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Posts posted by BIGJIMMY

  1. Just on a slightly different note, we recently applied for and were granted a multiple entry from the Spanish Embassy in Bangers, I was sent all of the paperwork by the Embassy - including the page saying that as I'm a Brit and we're married etc then the visa should be free and that no insurance is required or travel plans etc and when the Mrs went to apply The Embassy still charged her for the visa, still required the plans and insurance, I knew that they would so we supplied it all after they requested it, when the wifey showed them the form that they sent me stating that it should be free etc, they merely said 'no, you have to pay'.

    What can you say to that excellent reasoning??



  2. When we applied for the visa we said that we'd be heading to France and Italy as well - hence asking for a multiple visa, that was the plan then, the Mrs showed the tickets when she collected her passport, we'll probably not head to Spain first but rather France then Spain a few weeks after, but not head to Italy on this occasion due to time or the lack of should I say, from the two posts it sounds like it won't be a problem.

    The Mrs said that the visa does say multiple on it, I headed off to work before she picked the passport up so I haven't seen the actual words. This is the Mrs's 4th Schegen visa but the first multiple one, all of the others were just a single entry, 3 for Spain and 1 for Portugal.

    Just on a different note, as I said this will be the 4th Schegen visa that we've been granted and in ALL of the applications the people at the Embassy's have been rude, arrogant and just not very nice, I actually had to walk out of the Portugese Embassy (he was Portugese) as he was a complete wan@@er and really rude to me, the Mrs went back on her own the next day, is it just us or is that the same in all of them, the peeps at The Spanish Embassy are Thai and their the same!!

    Anyway, holidays ahead so good times and bloody cheap wine for a change!!!

    Ta ra

  3. The Mrs was recently granted a multiple entry Spanish Schegen visa, we're heading back to the UK for the yearly visit and always have a trip to the family gaff in Tenerife, on this occasion I thought it would be nice to head to France and also Italy so we applied for the multiple entry and got it.

    - Do we have to visit Spain first, would we be turned doen entry in France if we head there first??

    - What would happen if we didn't visit Spain at all but headed to France and Italy, would this cause a problem the next time we apply for a Spanish visa?

    Thanks in advance peeps.

    Mr and Mrs Bigjimmy

  4. I did Mrs Bigjimmys online appliaction last week and all went smoothly, the only query was the limit of characters you can enter into some of the answer boxes, for example - previous visits to the UK, international travel etc, I ran out of space but included a hard copy with the application submitted.

    The Mrs went up last Wednesday and had a hassle free half hour in the VAC - which is nice. The cheque was issued at The Bank of Ayudya in Pattaya that is listed on the site.

    All good.


  5. I was quoted a price before on here to get my pool and eqiupment surveyed a while ago but have lost the details. I want to get a non Thai professional opinion on my swimming pool, everything from the ph levels, the state of the grouting etc, the pump and all the bits in between. We have a Thai guy who does a few pools on the estate and everyone is happy with him except us it seems, my grouting looks a bit ropey and if I rub my fingers on it, it appears to get cloudy and come away!!!!

    We're in Pattaya.



  6. I went yesterday and was told I didn't need the medical certificates, I also needed a copy of the old licences as well as the actual licence.

    The place was rammo, took me 4 hours, otherwise pretty easy, typical unorgnaised chaos but then it all seems to happen and come together and i'm done - ha ha - TIT!!

    My licence expired on my birthday in January and now the new ones expire in 5 years from my next birthday so the licences are valid for 5 years and 8 months - good times!!!


  7. Greetings folks, just been adding the finishing touches to the wife's visa application and was reading the VFS website and just read this:

    From 2 May all customers applying in Thailand for a UK visa are required to complete a visa application form online using the online visa application system only. Customers who have not completed a visa application form online will not be able to submit their visa application. After completing the online application form, customers will also need to book an appointment online to submit their biometric information and visa application at the visa application centre in Bangkok. Customers who visit the visa application centre without making an appointment online will be unable to submit their visa application.

    We nead back to the UK every year and normally have a 2 year visit visa but on this occasion we're just applying for a 6 monther and as such i'm always reading this great forum for new changes etc and must have missed the discussion about this.

    Just going to start the online now.

    Mr & Mrs Bigjimmy

  8. I think i'm reading this forum to much, I just got stopped coming home and my first thought was this thread!!!

    Me and Mrs Bigjimmy riding up Soi Siam Country on our way home, no drinkies only food and we get stopped 2 minutes from our house by what turned out to be a major police presence just by the (now demolished) driving range. I was thinking I should be okay as I haven't had a drink today etc and what do they stop us for - bloody stolen bikes, can I show the owners booklet etc - ha ha, bloody typical, the only think I haven't got a copy of in the bike, anyway the Mrs was on top form and they let us go with the advice of getting a copy of it for next time etc, no money asked for etc - faith (for now) restored as there were alot of Thai's there weighing the police in with notes!!

