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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. ja99, my missus has a ninja 250 which had IRC tyres on which I think are the same size as the CBR 250. I finally persuaded her to stick some Pirelli Sport Demon's on and the bike is transformed, I had to fight as she was adamant about the IRC's being ok as they had plenty tread, happy to say she is now fully converted, well worth the money for the extra safety and feedback

  2. Have to agree with Dave Boo and LL2 on this, mine has nearly 17000K on it now and never had any issues. I got to about 13000 on the Scorpions and then changed to Pirrelli MT60's which I really like, all in all I have been really happy with the bike and in my opinion it's just about the perfect bike for Thailand and certainly fast enough and good in traffic

    My experience with Big Wing in Pattaya has been very positive and compared to the Kawasaki shop across the road which the wife used to use for her Ninja they are streets ahead, I have not bothered with the Versys which I like the look of partly for that reason

    I would love a new toy and had a test ride on a CB650F and a Benneli 600 problem is I am still very happy with the CBX and I cant really justify an upgrade plus I would probably get my self in trouble with the extra horses, the speed on the 650 is a big step up from my 500 and the Benneli was also a nice ride but I reckon overpriced and lacking ABS

  3. question for JDinasia: if evidence showed the headman's people were the culprits, would you accept that?

    Absolutely. Real evidence not the crap from conspiracy theorists.

    Question back at you. If the semen DNA matches will you accept the guilt of the 2 Burmese men? (it is a little unreasonable to think that they raped but didn't kill- there is still the rest of the circumstantial evidence)

    Absolutely if the DNA the British Police have from the body matches the DNA the Thai Police Farce have.....would I accept the Thai Police DNA without external verification....would I <deleted>@kk!!!

  4. If someone is arrested it is admitting there is a problem, why would the Police Farce want to arrest anybody as it essentially tells the public and the pondlife further up the food chain that they don't have control of the situation especially after the spotlight has been on them before for the same subject. No much much easier to make the victims into illegals so they can be locked away and forgotten no loss of face then......

  5. Why not things have happened with the Koh Tao farce that have been forced by people on social media, the world is looking at LOS and maybe somebody in authority might grow a pair and start doing something about the corruption here, that said I am a realist so I wont hold my breath.....

  6. I disagree by forcing people to look at it and face what is going on there is a chance something could change. I live in Thailand and my daughter is the next generation, I am embarrassed for the Thai people and I worry for my family when I see all this shameful shit on the news and unless people in authority start to act Thailand is on the slippery slope....

  7. After all the previous allegations of murdered Rohingas, forced labour on Thai fishing boats and the ongoing travesty of justice on Koh Tao the BBC have just reported dozens of modern day slaves from Bangladesh and Burma have been rescued in Southern Thailand.....it is difficult to know just how low Thailand can go but what is becoming apparent is Thailand is becoming an International embarrassment


  8. This case has made a few things clear about what we already knew about Thai justice or in fact the lack of, it also highlights the complete desperate adherence to face even at the expense of self respect and justice...

    The other thing I have realised is that TV has quite a few prolific posters who are complete and utter crack pots, it is one thing having rose tinted specs on but another entirely when they are so far gone that they are acting as apologists for the Police Farce, quite disturbing really.....

  9. Joe I think you are missing the point, you are right I should have read the small print a bit closer but I would expect to be covered for life threatening emergencies in the country that I live in and where I bought the cover

    The policy specifically says you are covered for emergencies worldwide and it is only when you dig a lot deeper that you find out that is not the case and actually in Thailand you are not covered unless you are bedded down for 24 hours or undergo a surgical procedure

    Ref not being bedded down if you attended with chest pain or shortness of breath, like I did, you would not necessarily be hospitalised exactly the same if you required treatment for anphalaxis or many other things but you would require a full range of tests to try and work out what is going on and to make a diagnosis all of which will cost you dear

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and yes if I was in the same position I would ask to stay in the night in hospital but there will be people out there who have been paying this insurance for years thinking they are covered when actually they aren't

    I do not know the specifics of BUPA cover but I do know that when I needed the ACS cover it wasn't there so like I said you live and learn

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  10. I have had a trawl through the past topics about getting an extension of stay due to marriage and cant find the answer to my questions so if anybody knows the answers to these or has any suggestions I would be grateful

    I already hold a multi entry none O from Savanakhet that goes out of date in early October as well as a pension to cover the 40,000 baht per month however I am unsure on if the marriage extension can be used the same as my present visa ie going in and out of the country every month or so...

