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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 3 hours ago, madusa said:

    I made 5 attempts to stop smoking and finally quit totally 25 years ago. I would love to see people put in jail for smoking or for even holding an unlit cigarette.

    Thailand is doing the right thing if you don't like it you can go to countries where you could smoke on the beach and throw your butts on the sand. Disgusting smokers! (Disgusting is an understatement)

    I am an ex smoker but I truly struggle to get my head around the hatred some ex smokers have for smokers, firkin bizarre unless your just bitter and twisted with life in general..... 

  2. On 28/09/2017 at 11:41 PM, webfact said:

    Thailand declares readiness to tighten cooperation with US


    BANGKOK, 29th September 2017 (NNT) - The government has declared its readiness to tighten cooperation with the US. 

    Deputy Prime Minister, Somkid Jatusripitak on Thursday told reporters that his meeting with Mr. Wilbur Ross, the US Secretary of Commerce had touched on the cooperation between the two countries in many areas, such as trade, investment and technology. 

    Mr. Somkid said that he had assured Mr. Ross of Thailand’s readiness to further cooperate with the US, after acknowledging that the two governments had interacted less with each other in the past few years, when Thailand has been working on a national reform process. 

    According to Mr. Somkid, the US Secretary of Commerce has expressed confidence that Thailand will still be the center of ASEAN while noting that he believes that greater clarity should emerge on the two nations’ cooperation, during Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha’s upcoming visit to the US. 

    Meanwhile, Mr. Wilbur said that he is confident the meeting between the leaders of Thailand and the US will be a good opportunity for the two nations to tighten ties.

    -- nnt 2017-09-29


    And there they go again thailands great and good demonstrating their uncanny ability to read the minds and discover exactly what those pesky farrangs are thinking...


    Either that or it is just a steaming pile of made up excrement.....

  3. They really do not get it do they....


    Just because you have been allowed to get away with blatant disregard for the rules in the past does not make your argument suddenly relevant or your crimes any less deserving of punishment


    It is about time Thailand and her citizens realised the lies they are indoctrinated with since birth are shown for what they are, gotta be cruel to be kind sometimes....

  4. 2 hours ago, Machiavelli said:

    Two small countries trying to punch above weight. What a laugh. Empire was a long time ago.

    I think you will find Britain does still punch well above it's weight, G8 security member, nuclear power with one of the best trained and battle hardened forces in Europe or the world no serious adversary would take them lightly


    Jag think you will find that SRDG are part of the big 3 always used to tell everyone that though unfortunately for them nobody believed them....

  5. 10 hours ago, BBJ said:

    Or you could consider Caberg, which are way cheaper than Arai and Shoei, but generally, have better safety ratings than either of them via https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/  5 star, compared to most 3 and 4 with the odd 5 of Shoei If you won't get upset about the helmet not being made from Carbon.  You can't go wrong with Caberg for the price.  Duke Legend 8k.


    So if you want safety, put brand names and MotoGP sponsorships to one side!

    Agree! shoei and arai tend to be overpriced shark also now have high sharp ratings and also have a few famous heads encased in them....

  6. Does being a complete hypocrite but expecting the rest of the country to obey you make you a fit and proper person to listen to and obey....


    If somebody was to forbid authorities checking into their finances when the rest of the country has to allow it would that be fit and proper...


    If somebody was to commit treason and over rule democracy at the point of a gun because they fear they are losing their grip on power, would that be acceptable...


    Does taking power to stamp out corruption and then actively being seen as endorsing corruption and nepotism would that be ok...


    Is it alright to make a song and dance about an elected politician trying to get an amnesty bill passed through parliament then when you have seized power to give your self and your cronies a complete blank amnesty for all past or future misdemeanours..... 


    Lot of questions there....

  7. Just now, Baerboxer said:


    What a childish comment.


    So do you think government ministers committing serious fraud is trivial? Or perhaps they should be let off because they're Shin cronies?


