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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. Good idea...

    but what's the point when many bike riders do not bother with bike rider tuition, driving tests and licences.

    Just another law to be ignored.

    Where I came from Michigan, USA and all other states, 14-16 shoulder of the road very small bikes, 16 you got a drivers licence for a car and a special one for a motorcycle. Once you were using a motorcycle you never ever go between cars to get to the front of the traffic, you stayed behind the car and wait your turn. And you don't ride sidewalks or go the wrong way of traffic!!!!!!!!s

    I agree with what you say about going the wrong way and riding on pavements but the whole world except many parts of the USA, several of whom are the same ones that still allow their citizens to ride without a helmet have already mastered filtering and have realized it is not some dangerous black art but the most safe and effective use of the road space for a motorbike

    It is proven to be safer and also cuts down on congestion so unless the US knows better than the whole of Europe and virtually all the rest of the world I will stick to filtering. I certainly wont be sitting behind you in a traffic jam waiting to get rear ended by another car driver too busy texting or popping zits....

    • Like 2
  2. Nope don't agree, I too ride on the roads and motorways here on bikes and cars and have no problem at all keeping up with and passing traffic comfortably without screaming and struggling, the CBX and the R3 both easily gets 150kph 2 up and top out at about 170-80 so just how fast do you need a bike to be capable of to use a motorway here...

  3. I have a CBX and an R3 that can both easily and very quickly reach and surpass the national speed limit with plenty left for overtaking so I think your 600cc argument is fundamentally flawed

    edited to say the Ninja 250 we have can also easily reach and trounce the speed limit as well and gets there much quicker than many 4 wheeled vehicles, going with the flow at 120-30-40 no problem at all for any of them with much faster speeds easily possible if required

    • Like 1
  4. As I said I think the looks are very subjective but for me the R3 was the nicer looking bike against the Ninja though I did not bother having a proper look at the CBR as the power and everything else is down on that over the other two. I really did not notice any of the points mentioned and thought fit and finish was very nice just as all the other online reviews have

    It is a really nice ride with ABS as standard and a better set of tires as standard in the Michelin Street Pilots though they too seemed a bit of a harder compound so a set of Pirreli Sport Demons is on the horizon as it is hard to go back to lower quality tires after having good ones. We tried it 2 up and it got to an easy 150 in no time and with lots left so it is certainly not slow

    It was really bought for the missus as an upgrade from the Ninja 250, she is a short arse so there are not too many options but it completely blows away the old bike in all respects and I reckon it is a good alternative to the Honda 500's and is a much more involving ride. I like it and as I said we are very happy with it in all regards but then again it is early days, that said Yamaha have a good rep for reliability so I really don't foresee any issues but never say never...

    I got it from the Yamaha shop across Suk from Big C South Pattaya just a couple of meters through the traffic lights in the Jomtien direction, to be honest they were not that organized and did not have the helmets for the bike in but I can live with that and they will let us know when they arrive, they also are going to organize some lessons chucked in as well

    It got a lot of attention in the short time I have been on it so far as it is completely different looking to the other 2 it also has a really nice comfortable seat and riding position and also has a much nicer pillion position and seat than her old Ninja, you get the picture, like it..!!

  5. Had to look it up but I am still confused

    Line breaks: cat¦ech|ism
    Pronunciation: /ˈkatɪkɪz(ə)m/
    Definition of catechism in English:
    1A summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for religious instruction.
    1.1(In Roman Catholic use) religious instruction in general.
    1.2A series of fixed questions, answers, or precepts used for instruction:
    the preventive health catechism ‘more exercise, less tobacco and alcohol, and better diet’
  6. otw:

    You must know Carol Jidzada,

    British cycle-roadcraft instructor of repute, yes?

    You both preach the same catechism.

    I cannot see any preaching at all, they have just taken the time to pass on what is being taught in UK and Europe from somebody who has actually worked in the motorcycle training industry in what is an incredibly difficult, expensive and time consuming country in which to get a motorbike licence, they have then backed up reasoning by giving the justification as to why it has been taught this way for many years

    It is advice, you can take it or leave it but personally I think this is useful and I will take onboard what I think may help then again I don't profess to know it all and I am always willing to listen to well thought out information especially on something that could save my life....

