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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. We have 2 Avacado trees in our garden, both have been grown from a seed from a fruit and now within 18 months they are both at least 10 feet high and getting bushier, how do we trim them, just to shape them the way we want etc???? also they are both covered with large red ants, on every branch there are loads of them, will they damage them or are they ok??



  2. Thanks folks.

    I won't even bother trying anything with the Mac, I'll leave it to the pro's.

    Should I call up one of the Apple numbers,(UK, USA or Thai) before I head to a local Apple place or just go straight there?

    YME - you mention Fortune, where is this place, do you mean BIC C on 2nd road, I know Tukcom.

    Sorry for the questions, as I say this is my first Mac and was quite a few quid to buy so you can understand my worries but it seems I shouldn't!!



  3. Thanks folks for your replies, I really feel alot more confident today that I did yesterday thats for sure. I'll be back in Patts Thursday/Friday so will be on the phone asap to Apple and see what they saw. There are 2 authorised Apple sellers in Pattaya but according to the list that jonw8uk provided earlier there isn't an authorised repairer in Pattaya but I guess they'll know on the phone!!


  4. jonw8uk, thanks very much, thats a great help, ha ha, as you say you must be very quiet this morning.

    You got me worried there for a minute.

    I'll be calling them when I get home, theres no point from here. There are a couple of authorised sellers in Pattaya, I assume they will send it to Bangers, I go back to work 6 weeks after I arrive in Patts so not sure if I'll get it back in time.

    Thanks again.


  5. Thanks for those replies, I won't bother even trying to remove the deisk now, as I said, I will have to send it away when I get home.

    I only brought this 11 weeks ago, why do you say that getting it repaired under guarantee maybe an issue?

    I brought it, it's gone wrong - no fault of my own, it's under guarantee - they have to fix it, surely it's that simple, after the amount of money it cost to buy it in the 1st place there's no way i'm paying anything more - not even postage to get it sent!!!

    Blimey charlie!!!


  6. Well, i'm now resigned to the fact that I will need to send it away.

    I live in Pattaya, has anyone had any experience with sending Apple products under warranty away in Thailand????

    I'm currently away working, thankfully I will be back home in next week and a few days without the laptop is better than weeks. I brought the Macbook Pro 15" in London not 3 months ago so it is still under warranty etc.

    I was using it yesterday on shift, itunes was playing, I was on the net, normal stuff, I turned the music off closed the lid and put it in my bag, when I got to my room and opned the laptop I found it beeping at me, it sounds like a warning beeping sound, not the kind that you hear when you open up a program etc, the beeping went on for ages, the screen was also frozen on the itunes, I pressed the power button and turned it off, I waited a few minutes then opened it again, the beeping started up again and the screen was grey, I left it untouched for about 5 minutes at which point the beeping stopped and I got a flashing folder picture with a question mark, I then turned to the little handbook that came with the computer, it mentioned the flashing folder and so I followed the instructions, this was to insert the Mac OS X install disk and from that you can load the dick utility, I did all of this, I restarted the laptop, put the disk in etc and it did indeed bring up the right window wtc, I followed the instructions and clicked the disk utility, at this point it was 'searching' the little coloured wheel was spinning, this went on for hours, I finally turned it off again. I have the Lion OS and have tried command and R on start-up, I even tried installing the Leopard again but when it gets to the screen to look for the disk destination this too was spinning and searching for hours, on top of that I still have the disk in the drive that I can't get out, when I start the computer up the beeping is still there and it reads the disk and goes to the disk utility process again.

    I brought this at a considerable cost about 11 weeks ago, it's been perfect up until yesterday, I've read loads on the Apple site and can't find the problem, there are various accounts about beeping, the flashing folder but none that cover all my problems, now I'm no computer expert but it seems as if the internal hard drive just isn't being recognised, I haven't hit it, dropped it, smashed it or anything. I have tried getting through to the phone support but I keep getting cut off, I'm currently in Egypt until Wednesday so will now wait until i'm back in Patts and go from there.

    I have loaded this same report onto a couple of other Apple forums just to see if it rings any bells with anyone.



  7. Until recently the internet we had at our house was from TT&T but all the bills had 3BB written all over them, I went to the 3BB office in Carrefour if we had a problem, we were paying 845 baht per month and we were supposed to be getting 5mb but normally only got 3mb, our house is in Soi Siam Country Club, my point is if we re-connect with 3BB surely it'll be TT&T again, whats the difference with 3BB and TT&T??

    I have been looking at Sophon cable, they are advertising 10mb with fibre optic.



  8. I lived in Nirun before moving to the dark side, I still head that way on the way into town, Legends is still open and Shagwells is still there, although Darcy has his own bar about 200 yards down the road called Darcys Den, I think that staying at Shagwells which is directly opposite Nirun would be a good option for you, you can get cheaper rates if your staying there for 2 months and at that time of year there are always people coming and going, always peeps in the bar etc so your never short of people to talk to etc and only a 5 minute motorbike taxi ride into town or 10 minute walk. There are bars and little restaurants/cafes in Soi Arunotai and Nirun and always something happening.

    Happy holidays.


    PS Shagwells is now officially called The Wombat Bar!!

  9. So if a fibre optic cable is run to the building or estate etc and then an ordinary cable from there to your house or condo I assume that will effect the 10mb that your supposed to be getting or is that wrong??


    Well its working fine for me and iv had it faster than thispost-65043-0-52674100-1314185930_thumb.png

    I hope I can get this!!!!!


  10. So if a fibre optic cable is run to the building or estate etc and then an ordinary cable from there to your house or condo I assume that will effect the 10mb that your supposed to be getting or is that wrong??


  11. I have a motorbike, I brought it from new 8 years ago, the first couple of years I was on the ball with the tax and insurance, but missed the date one year then another etc, I have insurance but haven't had tax for it in at least 4 years, I know I have to re-register it and get a new plate and all that sort of thing but I haven't really got an idea where or how to do this, any advice would be great. I live in Pattaya.

    Thanks in advance


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