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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. ive had 2 cbr 250s and a ninja 250, and ive test ridden an R3.

    scratch R3 off your list, its just hype, the rear end is severely unrefined if you plan on riding fast, the abs is too tempermental and the back end doesnt stick very well....the power delivery is also almost identical to the ninja 250, not 300....wherever theyre getting that 39hp from, it really does not feel like it. Its good for straight line touring though, but on the twisty stuff its really awful...youre really not getting your moneys worth with the R3.

    the cb300f is a great bike, i have one....i was reluctant to get one because i was so bored of the 2 previous cbr 250's ive owned. But the power is much better, plus its much much much smoother than before, vibrations are almost nonexistent now. However some models have a tank rattling problem, but the cure can be found here : Tank Rattle Solution

    Top end remains the same as the cbr250, but torque is much better. Its become much more fun to ride. Putting a 13t sprocket on the cb300f does nothing for it, ive tried and it doesnt work, nothing but wasted torque there. However with a 13t sprocket on the cbr250 the performance is very similar to the cb300f/cbr300 except for top end speed.

    Tire wear is much faster on the 300's, where i use to get 9000kilos from a pair of track tires, now i only get 5000 kilos. Which is a testament to the extra power. You wont be sorry with the cb300f, go for it.

    Opinions are like <deleted> I guess as I have a ninja 250 and an R3 and the R3 is better in every conceivable way, this is from owning and riding them over many miles and not from a test ride, OP you might want to check out a few of the recent reviews and group tests for more balanced reports Motorcycle USA, on two wheels, MCN and visordown have done recent reviews and are all broadly positive about the R3 which is after all a budget starter bike

  2. "To give all sides a fair hearing, the premier said the government had launched a new TV program inviting academics, politicians, former-ministers and law-makers to discuss different topics regarding the governments performance. The program debuted on July 1."

    Did anyone see it? I assume it's a comedy.

    I heard the new TV program will be like hard-talk or questiontime except only yes men and junta cheerleaders will be invited and if somebody asks the wrong question or states an incorrect opinion they get a free stay at a reeducation centre....

    ps; I can think of a few on here who should apply for a seat, they will be among like minded individuals and can discuss how best to control the great unwashed they may even get to see their junta heroes and the good general in person!!

  3. They will not pay for bell money! Very strange because someone is paying them a lot of money or they are in the Thai Hotel jail cells for the elite Thai

    criminals. Some party is paying them well to test the system and are getting better treatment than normal Thai law breaker. Looking for the rest of the world to say poor students should be released and allow riots again!

    A very apt name you have there...go on stick the T word in I know you want to!! all the junta cheerleaders seem to think that family are the bogey man for all that goes wrong here!! who was the bogey man for the other multiple coups the military have inflicted on the country to reinforce the elites hold though

  4. They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

    However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

    As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

    Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

    When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

    What are you talking about , they voiced their opinion peacefully and are now in Prison. Maybe they will do it to your kids one day , what an idiotic thing to say

    Well at least they are not dead like so many other peaceful protestors.

    Which - coincidentally - is the WHOLE reason we had a coup in the first place.

    Because of that we are in an interim Junta who are doing everything they can to stop people who WANT a wedge through Thai society from doing it again.

    But I don't expect you to understand. There are a lot of people in this world who cannot see anything except that which is right in front of their face.

    What's funny is that they are usually the ones who also think everyone else are the idiots.

    Ahh, the streets of Bangkok filled with dead bodies on the brink of civil war....complete and utter tosh the junta got involved after they realized the hi-so were beginning to lose their grip

    "There are a lot of people in this world who cannot see anything except that which is right in front of their face" yep your a case in point a westerner with all the privileges that gave you calling for a man who took power at the point of a gun to stop the very privileges you and most of the developed world takes for granted, classy....

  5. AA Insurance Brokers seem to offer the best advice and deal with all the medical companies - they have proved themselves to be reliable over the years which is the most important ting


    From personal experience I completely disagree with your statement, just because they are a sponsor does not necessarily equate to being proved reliable though I daresay there are also people who are happy with them as well as us that weren't

  6. He asked a legal question. He also stated he practiced out of doors, during walks.

    I can't imagine being so judgmental of others, it must be horrible.