    • Like 1
  7. I picked up a red R3 today and I am very happy with both its handling and its quality, looks are subjective but most of the other reviews on-line are positive as well, very nippy and when I was following on the missus Ninja 250 I could not keep up and she said she was not pushing. Not quite the top end of my CBX but a good fun little bike with some really nice features such as the gear indicator and upshift light. Problem now is I have to go back to work today and pine for it for 5 weeks. Package we got from Yamaha in Pattaya came to just shy of 200,000 baht otd with insurance a free helmet which they don't have in yet and a free bike class for the Missus

  8. Defamatory post removed. Be careful what/how you type, as defamation is a very real charge, both criminal and civil, in Thailand with serious consequences, irrespective of whether what you write is true or false.

    This is not about moderation but In my opinion a country who will prosecute you, or allow others to prosecute you for writing the truth has big, big problems, unfortunately after a few years here most people already know that but the sheer amount of people who were lucky to be born in a democracy who forget this is a bit scary really...

  9. literally every country in the world has anti-terrorism laws which allow the detention incommunicado for x # of days, weeks, years.

    ?what is the problem here?

    she was NOT dragged kicking and screaming. she went knowing full well she had committed crimes against the country.

    if found guilty in a court of law, i believe she is a prime candidate for the death penalty.

    apologists for the shin klan should give their head a shake.

    back in 2010 i witnessed the murder of a young guy in bkk, around midnight when the reds hijacking buses and propane trucks to create an inferno which would have possibly incinerated hundreds of children and elderly folks. he was killed while screaming at them to stop.

    i hardly regret getting out of there as fast as i could.


    RED stands for murder, bombing , bloodshed and terrorism.

    thank Budda for prayuth having the courage to stand up for thailand.

    the murder and mayhem going on long before the coup should not be tolerated in any country.

    and lets not forget the FACT that most posters here are not entitled to vote anyway,

    wow, i could go on and on, but TV thai bashers take the cake for having their collective head up their collective anus.

    of course, in my humble opinion sad.png

    Are you on drugs?...no really...

    You think an unelected dictator who cannot open his mouth without inserting one or both feet is the answer, that a load of yes men and flunkies who patently haver trouble with what day it is aid the situation and make for a fairer better society??

    I am not sure if the world does actually see the complete and utter drivel that is spewed on a daily basis from the junta and maybe to the rest of the world it aint that important in the grand scheme but personally I think it is sad that the military and the Thai elite are being allowed to walk all over the majority of their own people

    I truly believe you and a lot of other westerners born into democracy and with the gift of free speech have truly lost it........

    • Like 2
  10. No but every little helps and a plastic half face pot is even worse so actually it makes the best of a shitty situation, finding anything at all even half decent in kid sizes is damn near impossible and if it is DOT certified so the US has deemed it fit for purpose

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  11. I have had the exact opposite service from Pattaya Kawasaki to the point where I wont buy a Kawasaki due to the clowns who work there. Only a couple of episodes but first impressions matter, first my wife's Ninjette needs some new stickers on one side of the fairing, orders it in as they don't hold any stock, no problem why we are there she tried to get the number plate resecured and tidied up but in the end after they had set about it with a pair of mole grips I ended up redoing it myself at home

    Finally the sticker arrives and she gets the call to bring the bike in so off she goes, bloke sets to work with the hair dryer to remove the scratched graphics gets it done then realises he has ordered the wrong side, no proper apology and the wife is a bit unhappy as she now has to ride around for the next 2 weeks with half the bike as bare plastic as they have not got any other spares so must be ordered again

    Gets the call again to come in and they make a complete hash of putting on the new stuff when they had finished it has loads of bubbles and creases in the finished article and it looks like it has been done by 5 year old. They then tried to charge her for both sides including the side they had ordered in error to which the missus loses it and tells them she wants to see the boss, boss comes out she tells him that she wants it redoing as it looks like an complete amateur has done it

    It was finally done a week or so later but when you compare that to the professional service we have had from Big Wing they really don't compare, shame really as I really like their bikes but I would not want to rely on Pattaya branch for servicing, Beardog I don't know if you have any dealings with Pattaya Big Wing but if not it is worth popping over to see what a clean organised servicebay looks like as the Kawasaki one isnt which is a shame if the mechanics are as good as you say

    ps edited to see if anyone knows of any other Kawa dealers in Rayong/Pattaya/Siracha sort of area

  12. Thanks for all the help and advice, i brought one from the place NanLaew mentioned, 650 each, much better to have s full faced than open which is what i had before.


