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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. I have to buy what I need online as I live down south. I checked out Lazada and bought a few things like knee protectors, body armour, gloves and bike cover. The other bits like tail tidy, rear mud guard and slider bars will be from one of the shops shown above. I will also buy the R3 helmet from Yamaha but cannot find the designs online to see which one I would like


    Hi JAF, the R3 has its own helmet in the R Series (there is a cheaper one for the R15 too) and they are also colour coded to the bike and look pretty good too, you don't need to shop around just go to the dealer you bought it from and tell them you want an R3 helmet, might get a couple of mae mee's but persevere as they were produced for the R3 in Thailand, if that shop is no good or cant be arsed just go to another dealer

  2. In reality, Payuth and Co. don't give a damn about the international opinion. This particular coup was held for one reason, and one reason only, and it's all "internal" and has to do with the control of power after a certain event happens. I don't know if it's okay to mention it, but if you look for Andrew McGregor on the net, you'll find some very informative, and well written articles concerning the coup. He has nailed it on the head. Until that event happens, and the power struggle is finally settled, everything else, including their bitching over the EU and FAA is merely window dressing.

    Hmmm, maybe. Personally I think you're half right. Yes I know about Andy McG and have read most of what he's written on the matter - good and not so good. But he tends to peddle one viewpoint to the exclusion of others or parts of others and in my view, the real situation is more complex than just his take on it.

    In my opinion, Prayuth does care about international opinion, but he's such a ham-fisted bugger that he alienates most people he comes into contact with. If you look at every single photograph of him mincing around in the international community, the body language and a careful analysis of what they actually say (as opposed to what the Thai press claim they said), the loathing is obvious. The man's a buffoon and is both recognised and treated accordingly - though not in public, that would be bad form.

    What supports him is 3 things:

    1. The slavish obedience of the Thai grunts - propagandised into unthinking obedience - same as every army in the world. Paradoxically, this is why he was (and perhaps still is) scared of a counter-coup by grunts mindlessly following orders from someone else, first the watermelon grunts whom he has tried to reshuffle into impotency, and then by Prem's loyal grunts.

    2. The kleptocracy (amaat), who want one only thing from him - a continuation of their hegemony and 'right-to-rule' in defiance of all principles of modern government. They want a perpetual feudal privilege.

    3. The support of the Thai people, a large minority of whom are rabid Thaksin-haters - because of the propaganda war waged against Thaskin by an ammat who chose to think he was rivalling or could one day rival the popularity of a certain well-known figure. Hence the hatred of 'populist' policies by the anti-Thaksin brigade, shared by a few ignorati commenters in many places.. The support of the Thai people however, has been changing as they become more aware of the tricks, devices and excesses of the 'powerful and wealthy' and their obnoxious offspring. Their continued support will likely be dependent on the price they have to pay for keeping Prayuth on, and that will be influenced by the economy (now in a dire state, nothing to do with any 'global slowdown'). This is human nature and Thai nature is very close to the animal kingdom. Therefore, actions against Thailand in respect of TIP, illegal fishing and air transport will undermine Prayuth's support. It seems to me that he's an ignorant and thick-skinned fellow - an archetypal infantry grunt, so it will be the business-savvy amaat who will recognise first that he's past his sell-by date. We may already have seen this in the increasing rift between him and Prem, who are each backed by separate factions of the armed forces. The amaat back Prem because he always delivers, but Prem is already a December man and soon, he won't be around. Fate may yet put a finger in his and his supporter's eye.

    Phew. OK. I may be wrong on parts of the above, but I don't think so. Despite what Thais say, there is nothing subtle or complex about Thai politics, there is the anarchy and chaos of the ignorant and poorly-educated which masquerades as supreme skill. Ultimately, the psychology of all these people boils down to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Take away their money and they will very quickly go down the pyramid and come to the heel of the majority on whom they have preyed for so long.

    Sorry if this seemed off-topic, it isn't really, everything in Thailand is related and everything comes back to this.

    Succinctly put I think you have hit the nail on the head!!

  3. If any other owners are out there and interested today I put an R6 throttle body on the R3 and it has made a big difference, now the throttle pull is shorter and much more progressive and more in line with a big bikes throttle pull and power delivery

    I got the R6 part off Amazon from a seller in the US as I was getting the usual mae mee stuff from the shop, I could have persevered and got it off Yamaha Thailand but couldn't be arsed

    It was advertised as 'Yamaha 2C0262400000 R6 Grip Assembly' and cost $20 and about the same for shipping, thanks to BM mania for the initial idea!! it works a treat....!

  4. I went to the local dealers today and checked out the Honda CB300 F which was bigger and nicer than I thought it would be. Seat was a little hard though but maybe thats because I tend to sit in a padded chair most of the day going nowhere. I asked for the price and they said it was 131,000 which didnt seem so bad. But right next too it was the CBR 300 with the Repsol fairing and that was priced at 136,900. To my eyes, it seemed that the better deal is the CR300 because you get the sports fairing, twin headlightsl and coloured wheels albeit I think I would go for the red, white and blue model at that price.