    Nah not really I am always critical of westerners who feel the need for concealed guns and weapons as it seems to advertise their paranoia and fear, must be a sad way to live your life but never mind horses for courses and all that....

  7. "§ 371

    Any person who goes armed in a town, village or public way openly or without justifiable grounds, or is armed amongst a public gathering for religious purposes, recreatory purposes or any other purposes shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred baht. In this respect, the court shall be empowered to confiscate such weapon."

    The above was another good find on the subject.

    A fine not exceeding 100 baht and the weapon confiscated is something I can live with. Especially since I make my own flail from bamboo and cord for a few pennies. I'll keep carrying.

    I always carry a gun when I'm in America. I think it s amazing they allow concealed guns, but not a concealed stick on a string.

    I'm a martial scientist, so I condition and train with all manner of weapons. I always take the flails along on my walks to workout out of doors, where I like it best.

    We live in a rural area, too. Brother in law is a big shot in the police department. We know all the cops anyway. No worries here at all. Just curious. Thanks for the tip!

    What is it like to be so scared of life that you need to carry weapons with you? you obviously live in a different Thailand to me as I really cannot imagine being so scared and paranoid, it must be horrible...

  8. I had an ACS Asia without OPD policy for a few years and the one time I made a claim it was not covered the claim was for bilateral pulmonary embolism which in most of the world is a medical emergency but unfortunately not through ACS so you have to pay everything yourself as if it is an OPD appointment, their customer service through both HK and France leave a lot to be desired and is very slow and the 'assistance' I got from the insurance agent was poor. Due to this leaving a sour taste in the mouth I am now self insuring but I may give Mr Prakan a bell at some stage but from a personal point of view I would not recommend ACS

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  9. Very strange topic this one, you have an op that is phrased in such a way as to have people scratching their heads then you get the advice from the people who admit they do not ride as they are too scared of all the crazy people and then there are the ones that seem to think riding in Thailand is something akin to black magic, too weird for me I am out....

  10. If you are riding a moped on a regular basis in traffic then riding a big bike in traffic is very similar but with the advantage that you get away from traffic much faster and can stay ahead of all the loony's, you usually have a better view and better brakes hence arguably your a bit safer

    If you are not comfortable in traffic on a scooter you probably wont be comfortable on a big bike either but like many things the more you do it the easier it gets. If you have come from a place where filtering is not allowed or frowned on then you have a bit of learning to do as I reckon that is a vital skill to have in LOS but once you are happy with that Thai traffic gets way easier

    Personally all the stuff about using the bike like its a pickup needs exorcising from your brain real quick as sitting behind cars in traffic without an escape route is not a recipe for a long and happy life....

    I don't think you understand what I mean by using my bike like a pick up, I want to know if sitting in the middle of any lane is done on BIG bikes or not, I often see big bikes driving like they were a small car and using the whole of a lane not cowering in at the side like scooters

    Would you sit in the middle of the lane in the UK? personally I am all over the road but try to stay away from sitting in the middle of the lane, I try to ride in the tracks of the wheels of the traffic as it seems logical that that will be the cleanest area of the road and have less oil and debris, generally I will try and position myself in the place where I get the best possible view ahead and frequently in busy traffic on a fast flowing road that for me is often behind the driver in front close to the white line but if you ride you know that changes by the second depending on conditions

    edit I think Wingnut hit the nail on the head when he said not to get too hung up on road positioning but just try to do whatever you feel is safest for you, you have learned to ride in the west which gives in my opinion a far better education you just need to make that fit into the local surroundings

  11. 1st,how much do you like,care about like etc.If life is only so so to you,don't really care if you lived another day,then

    Ride A 70cc up to A 2000 cc. If your really enjoying life,your in good health and want to stay that way,then don't gamble.

    I've been riding since 1967,some in Thailand.I love motorcycling.But I have given it up in Thailand.The risks are so

    Great on getting permantly hurt or killed.Good luck it's your life.

    Absolute cobblers! I have no death wish and love my life and family but I will not be wrapping myself in cotton wool and waiting to die any time soon, if I thought like you I would never go to work and never leave the house and life would have been incredibly boring, live your life that doesn't have to mean being stupid but life IS risk!!

