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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. We looked at putting my daughter into the Kindergarden at MIS but eventualy settled on the English Programme at Phoenix, the reasoning for this was we had a long talk with the Head at MIS and he gave some useful advice. He basically said if you are looking at staying in Thailand and not returning to the UK then maybe the International curriculum is not the right one for the child. If the child is looking at staying in Thailand then the British Curriculum is not really helpful as they will not be accepted or the qualifications recognised into the Thai education system which could have big implications when trying to get a job etc. He also mentioned that he was not going to send his child to an International school as he and his family where not returning to the UK. Personnaly I liked what we saw at MIS and it certainly seemed the better school but I took onboard what he said and think it was good advice, as for Phoenix well my daughter likes it there but I do get annoyed as even though the Teachers are British/US all the classroom helpers in the kindergarden only speak Thai which is not great when you are paying for an English programme, other than that though I am generally happy with Phoenix but I will reserve judgement until she starts the proper school in April

  2. I cannot understand why this warning has been issued, the information from Issan Lawyers is very useful and it is good to hear a proffesional opinion on this subject. His replies are detailed and there is none of the usual bitching and name calling going on. A lot of people myself included have spent a lot of time on this subject and this is by far the most detailed answer I have seen so I am struggling to see the problem with it......

  3. Just had a look on baht and sold and the white 3.2 WT has sold already, nice lttle profit of 110,000 baht made for doing nothing other than ordering at the right time, looking good for me and I am now really glad I ordered when I did it seems unlike back in the UK where as soon as you drive out of the garage you lose money it appears in Thailand the trend is reversed

  4. 110,000 more than I will be paying for mine....

    You're paying 620K for a T6 XLT hi-rider 2.2L 6AT?!?

    If yes, you might want to check for blood stains and shoddy repairs.. wink.png

    Nope my new 3.2 at 1,040,000 not the one advertised at 1,149,000.....

    looks like a few quick bucks to made here if you had the foresight to order a couple at the begining

  5. Ungabunga, how did the 2.2 and 3.2 compare? I have never driven a 2.2 or 3.2 Auto only a Mazda 2.2 Manual so I would be very intrested to hear what the main differences where for you, come to think of it I have also never had a look around the 3.2 yet or seen how the camera and sensors and other toys work it would be good to hear what you thought....

    Only took the 3.2 for a spin along a back road and I promised the owner that I would be gentle with his new truck (who understandably insisted he come along), so not much chance to explore it fully unfortunately. The ride was basically the same but most noticeable difference was acceleration that had back of my head pinned to the headrest. It's quick. The rear mirror/camera system is neatly done and works well although the display is a bit on the small side for my dodgy eyes but I think that its certainly nice to have, as are the sensors which are essential for someone like me who hadn't driven a truck of this size before, very pleased I had them fitted. You'll have more offroading capability with hill descent and the likes, but not sure how often that would get used. Cooled center console, dual a/c and smart 18" alloy wheels (which incidentally you'd get about 34,000 Baht for if you wanted to trade in with less than 1000 kms) are all good.

    PS I find the Bluetooth pairing excellent and steering wheel based controls and voice recognition are great to play around with. USB slot to play your music from gets used daily too. I still havent figured out the voice commands fully yet, so I'll wait for you to give me some tips! Or if you're in the Pattaya area you're welcome to get in touch and we can try and arrange a "test drive" of my pal's 3.2

    Roll on April smile.png

    Your mates 3.2 isnt chilli orange with black after market wheels is it? If it is it is a really nice looking truck and the whole reason we are looking at getting after market wheels aswell they really looked good on the chilli orange we saw in Pattaya a couple of weeks ago

  6. Ungabunga, how did the 2.2 and 3.2 compare? I have never driven a 2.2 or 3.2 Auto only a Mazda 2.2 Manual so I would be very intrested to hear what the main differences where for you, come to think of it I have also never had a look around the 3.2 yet or seen how the camera and sensors and other toys work it would be good to hear what you thought....

  7. It was 1,040,000 for the 3.2 when we ordered it and that is what we will pay if it ever turns up....mate it sounds like you got a bargain I am a chang man myself so I reckon had I gone the same route as you I too would have a big shit eating grin on my face, we were not eligible for the 1st car rebate so that was not an option for us hence the big toy, really good to hear mostly positive or very positive reports hence why I spat my dummy in February but I know I would regret not waiting the final frustrating few weeks to get what I really want

  8. Was offered a new chilli 4WD 2.2 WT today from Chonburi Ford but seeing as I am going back to work next week we are still holding out for the 3.2 in April, with Ford's track record this is something I could come to regret......

    It is your call but unless you are planning hauling boats and trailers, you don't really need all the extra horses from a 3.2. If you need the cache of the 4x4 when tooling around Pattaya-Jomtien and want it now, I would forget the big mill and take the 2.2 WT 4x4 that they are offering. Save some dosh (including fuel costs) and get on the road now.... unless they have sold it already. My experience on passing on Rangers that suddenly come available is you don't get a second chance.

