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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. There you go scouse! Thailand court allows minister to keep post despite drug conviction - BBC News
  2. Shall we wait and see? I reckon he will and seeing as a convicted international heroin smugglers already serves as a minster whereas the man with the shares can't I really don't think that's too much of a gamble...
  3. Yep maybe you are right...
  4. When are we going to face facts and accept every single high ranking Thai copper, military, judge in fact every single one in high position is bent as a nine bob note, face it they are all leaders of openly corrupt organisations that are riddled with nepotism and where a moral compass and principles are rarer than rocking horse poop, scum bags one and all from the very top to the very bottom!!
  5. Well that seems pretty clear cut doesn't it!!! Only the most blind and deluded can think his treatment is the same as other similar aged and sickly prisoners! Never heard of a prisoner being air lifted to hospital hours after arriving Never heard of a Thai prisoner getting around the clock care Never heard of a Thai prisoner being moved to a luxury hospital wing Never heard of a long prison sentence being commuted within hours of arrival before the convict has served any prison time I bet these hypocrites struggle to lie straight in bed....
  6. So the bloke who inherited shares in a defunct company ain't allowed into politics but yet another convicted jail bird is. That seems very, very Thai to me, how intelligent people put up with this is a mystery to me....
  7. Absolutely! this creature has by his actions shown he is evil and beyond redemption To do this multiple times with the help of various mothers shows he is cunning and manipulative he deserves everything you say and more I would happily help and not lose a blink of sleep he doesn't deserve a quick end....
  8. I think they just make it up as they go, there are no rules or laws if you're connected....
  9. He is a very high profile person who has been convicted of several crimes whether they are trumped up is debateable but that is beside the point what is not debateable is he is a convict and as such he has forfeited many of his rights The fact he appears to be receiving preferential treatment is divisive so clarity is required, the fact that the powers that be are being the total opposite spreads division and begs the question 'is Thaksin's imprisonment nothing but smoke and mirror's?' I think anybody with an iota of common sense already knows the answer to that and the one's that don't are either a bit thick or deluded....
  10. Scouse you are getting a bit pedantic now and yes opinions are like <deleted> and yes you can believe yours is right and mines wrong, I shan't lose any sleep over it! ttfn
  11. I am pretty sure with all the past and present shady goings on that with enough dosh you can indeed commit physical rape in Thailand after all murder and disappearing people happen on a fairly routine basis, clear enough for you!
  12. I hope you are right but feel you are wrong but time will tell!
  13. I really hope you are right but forgive me if I don't hold my breath! With the blatant corruption on show for all to see it looks to me like the establishment is stronger than ever I said right from the start it needs blood on the streets to reset this mess and I really don't think Thailand has the belly for it, hopefully it won't come to that but nothing will change any other way.....
  14. Fukin he3ll who writes this <deleted>e. There is no democracy in Thailand and he has no mandate from the people, the recent farce of an election proves this without a shadow of a doubt He is just another in a long line of greedy corrupt creatures feeding at the trough that is Thailand, another despicable self important fool, a liar, an hypocrite, a man with no honour, unfortunately nothing new really...
  15. We all know the answer to that! he is a walking, talking excuse for the betrayal of their voters. A despicable bastard, unfortunately one of many Thai hi-so's who continue to rape their country...
  16. True mate but two wrong's don't make a right and open corruption and hypocrisy tend to trigger me....
  17. Nah mate, the army and their minions ain't safe to run a bath they are a complete and utter waste of oxygen, in a vulgar way of expression the best part of them ran down their mothers leg and left a nasty stain on the mattress The problem here to my mind is the mind boggling hypocrisy and the open corruption in plain sight for anybody to see. At least in the past they tried to hide it now they just don't care, the complete disdain for the rule of law and their people is scary...
  18. Sounds like a documentary....
  19. Yeah them persecuted billionaires, brings a tear to my eye's when all he want's is to see the grandkid's, blah, blah, blah....
  20. True can't argue with that we are all entitled to an opinion, whether it's right or wrong is always debateable...
  21. Let's break it down, how can you PHYSICALLY rape a country??? you cannot! You can rape a country in a figurative sense by taking stuff by force if you are in a powerful position and nasty enough to do it. That's common knowledge scouse, you never heard that before?
  22. Did you not understand the question??? Google 'discuss' it might clarify stuff, then again maybe not...
  23. I am not so sure but we live in hope!!
  24. I reckon he would have been good in his former job after all he is perfectly demonstrating Thai culture, lying, stealing, running away Yep seems a perfect demonstration of Thai culture from a former Minister...
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