  12. If you are riding a moped on a regular basis in traffic then riding a big bike in traffic is very similar but with the advantage that you get away from traffic much faster and can stay ahead of all the loony's, you usually have a better view and better brakes hence arguably your a bit safer

    If you are not comfortable in traffic on a scooter you probably wont be comfortable on a big bike either but like many things the more you do it the easier it gets. If you have come from a place where filtering is not allowed or frowned on then you have a bit of learning to do as I reckon that is a vital skill to have in LOS but once you are happy with that Thai traffic gets way easier

    Personally all the stuff about using the bike like its a pickup needs exorcising from your brain real quick as sitting behind cars in traffic without an escape route is not a recipe for a long and happy life....

  13. That right General. Typical move don't blame it on students who wants to see elections and no more coups, blame it on the Red Shirts.

    "blame it on the Red Shirts"

    IMHO, both the yellow/Red thing has morphed into a Pro-democracy/Anti-democracy thing.

    This article refers to the offending party as being a "certain political group"

    When I think of a "group", I think of a dozen or so people."

    What were previously known as the Red Shirts, are a huge segment of the pro-democracy side of things. Far removed from being a group...That would be akin to calling the Democrat Party a 'group' of people.

    But one must recognize as well, this is a way of the anti-democrats attempts to denigrate their opposites......Calling a majority segment of the pro-democracy side "a group"

    These students advocating Democratic practices would naturally be supported by the pro-democracy side.......To therefore tackle the entire majority side of the Thai electorate is a tall order.

    Wow, how can you be so wrong. Have you ever been to Thailand ?.

    I have been here 10 years and I know both red and non-red shirts. Few of the non-red-shirts are actually yellow shirts. They are just decent people sick of having everything stolen by politicians.

    Red-shirts are more-or-less communists who think all the money should be gathered up and shared out amongst them. They have no clue - and no interest - in actual democracy. They think that if they can get elected, it means everything belongs to them and they can do whatever they want. I remember a story from a policeman after Pheu-Thai won : he was fed up with red-shirts, telling him they should not be prosecuted because they had won the election.

    Non-red shirts always make a much more intelligent argument than any red-shirt I have met and are basically sick and tired of the old-style corrupt governments in Thailand. They understand democracy much more and they want it.

    Everything I have experienced in real life is backed up by the comments I see on this forum. The problem in this world is that there is no cure for greed or stupid. I learnt long ago that there is no point arguing with an idiot.

    If you really wished to develop an understanding of the nature of power in Thailand, instead of spouting drivel about "Communists" you could try searching on "Eastern Tigers". It's quite easy; just enter "Eastern Tigers Thailand" into Google and you will get a short course on exactly who is in charge here.

    In brief, this is the shadowy military clique that intends that neither the likes of the Shinewatras or any other democracy preaching upstarts will ever rule in this land while they control the tanks and the guns. They watch each others' backs, assist each others' promotions and bring out the heavy guns when needed. They were undoubtedly behind the pre-coup chaos organised by Suthep (he more or less admitted this, although General/Mr P quickly denied it). Their aim is to ensure that power and privilege in Thailand will essentially remain with the people who have traditionally held it.

    Give it a try. The articles are well written by people who really know Thai politics. You may learn more in 20 minutes than you seem to have grasped in your 10 years here.

    Very good reply there Doctor B but I hope you know you are wasting your time with the Junta cheerleaders, truth is they are like the hi-so Thais in that they genuinely believe they know better than the vast majority and cannot be seen to admit they are wrong, sad bitter old men in the main I reckon...

  14. Well worth a read of the Khaosod link sound's like the pressure is getting to the great leader again with his anger and snotty replies are shining through once more, not quite sure he is cut out for politics.....

    I think I prefer his style to the previous PM's. Hers would have been something like " Waffle, waffle waffle.........I am the PM of this country................waffle, waffle waffle..............I was out of the country at the time...........waffle, waffle waffle............investigation run its course............waffle, waffle waffle...........appointing Chalerm to oversee the investigation..........waffle, waffle waffle...........report back............waffle, waffle waffle.............thank you (3 times)." Big smile.