    No we have waited a long time for it and a bit longer wont kill me, it isnt just the engine it is the safety aspects, cameras, sensors, alarm, bigger wheels and all the rest, when we ordered it was only something like 80k baht more than the 2,2 4x4 if I remember correctly and we are still paying the original price which is now only 20k baht more than the 2.2 4x4 today

    I have a 2,5 WT now and that is nippy enough but I do not want to go for 2.2 this time, I believe it is always worth having a few extra horses on these roads plus if it isnt delivered in April I will get my insurance and tax paid by Ford saving about another 25k baht for me as well when/if it does eventually turn up, time will tell...

  9. That is good to know Gary but what happens if your wife was to die tomorrow?

    you could well be left in peace by the authorities or on the flip side you could be given a year to sell up and get out.....

    If you have children they may inherit, what if they are too young and you where not recognized as the guardian or as is the case for many people there are children from previous marriages as well as the present one who maybe older etc etc....you get my point there are many what if's in life here and as you said your working days and chances to make more money may be in the past

    I am lucky I am a young man who is lucky enough to make good money but that does not mean I bury my head in the sand and hope for the best I have spent twenty years in the military and burying your head in the sand and hoping for the best is a sure fire way for bad stuff to happen

    The usefruct is not there to control or own land it is in our case solely to have the peace of mind that if something happens I know I have done everything I can to help with mine and my families future this is the point that Jim can't seem to get his head around!! I think there are very many people in the same position as myself and it really is a complete no-brainer for me

    I know my wife and have absolutely zero concerns there, never say never and all that but we have been together since 2002 and if she had wanted to take me to the cleaners she had seven years to do it in the UK where she could have really had me by the short and curlies, if the marriage was to fail I feel certain we could reach an agreement and Thai law does indeed state 50/50 much as the rest of the civilized world does, I reckon if you was to divorce in the UK or much of the rest of the western world your average male may well come off worse financially than you would in Thailand

    It is not about land ownership it is about having the ability to carry on living in the marital home for the length of my life barring divorce and changes in the law.,...it really is that simple and the government recognizes this right, it could all change tomorrow but I don't believe it will and everything done has been done legally and above board through the correct government department It really is not rocket science

    • Like 2
  10. People lose money and are taken for a ride, if I stop one fool then it's worth it. Jim

    75 baht Jim....... 75 baht is all it costs nothing more, no bungs bribes or lawyers, your crusade to save 75 baht is noble but a bit over the top I reckon.....

    Would be a bit more if the Director General disposes of the land and house, as he can, by law. Jim

    Jim I keep on telling you that I think you are wrong I also think you are a little paranoid as well

    if you can give any details of this happening I would be keen to hear but already we have heard of one guy on this thread who was given the right to stay in his home as part of a divorce settlement, another guy in another thread who wife passed on before him and his usefruct stood and he is able to stay on in their home till he dies, I personally know a guy who is still in his house after splitting with his long term girlfriend and last but not least myself, I am speaking from a position of personal knowledge as I have very recently done this and been assured by the Thai department responsible that it is now legal to stay in our marrital home for my lifetime.....

    Then we have your opinion that says everybody else is wrong and you are the only person who is right, I disagree and for the price of 75 baht I have a little piece of mind.......

    • Like 2
  11. I think it is pretty pointless continuing to discuss this as you seem to believe you are the only person that knows what he is talking about, myself Jean and many others do not agree with you on this topic, the only important people in this are the land office officials as they are the subject matter experts on this topic and they too appear to disagree with you. I said way back that we would have to agree to disagree on this subject and I think we should do just that, you can rest assured though that from my point of view I am very happy and sleep a bit easier now it is done....look after yourself Jim and I wish you continued good luck with the trees

  12. Before anyone gets on and tells me that it is no good if you are married as it can be cancelled on divorce I already know this and if it ever does happen that we divorce that is fair enough as I would be entitled to 50% of everything anyhow as I believe is written in Thai law, for us the main reason is if, God forbid, anything happens to the wife and she dies before me I will not have to rely on luck to keep me and my daughter in our home

    Although it sounds like you have it sorted out, I'm curious if your daughter is a Thai citizen and could inherit the land anyway (assuming you were happy with that).

    My daughter has British and Thai citzenship and will inherit it anyway further down the line but I want everything as simple as I can get it plus now it is done it is one less thing to worry about....

  13. Jim, I think you are wrong, the local goverment officials who are responsible for implementation of the law also think you are wrong.....

    Swissie I would not trust any lawyer as far as I could spit beauty is with a usufruct you do not need a lawyer or bribes or anything else other than a bit of time, research and 75 baht, why dont you do like Jim and do your own research then you can speak from a position of knowledge you might then realise why the vast majority of people do not agree with Jim's opinion

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