    Ta ra


  9. Whow, this ia a massive increase, as I said the 2 year visa we got just over 2 years ago was the same price as a current short term one.

    Thanks for the info, as we really only head back once a year I think on this occasion we'll just crack on with a short term one and maybe sort out a longer visa next time, 10 years would be a cracker BUT (and this i've read - not from experience) if you were to apply for a 10 year visa, you pay the fee of 36,000 but they only give you a 5 year visa then you've lost out, I read somewhere you can apply for a certain amount of years but the Embassy are well within their rights to give you a lesser year visa, does that make sense??

    Thanks again.


  10. Greetings TV peeps, this is the situation, the Mrs last family visit visa to the UK was for 2 years, this expired at the end of last year and we're in the process of getting a new one now, as with all the visas we're had we only ever head back for 6 weeks at a time in any 6 month period, the last time we applied I ticked 2 years and we got it, the fee was 3000 baht or something like that, looking now on the vfs website its reads:

    Family visitor

    Short term visit [up to six months, single or multiple entry] 3,952

    Longer term visit - up to 2 years 13,780

    Longer term visit - up to 5 years 25,272

    Longer term visit - up to 10 years 36,504

    My confusion is if we apply for another 2 year visa then it's going to cost 13,780 or is that only if you plan to stay in the UK up to 2 years at a time, we only went for a longer visa last time so that we didnlt have to piss around getting new visas every 6 months and it's the same now, we would like to apply for a 5 year family visit visa with the intention of never spending more than 6 weeks per 6 months period in the UK which is a short term visit not a long term!!

    Hope that makes sense because as i'm writing this i'm not quite sure i'm explaining myself properly!!

    Thanks in advance.

    Mr and Mrs Bigjimmy

  11. Tukcom is where I went to have a new screen fitted to the iphone. The floor with all the little vendor stalls, I think they seem to be pretty much the same as in they sent the phone to a guy in one of the outer stalls and he sorted it all out in an hour for 1000 baht. If your any good with technical doings etc check on youtube as alot of these things to do with the new smart phones can be done yourself, assuming you can make sense of it. When I told my brother back in the UK about it he said ''why didn't I sort out the screen myself via Youtube, the actualy bits are cheap enough here'' he said, ''because im not a little techie nerd like you'' I said - ha ha!!!


  12. I'm currently also away working but get back to Bangers Saturday morning. I have a pal who lives in Bang Saray, he told me about it, so me and the enemy will spend the day emptying his fridge then jumping around and stomping at the gig then spend the night at his place - good times!!!


  13. I know the Lek Bar, it was indeed one of my locals when I first moved here, that was when they were half-way up Soi 7 before they moved to where they are now. I haven't been in there for ages.

    I have quite a collection myself that I listen to at home.

    SOIHOK - get yourself to Ban Amphur!!!

  14. There is a SKA night on Saturday 2nd April on Ban Amphur Beach, I saw the last one advertised last year but had to go to work so I missed it otherwise I would have gone, I was wondering if these nights are any good, anyone been??

    I'm a massive SKA fan and am going either way - come on!!


  15. Right, on one of the walls surrounding our garden we have ongoing probelm with what I assume is mold, the estate that we're on have come out twice and stripped the paint up to about 30 cm from the grass and painted a sort of sealant then painted over it again but - yes, hence the post here, it always comes back, it looks pretty awful as the wall is yellow and the contrast with the grass etc, anyway, as far as i'm aware the wall probably hasn't got very big (if any) footings and that area is obviously wetter?? on the ground hence the damp, we haven't got anything like it on the other walls.

    Can someone please reccommend a person/firm to sort it or the right materials and i'll get someone on it?

    Thanks in advance.


  16. Whatever I buy in the end will have to go inside my pump house as thats where the pipes and the pump are located and the underground tank is also - well under it and the whole thing is in a corner of our garden all blended in with the outer wall so I really don't want it on the outside. Thanks for the comments, will crack on.


  17. Thanks peeps, some good suggestions, I perhaps should have also mentioned that we only have a small pumup house where the pipes and the water pump are kept, its only about 4 1/2 feet in height, its quite wide but with the swimming pool stuff in there as well there isn't a massive amount of room, now thinking about it, it might be a problem, especially for an 8 feet high model!!



  18. We have an underground water tank which is supplied direct from the government water, we have a water pump that keeps the pressure in the house at a nice level, we have a small water filter on the kitchen tap that the Mrs uses for drinking etc, the water from the tank is for the showers, taps, garden etc, having been in the house for nearly two years now I have noticed that over time there is a build up of grim and slime on some of the plugs and in a couple of the showers, this isn't from the lack of cleaning but from the water so I want to get a large water filter fitted to the system before in reaches the tank - you know what I mean, can someone please advise a shop in Pattaya that sells and fits these please??

    Ta muchly,


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