    Oh thanks for that, just what we need when we are discussing the great leaders anger issues and the possibility that he perhaps aint best suited to politics, very useful....

    I have got to say though that I cannot understand you apologists fascination with the Shin's as the military have been <deleted> up this country for decades all by themselves and without any help and it don't look like anything is going to change any time soon...

    Do you feel better now you got something about the Shins into the subject?

    You.re the one banging on about The Generals reaction at a press conference when by far the most significant piece of news to be garnered from this OP is that there is an investigation been implemented into how a (red shirt aligned see photo) cop carried a loaded handgun through Swampys world class security systems and bearing in mind the political allegiances of this cop and your boringly predictable sarcastic "great leader's anger issues" comments the other poster was entirely justified in his quite funny comments regarding what would have happened if the previous red shirt aligned Govt's representative had been in the same position and given her version of a press conference. One thing he may have got wrong ".thank you (3 times)." Big smile" in my opinion it would have been Boo Hoo Hoo we are so sorry

    Did you read the Khoasod piece??? seems very evident to me that the guy is not the best when faced with honest questions from the press, if he cannot keep his cool then god help him if he is ever up against it

    Seems pretty clear to me the great man aint so great at this politics malarkey but I do not recall YS being in the news that often after telling the press what they can and cant print or threatening them with violence which seems to be a daily occurrence with the present leader

    I personally don't give a monkeys who or what any of them are aligned with in my opinion all three of them are scumbags but all this constant Shin's this, Shin's that crap is very tedious, can't you junta kiss asses and apologists not see that a coup every few years for decades every time the Hi So's get a bit twitchy aint the answer

  15. Well worth a read of the Khaosod link sound's like the pressure is getting to the great leader again with his anger and snotty replies are shining through once more, not quite sure he is cut out for politics.....

    I think I prefer his style to the previous PM's. Hers would have been something like " Waffle, waffle waffle.........I am the PM of this country................waffle, waffle waffle..............I was out of the country at the time...........waffle, waffle waffle............investigation run its course............waffle, waffle waffle...........appointing Chalerm to oversee the investigation..........waffle, waffle waffle...........report back............waffle, waffle waffle.............thank you (3 times)." Big smile.

    Oh thanks for that, just what we need when we are discussing the great leaders anger issues and the possibility that he perhaps aint best suited to politics, very useful....

    I have got to say though that I cannot understand you apologists fascination with the Shin's as the military have been &lt;deleted&gt; up this country for decades all by themselves and without any help and it don't look like anything is going to change any time soon...

    Do you feel better now you got something about the Shins into the subject?

  16. he is police, public police figure, probably carries for protection, easy to forget I imagine. how is this such big news.

    'how is this big news' are you for real???

    He has blatantly disregarded international air safety law's not once but twice, he admitted that he took his sidearm from Thailand and then was also arrogant and naïve enough to try and get it back through Japanese customs, I gotta say I reckon he must be pretty stupid to try this but tbh I am not at all surprised as in my limited experience with these people their contempt for rules that the rest of us have to follow is staggering

    He is the ex head of the police an organization that in much of the world is employed purely for the enforcing of laws. I realize he is Thai and that the RTP are not exactly regarded as top crimefighters and are actually more often regarded by many as the biggest crime gang in town but even they have to go through the pretense of enforcing the law every now and then

    I hope he gets a painful lesson that you &lt;deleted&gt; with the law outside LOS you pay the price, he has without doubt done the crime now time to do the time!! the other good thing to come out of this is Swampies lack of security especially when they are kow towing to hi-so scumbags they too need to learn that law's are for everyone, I wont hold my breath but eventually something might begin to seep in....

  17. 'the smuggling rings have been stopped'......oh really so the Royal Thai Police Farce have managed to smash the industry in a matter of weeks yet we have had no convictions and over half the people they are looking for are on the run, lets not also forget about the good general who was evidently doing all his own trafficking and so forth and never used any of his minions and underlings to help with the day to day torture and stuff.....you will have to excuse my skepticism but I am sure an apologist will be along shortly to put me right....

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