    Shame more corrupt elite politicians, of any side, aren't dealt with the same.

    Nonsense this is a blatant stitch up and is politically motivated


    They are all corrupt and I doubt a single person involved in Thai politics has anything other than self enrichment as their prime motivation but the junta are a step up from the rest


    They have taken it to the next level by blatantly committing treason and stopping democratic process, they then have the brass neck to grant themselves a blanket amnesty and forbid anybody investigating their own misdeeds


    Absolutely shocking but sadly unsurprising.... 


  8. 10 minutes ago, halloween said:

    Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

    Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

    Really!!!.....does it matter corruption is corruption and when the self appointed leader is blatantly doing it then that is hypocrisy of the very highest standard and makes the man and all he stands for a complete travesty


    How can anybody have any respect for anything this complete and utter hypocrite ever utters, he is completely lacking in any semblance of honesty, integrity and is clearly a bit dim.... 

  9. 10 minutes ago, bkkgooner said:

    The maximum sentence Yinguluck could have gotten was 10 years, the fact that she fled that says a lot about how much she cares about her movement. 


    I don't think everyone in this thread is fully aware of the amount of money that was lost by this scheme and the obscene amount of greed and corruption that was going on around it. This country is in an utter state when it comes to politicians and the nasty little elite that seems to have everything and as much as they want to fool you, the Shinawatras are right in amongst that little circle. 

    Should have also been maximum of 10 years for the fella presently starting his 42 year sentence....


    Are you completely unable to see that the whole 'justice' system is bought and paid for by the little general and his merry band and is totally rotten to the core...

  10. 6 hours ago, seajae said:

    what more can you expect from uneducated masses, when people are incapable of reading and comprehending the truth it doesnt help. All they see are dollar signs, who ever gives the the most money will always be number one,  When the proof is put in front of them they simply cannot accept it and then make excuses, many independent news sources have shown the same proof to people but their bias negates it all, they prefer their innuendo and lies

    What a sad person you are....


    Most people understand that you need to walk a few paces in a persons footsteps in order to see things from their perspective


    You are a privileged westerner who believes he knows all the answers, you don't!


    Two sides to any story but one constant in the case of LoS is that constant interference from the junta and their masters benefits only one group and it certainly aint the majority of the population, can you not see that???

  11. 3 minutes ago, gbswales said:

    To be fair most of us would argue that nearly all Thai politicians, police and other public officials should face justice - however what most of us are saying is the sentence is a farce - it is putting dodgy dealing on a par with Murder and other more serious crimes.  That is why it is farcical.  Plus it seems fairly typical that one or two people are singled out for "justice" while the majority of people who must have been complicit get away with it.  If the news had been that 20-30 people had been given sentences of between 1 - 5 years then most of us would applaud it.  


    Nobody trusts the justice system except when it delivers a verdict they agree with, and that is rare.  I really cannot blame Yingluk for leaving the country given that what amount to life sentences are being handed down for what has been "normal business practice" for decades.  What is really needed are checks and balances in the system which make it much less tempting to succumb to corruption in the first place.



    Big problem is the people in charge make it up as they go along, corruption and a complete lack of a moral compass coupled with an over riding sense of entitlement is a complete recipe for disaster where any expectation of justice or fair play is involved


    Unfortunately the present master of the trough is completely unable and lacks any of the knowledge, personality or skill to bring about any meaningful change so I can only see this ending messily, might not be today or tomorrow but it is coming....

  12. 1 hour ago, seajae said:

    hahahaha, I will not leave the country as I am innocent she said, goes to show how big a liar she really is. Anything that the shins have touched is rotten and needs to be removed, the ptp and reds included as they are simply an extension of them and dirty to their core. 

    That's right buddy you as an outsider have the implicit right to tell millions of rural Thais that they are wrong.....


    You have any particular way to remove them...gas, hanging, simply making them disappear....

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