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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. We went there with another couple about 4 years ago, we stayed 2 nights and that was more than enough, there is quite alot of Buddha goings on, temples, Buddha footprint etc so the girlies were happy enough, other than that then 'not alot', we did get a nice picture of Mrs E on a table with a monkey outside our bungalow one morning, the little rascals had nicked friut off our porch and Mrs E had slowly coaxed them back with fruit - hansel and grettel style until they were eating on top of the table that she was sitting at!!


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  2. Went to the Bhulun Garden Centre on Soi Non PLub Wan (spelling) this place is just round the corner from where we live, brought 2 small climbing types, a pink and a purple, they are going to look great!!

  3. Hey'up folks, i'm after Bougainvillea climbing plants for my garden, we live in Pattaya, I have tried many garden shops locally but nothing as yet, and I know that they are and do grow in Thailand, does anyone know where I can get some?



  4. Greetings TV, in the past i've used the guys in the Excite car park ro rent a car for a few days, on this occasion i'm looking to rent a car for 17 days later this month and wondered about any places cheaper than 1000 baht per day, i'm after a Honda Jazz or a Toyota Yaris, any suggestions most welcome.



  5. Hi, we have 2 large green plants in pots on the patio, not sure of the name of them but they are the very common ones here in Thailand, large tropical looking with the new leaves/stems that grow out of the middle, hope that makes sense??? anyway my query is that they are slowly turning yellow, they started off lovely and green but are slowly changing colour, they are in the direct sun for a few hours of the day, we never water them during the day only in the evening, my guess is that they should really be in the ground and are perhaps being restricted be being in the (large) pot, could that be the reason, they aren;t dying as they are browing new leaves etc all the time.



  6. Hi all, I know it's not quite Thai related but as I have had many questions answered here before by you good folks, i'm hoping someone will know the answer to the problem and settle a bet.

    Can a Spanish person use a Spanish ID to get into the UK without a passport?

    I don't think they can but a mate swears blind they can.



  7. Ha ha, another serious heads up thread turned into a slanging match, honestly chaps and chapesses this is getting really boring to read and i'm not the only one who thinks so, i've spoken to several people around town who were all moaning about the long time posters, advanced members whatever you want to call them who only seem to slag off the threads as soon as they are started in the Pattaya forum, there are other websites out there like TV and people are using this one less.

    As I always say 'still better than living in the UK'

    Bigjimmy - 7 years and going strong!!

  8. I've seen personalised ones in certain bars around this fair city so I know they can be done, when i've asked the staff in the bars they all have the same blank expression and there weren't any companies names on them either!!


  9. Hi, we have an average sized garden with a small patch of lawn but round the back of the house (tiled) we have a few 'flower bed' type things which are all full of fruit and veg etc, anyway the Mrs keeps putting all cuttings, veggie/fruit food waste, dead leaves etc in the 'flower bed' things and thus we have loads of things, possibly weeds, new plants and quite possibly new breeds of plants never before seen - ha ha, anyway, I would like to have some sort of compost heap but in a tub or a bin tucked away round the side of the house, is this possible, a good idea, can you buy them or will a large black bin do then all the food/organic waste etc can be out in one place and then used later on as fertilizer, if this all sounds nieve then I apoligise but the only experince I have with all of this before having this gaff was watching Ma in the back garden in the UK and even then it was from the patio with a cocktail - ha ha!!



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