    I had the CB300F priced at 126,000 baht in Phetchaburi about 2 months ago at a Honda retailer. I guess 5000 baht not that big of a difference but it might be worth looking around if you'd like to save

    I was looking at the CB300F myself but I might go for the CB500F if I can find one.

    choice, choices!

    I don't think you can go wrong with a CB500 of any description you can also pick them up very cheaply second hand now so the difference in a new 300 and a second hand low milage 500 is minimal and a bit of a no brainer for me, I have a CBX and it is a great bike and with 24k km on it no problems at all, it's also worth considering the R3 and the Ninja 300's as they are all great bikes to learn on or as normal day to day bikes and plenty powerful enough for the Thai roads

  5. Well I made my decision and went for the Yamaha R3 because it just offers more power and refinement. I chose the blue and silver option and got free registration, tax and insurance thrown in as well. Now all I have to do is renew my old bike licence (about 2 years out of date) and hope that they will give me a 5 year licence before I am off and running on the roads again. Thanks to everyone for contributing to this thread. It helped me to think and think again before I splashed out the cash today

    So now I am in the market for after sales parts like slider bars and protective gear such as gloves, helmet and accessories. Can anyone point me in the right direction on the local thai/english websites



    Congratulations JAF on a good decision and a great bike, I can guarantee that you will not get bored of the R3 any-time soon!!

    It is a great learner bike and very forgiving but as you get more time in the saddle you have more than enough power to get the adrenaline flowing

    When I got mine they threw in a Yamaha R Series helmet with the bike as well as a training session (which has not happened yet) so I can tell you that the R Series helmets are really good and worth the 2.5 k baht they cost if you buy yourself and in fact I prefer it to my much more expensive Shark helmet

    Let us know how you get on as I don't think there are that many of us who have bought R3's yet and I still see very few on the roads, enjoy and safe riding!

  6. Cheers.

    It's great you have both.

    If you were going for a 250km trip, all 3 lane highway, high speed cruising at around 150-160kph for many parts of it, would you take the CB500X or the R3, ?


    I would take the X as it is slightly more upright and and a bit higher with less angle on the knees plus I have a power socket and box on it but I reckon either would be fine as the R3 is deceptively comfortable I am 5'11 and about 95 kg and there is room to move about on the seat of the R3 and sit upright, I have also not had any discomfort in the back or any weight on the wrists

  7. I don t know the figures but I have a CB500X and there aint a lot in it, the the Honda has a bit more top end and a bit more low end torque but the R3 is a more fun ride but it is good to have both. I was seriously considering a Triumph Tiger 800 or a Ducati Scrambler but with these two and the ninja 250 I really cant justify it as I am very happy with all of them and all three are good cheap fun and well capable of putting a smile on your face and probably as quick as you need on roads over here...

    Out of interest, what sort of topend are you seeing on both CB500X and the R3?

    GPS speed if possible.

    I would presume that the X has a lower topend than the CBR and CB Versions. And also perhaps the R3 engine hasn't fully loosened up yet so may be get a good few KPH more over the next few months of use.

    Both are roughly 170-180 ish depending on wind and what have you I think I had 185 on the X once but it was a long straight with no wind

    I have never bothered checking with the GPS so that is probably a bit higher than real speed but there is quite a bit on the web on top end speeds, I don't tend to go much over 140 and at 120-140 they both have plenty of roll on left so plenty for real time riding really

    I reckon the R3 and the CB's are pretty close and it would be interesting to see what is quickest but I have an inkling that the CBXwould pip it, I did see a bloke on a Ninja 300 get absolutely smoked in a straight line with a CBR 500 on youtube though

  8. I don t know the figures but I have a CB500X and there aint a lot in it, the the Honda has a bit more top end and a bit more low end torque but the R3 is a more fun ride but it is good to have both. I was seriously considering a Triumph Tiger 800 or a Ducati Scrambler but with these two and the ninja 250 I really cant justify it as I am very happy with all of them and all three are good cheap fun and well capable of putting a smile on your face and probably as quick as you need on roads over here...

  9. Hi Duindam, good to hear your another happy owner too!!

    I am still more than happy with the bike and the missus and the sprog love it and I cant get them back onto the Ninja any more, no regrets at all and thoroughly recommended...

    Initially I was going to change the tires for a set of Pirrelis but I actually think the tires are fine and have not had any nervous moments on them, the missus dropped it in the garden and broke a foot-peg and the brake lever and getting the parts only took 4 days so no real issues with parts or basic servicing either, fingers crossed everything stays that way....

  10. A chance to say the right thing or the wrong thing wasted again, these deluded pond life will always choose whatever it is that serves them best, no surprise really that is how most of them and their ilk got where they are....

    Seems to be when that's related to the law, justice or morality if it is a 50/50 choice they always seem to choose to do or say the most wrong, corrupt or most self serving option.....the real shame is they cannot even see the error and complete arrogance of it and because of that change reconcilliation and justice is impossible.....sad but they do say that sometimes a people get the government they deserve

  11. Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.

    Rule of law..?? your having a laugh!!!

    I cant help thinking there is no rule of law here if some of the many recent incidents and examples are anything to go by...