    This is first place I have ever seen in Thailand for full face helmets for kids, the Index one we got for the sprog is DOT certified and way better than the open face one she had before so cheers for the heads up!

  13. Nokia (now windows phone) offer free offline mapping using their here map system which is preloaded on all their phones, no need to use data or pay to download anything it is free and available all the time even without a sim card in plus they generally have good battery life times

    I have used this system for ages now and when coupled with a rammount phone holder and getting a usb power socket fitted it is a really good solution. Somebody mentioned using an old car garmin, I tried this and gave it up as a bad job as screen visibility when mounted on the bike is rubbish and I found it to be unworkable

  14. Long time reader, short time poster.

    We all agreed to abide by the TV Forum rules when we joined. Why are so many posters here surprised when someone posts insulting, trolling or flaming topics and then get censured?

    If someone quotes your post and makes such comments, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to reply. Leave it for the powers that be, and these posters will soon enough be gone.

    Some on here complain about loss of freedom of speech, and yet imagine what this forum would be like if someone did not keep all the (deleted) in line.

    Follow the rules and post what you like. Insult people and you will Reap what you Sow.

    Good post and true in my opinion, unfortunately a few people on here think the world revolves around them and we must all worship their opinion even when many think that it is a load of waffle and completely wrong, no problem with that, opinions and <deleted> and all that but to keep whining about it is very tiresome...maybe some here have too much time on their hands...

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  15. Why would he need to reshuffle people they are already doing exactly as he tells them, it isn't as if the flunkies have to think for themselves the good general does that for them thanks to his all seeing intelligence and his unerring knowledge of what is good for Thailand and even the little people ...

  16. Hear hear Seedy!

    There are some very annoying posters on here that simply cannot accept any opinion other than their own which would not be so bad except a lot of what they post is absolute drivel

    The fact they also tend to act like bullies and gang up on anybody that stands up to them is also bit sad but it does tend to say a lot about them, I wonder if they are so brave in real life....

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  17. brling......don't know is it???...you tell me...

    Personally the whole thing of bringing your pet police to a visa application or interview speaks volumes to me as does some power hungry knobber in a bought position getting the hump when he does not get his own way......

    I was brought up in a place where rules are enforced for everybody including the rich and powerful, even terminally stupid expat's who forgets how lucky they are to hold a passport for somewhere that is not a dictatorship, right now the rights of the majority are being eroded by the people who should be looking after them, unfortunately in Thailand if you have enough money or where born into the right family you can literally do what ever you want...embarrassing if it was not so sad...

  18. I went to Trendy Towers in Bangkok yesterday to renew my passport, we were joined in the lift to the UK visa place by some Hiso woman with 2 high ranking Police acting as her 'bodyguards' and general brown nosers. I really hope she had to queue up with everyone else as I reckon it would be something she isnt too used to here as part of priveliged few so if the visa section is shut next week you know why....ps it wasn't Yingluck unless she been eating all the pies

  19. Jim , my wife got sport demons put on hers about 6 week ago definitely says sport demon on them not dragon, when I was doing my homework before getting them I read they work really well for the smaller bikes with the more basic suspension and they seem to do that really well...

  20. Hi romeijoe, I am interested too if you still have a pup left, we already have 2 rotties and a dobe and a some rats living in our coconut trees so I think we could keep a jack russel entertained as well, we live in Jomtien but we can come to you easily enough if need be, if you want to PM I will pas my email over cheers

  21. I think both the CBR 250 and Ninja 250 both have the same budget IRC's on, I cant remember how much the Sport Demons where because I got some MT60 Corsas for my bike at the same time but it was not overly expensive but what I can say is I am not exagerating when I say the Ninja feels like a completely different bike now and instills way more confidence than the IRC Road Killers ever did, I think for the price it is possibley the single most sensible thing you can do for your bike and your safety, like I said even my wife who generally hates to spend money on stuff she reckons will last 5 minutes longer is fully converted which is saying something....!

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