quo anytime soon as the hi-so of all colours have shown themselves to be thick as thieves and the Thai people have been shafted yet again by the overlords
  13. I reckon he will be running down the road clicking his heels come Sunday due to the diligence and world leading medical care of the BKK penal system, a miracle I tell you!
  14. What about ministers carrying bags of heroin into Australia is that classed as personal use or is it a bit naughty or doesn't it matter as it's not on Thailand? Rhetorical question, we all know the answer to that one....
  15. Bang on sir! The old establishment and the generals and coup makers get to carry on as if nothing happened all because the convict at large got into bed with the junta There was a fleeting moment when lasting changes could have happened but it relied on Thaksin doing the right thing and endorsing the electorate and MFP, he chose himself above all that and that fleeting moment has passed until God knows when.....
  16. Still confused I see! See my point 4, 5, 6 and 7 your hero Thaksin is giving the coup makers power and making democracy an unobtainable goal By blindly endorsing Thaksin in reality you are condoning the junta and the illegal stealing of power Thaksin had the chance to make lasting changes if he worked in conjunction with MFP, he chose not to and you choose to condone his actions Seems to me one of us is making the coup makers lives easier and it ain't me. Because of PTT turning traitor my point 8 is on the rise again
  17. I think you might be one of the hard of thinking I mentioned so to break it down for you 1/ there was a vote where the people overwhelmingly voted for change 2/ PTT and Thaksin could have chosen to do the right thing and go with the will of the people 3/ PTT was and is Thaksin's thing, what he says goes 4/ The Thai institution was weak and divided and the spark of change was lit 5/ Thaksin decided coming home was more important than any of that 6/ Thaksin sold himself and his party and supporters out and jumped into bed with the junta 7/ The generals and establishment have realised they have carte blanche to carry on with no fear of retribution because Thai politicians, Thaksin and PTT have taken the money 8/ Lesse majeste travesties are up and Thailand has been set back again with no realistic chance of change
  18. You could be forgiven for thinking it might be a wooden overcoat if you had been listening to the MoJ and DoC I think he will make a miraculous recovery thus highlighting the excellence of Thai healthcare in general and the honest and compassionate work of the medical staff of the Thai penal system in particular Then again if you're not gullible you might work out it's just another steaming pile of bs carted out for the naive and hard of thinking.....
  19. Can you not see the coup leaders are walking free because of Thaksin and his me first attitude and abject capitulation? I am not naive enough to think everything would have been straightforward but it takes a spark and PTT and especially Thaksin staying true to the vote may have been that spark Unfortunately we will never know as Thai hi- so internal political elites and in this I include Thaksin decided to put themselves ahead of their country Cowards, hypocrites and scoundrels just as they ever where. Money number 1 in a word snafu and the spark has been well and truly doused with the piss of hi- so treachery to their people....
  20. Oh I don't know he is certainly a Thaksin to his people and democracy....
  21. You're absolutely right, just had to betray his supporters and his country to do it! He certainly pulled the wool over Thailand's eyes in his quest to rejoin the trough As mentioned earlier just another hi-so hypocrite just like the rest of the Thai elites....
  22. Bild he sold out himself and his supporters for his own selfish wants The one man who had the chance to make a difference by backing MFP and putting the country and his people first decided not to as at heart he is just another sad old hi-so hypocrite I don't hate him in fact I couldn't give a monkey's about him but I do pity Thailand as they have been well and truly shafted and at present meaningful change is impossible The man who stated he would never get in bed with the junta! the very generals you keep going on about and Thaksin has given them carte blanche to do whatever they want without any fear or consequence There's none so blind as he who refuses to see....
  23. Ironic that the powers that be are more than happy to openly discuss the prisoner's symptoms and medical history but we aren't allowed to know anything about another certain hi profile prisoner Are his rights different to other convicted prisoners rights. Hypothetical question to which we all know the answer Thai double standards and smoke and mirrors at work again for all to see, the degree of contempt to which they treat the general public is truly mindful boggling....
  24. So in summary having talks with the Russians about ?circumventing sanctions and supplying steel and generally kissing Putin's ass, making overtures to the Iranians, kow towing to the Chinese overlords and now tea and stickies with the North Koreans! They say your friends say a lot about you and in Thailand's case none of it is good, very enlightening none the less!
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