    Lots of diktats and rules from the blokes in charge over the years get pushed out but many clearly appear to depend on your personal wealth and connections, if you have wealth and connections nothing much happens if you don't then you can expect to be punished to the level you are able to pay, if you are poor or foreign probably best not to get caught...

    Yes, thanks for catching my subtle sarcasm. Cheers!

    Sorry about that it is all this talk of laws and stuff brings down the red mist when I read about these hypocrites who are running this three ring circus...

    edited to say: In my opinion I think that it would take lots more of these reports to actually make the Police Farce and their leadership (substitute suitable alternative) seem any more incompetent or unprofessional and to do that would probably take a long time and more effort than the average BiB (substitute suitable alternative) seem to possess, I think they have already found the right level....

  12. Good General.... Please now talk about Rule of Law that must be obeyed. Remove this arrogant clown doing such a horrible disservice to entire police force. Unbelievable moron can only describe him.

    Rule of law..?? your having a laugh!!!

    I cant help thinking there is no rule of law here if some of the many recent incidents and examples are anything to go by...

    Lots of diktats and rules from the blokes in charge over the years get pushed out but many clearly appear to depend on your personal wealth and connections, if you have wealth and connections nothing much happens if you don't then you can expect to be punished to the level you are able to pay, if you are poor or foreign probably best not to get caught...

  13. I don't particularly like the term 'thainess' but the complete arrogant disregard to anything and anyone but yourself and the naive belief that you are above reproach seems to fit very well within the term as does the deluded idiot who uttered them

    It must be quite embarrassing for educated Thais as this constant daily proof provided by the so called educated classes, the leaders and the pillars of society must tell them that something is fundamentally very, very wrong here...

  14. I have just been to Jomtien immigration for a letter of residence for opening a new bank account, I am presently on a visa on arrival and immigration said that I need to get a tourist visa in order to get the letter. I may be wrong but I am sure I have had the letters before for cars and bikes with a voa, has the ruling changed or is it something specific to opening a bank account and if that is the case putting down the use for getting a driving licence might be an option, any advice gratefully received...

  15. They will not pay for bell money! Very strange because someone is paying them a lot of money or they are in the Thai Hotel jail cells for the elite Thai

    criminals. Some party is paying them well to test the system and are getting better treatment than normal Thai law breaker. Looking for the rest of the world to say poor students should be released and allow riots again!

    A very apt name you have there...go on stick the T word in I know you want to!! all the junta cheerleaders seem to think that family are the bogey man for all that goes wrong here!! who was the bogey man for the other multiple coups the military have inflicted on the country to reinforce the elites hold though

    I don't believe "that family" are behind all that goes wrong here. But in the last 10 years that I am aware of, they have been responsible for their fair share of it !

    We have probably one thing in common, much as we love to moan and groan about the way Thais do things, at the end of the day they are wasted words, because Thais will keep on doing things their way no matter what. thumbsup.gif

    Finally something that we can agree on!!

  16. Not asking for bail....they appear to be taking their lumps

    At this point it's clear these kids are just doing what they are being told to do.

    It's just gameplay - someone more mature than these kids is pulling the strings

    Of course they are, silly me obviously students have never been able to think or protest for themselves without some shadowy Mr big pulling the strings....what do you reckon Thaksin, Yingluck, PTP???? they seem to be the duty bogeyman for this latest edition of the junta fan club in this the latest of many coups, makes you wonder how the ruling Thais got on before Thaksin and co were about....

    Have you met many students in this country???

    Do you think these kids are allowed use of the prison conference room to come up with their joint decisions on bail etc?

    Or you think perhaps the lawyer is co-ordinating the whole show?

    Or maybe these students are all independently making the same decisions.

    Think about it....

    I have had a good think about it and have come to the opinion that you are completely and utterly wrong and have routinely swallowed all the <deleted> about shadowy Mr Big's

    As much as I believe many Thais are apathetic and lazy it doesn't take much to work out what is going on in this place and to work out a way to strike back, I reckon even a couple of students could do it as it aint rocket science...

  17. Not asking for bail....they appear to be taking their lumps

    At this point it's clear these kids are just doing what they are being told to do.

    It's just gameplay - someone more mature than these kids is pulling the strings

    Of course they are, silly me obviously students have never been able to think or protest for themselves without some shadowy Mr big pulling the strings....what do you reckon Thaksin, Yingluck, PTP???? they seem to be the duty bogeyman for this latest edition of the junta fan club in this the latest of many coups, makes you wonder how the ruling Thais got on before Thaksin and co were about....

  18. Lucky for me that your so great then and have put me right!

    I will have to go and have a word with myself as I am obviously imagining it all and my opinion as an owner of both bikes is wrong...

    It also looks like a lot of other people don't agree with you too as the reviews and shootouts are all saying mainly the same stuff and that is that when put up against other basic low budget starter bikes it is up with the better ones, granted I agree a lot are not overly harsh on any new bike but there are a few I would look at over some anonymous bloke on the web

    just my opinion you understand...!

    edited to remove naughty words and stuff

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