    I have to return to work in the last week of this month so if I am not going to be in the country is that going to be an issue, I believe I read somewhere about an under consideration stamp being issued first and then the full details with in 30 days??

    As anybody in a similar position to myself had any recent experience of doing this?

    Thanks in advance....

  11. Had a reply from the Insurance Company so like I said if you have the ACS module 1B you are effectively not covered for any emergency in Thailand unless you are bedded down in the ward for 24 hours and have some kind of surgical procedure, I should have read it more thoroughly and if I had I would not have wasted time and money on them and gone with BUPA straight away, still you live and learn.....

    Hospitalization less than 24 hours
    In the case of a stay of less than 24 hours in a hospital is admitted to be a hospitalization and only if the insured receives a Formal Hospital Admission, in case of :
    • Surgical Procedures
    • fibrescopy, colonoscopy, Endoscopy, or
    · chemotherapy, radiotherapy or dialyses treatments.
    Stays of less than 24 hours for emergency rooms visits which do not result in Surgical Procedure (*) are deemed to be outpatient treatments and are not reimbursed as hospitalization expenses.
    (*) surgical procedures are acts carried out under general or local anaesthetic or the reaching of an organ to be treated after an incision.
    In other words, even if your case was an emergency case, the exams and treatments your received were given on an outpatient basis, and no hospitalization was required by the doctor.
    Also, and as you may understand, “emergency” does not necessarily means” hospitalization” as one may go to a hospital for an emergency case but the treatment does not necessarily require a “hospitalization” as defined above.
    At last, and so as to clarify my colleague‘s words regarding “emergency”, she was referring to the fact that the policy allows the clients to be covered (up to the level of coverage he/she has subscribed) in any country which is not included in his geographical area of coverage, only in case of medical emergency and for stays not exceeding 7 consecutive weeks. In such a situation, the notion of emergency is being defined that way in our policies : “a term used in the event of an Accident or the beginning of a serious illness requiring immediate measures and medical treatment for the Insured or one of the Insured's dependents. Only medical treatment given by a doctor, generalist or specialist or Hospitalization occurring within twenty-four (24) hours of the direct cause of the emergency shall be considered conditions necessary for reimbursement”. Indeed, your case at stake does not apply to this situation as you are in your geographical area of coverage.
    I hope this will help to clarify your understanding and remaining at your disposal for any further explanation
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  12. Cant work out what you are disagreeing about as I cannot see where any of that was written but what I can catagorically state is that the brokers in this case have been useless

    Partington wrote that part I disagreed with.

    Why has the broker been useless BTW, because he did not agree with you or because he did not do his job?

    You know BTW that you can appeal a decision made by the insurance company with an independent institution?

    Because they did not do their job as an example they had received the decision on the morning but never bothered getting in touch to tell me, it took me to get in touch with the administrators to find out anything....

    I have got in touch with the French mediation service after finding the address on-line I had asked this information off both the broker and the insurance company directly several times but never received anything back, I also know there is an ombudsman which I can use but again I have asked for a contact directly to the broker and the insurance company and again they have not bothered to reply...you get the picture...

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  13. Good luck there Stevenl!!

    Cant work out what you are disagreeing about as I cannot see where any of that was written but what I can catagorically state is that the brokers in this case have been useless

    A medical emergency is something that requires immediatte attention in order to help stabilse and save life

    This is what Patient. co .uk says about my condition and they don't appear to agree with you but what do they know....

    Pulmonary embolism is a medical emergency. It may present with very few clinical signs and/or symptoms, making it easy to miss, and a high index of suspicion is warranted.

    Pulmonary embolism (PE) results from obstruction within the pulmonary arterial tree. The emboli can be caused by:

    • Thrombosis - accounts for the majority of cases and has usually arisen from a distant vein and travelled to the lungs via the venous system.
    • Fat - following long bone fracture or orthopaedic surgery.
    • Amniotic fluid.
    • Air - following neck vein cannulation or bronchial trauma.[1]

    The rest of this article deals with thrombotic PE.

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