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Mr Jones

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Posts posted by Mr Jones

  1. Morning Tom.

    Sorry I went off a bit, I don’t know much about Thai food, I do know a bit about low carb diets.

    If you are serious about your health and the food you eat then its back to basics, eat only fresh and preferably organic foodstuffs, manufactured food like packet noodles should be a no, no.

    Regarding low carb diets not being sustainable, well they are, since I started the low carb diet I haven’t eaten so well, it is easer to tell you what I have given up eating, potatoes, noodles, breakfast cereals, anything out of a can, shop cake, not to bad and it is easy, my way is if it had a mother or grow above the ground and greenish then its ok to eat.

    Following a G I diet can be a pain, but if that’s what you want who am I to disagree?

    Les :o

  2. I have no intention what-so-ever in getting into a discussion on addiction with you or anyone else, this thread is on quitting smoking, I gave an opinion and you can take it or leave it, makes no difference to me.

    Congratulations on 7 weeks smoke free by the way.

    My self I gave up 7/8 years ago but then I stopped counting after 2 days, not because I’m a smart arse but after 2 days I felt better and started waking up with a dawn buster, still do, what better reason not to smoke.

    Les :o

    Ps the chap who is coughing up sh1t in the mornings its normal in lots of people, natures way of cleaning your lungs.

  3. Quite simple, if you where addicted to tobacco you would be climbing the walls for a smoke on you 12 hour flight to Thailand. Or any flight over 4 hours.

    If you don’t smoke in certain places like bedrooms, do you really think it would matter where you are if it was addictive?

    Most people sleep 7/8 hours at night; tobacco/nicotine only stays in your system for 4 hours, you would be climbing the walls again.

    I know lots of people that don’t smoke first thing in the morning one guy I know doesn’t smoke until after lunch, so does that sound addictive?

    The problem with stopping smoking is tobacco is very available and with the exception of the UK is also cheep.

    The governments tell you it’s addictive.

    The tobacco manufactures tell you it’s addictive.

    The pharmaceutical companies tell you it’s addictive.

    The one thing they all have in common is, it is in their financial interest for you to believe you are addicted to tobacco,

    One more point, I know of not one country that allows addictive drugs to be used openly, I don’t know of one country that has banned tobacco.

    When you get it into your head that tobacco is NOT addictive and that you won’t be rolling on the floor in withdrawal pains, then you are on the first step too being a non smoker.

    Les :o

  4. This method has a 95% success rate.

    Find somewhere quiet, either sit in a comfortable chair or lay on your bed just as long as you are comfortable.

    Now let your mind wonder back in time (lets call it daydreaming), looking for something you achieved something you didn’t think you would achieve, anything, driving test, exam pass, just about anything as long as it made you feel good and remember it.

    Next allow yourself to wallow in that good feeling for just about as long as you want, why not wallow in good feeling there yours.

    Feels good doesn’t it?

    Then every time you refuse a smoke allow that good feeling to enter you thoughts and feel good about being a non smoker.

    By the way smoking is not an addiction it is a habit, a bad habit because it will shorten your life and who will profit from you smoking and your shortened life?

    Les :o

  5. Just a little tip, I had 2 shirts made, the pockets have Velcro flap fastenings and big enough to take my passport and wallet tickets etc. a good dip wont have much problems but the average chancer wont bother.

    Les . :o

  6. You really need to see a welfare rights officer, (loads of solicitors have them) don’t rely on the DWP to help you they wont. In fact they will answer questions but won’t offer advice as to your entitlement.

    As to your houses they will look at your income and outgoing and make adjustments but tell them because someone else will.

    Les :o

  7. 1. Me Mum.

    2. Me ex wife.

    3. Me tax collector.

    4. Me priest.

    5. Me girlfriend.

    6. Me shrink.

    7. Me boss.

    8. Me accountant.

    I have had no one try to make me feel guilty, inadequate, un hip, uncivilized, uncultured, unethical, or mal adjusted since I moved to Thailand.

    their their :o:D there there

  8. Once again thanks for your most valued advice.

    When I said “burning my bridges” I think I was a little dramatic, what I meant was I will be selling my house and won’t have much to come home to, kids grown up, wife efed off years ago, my mates are all acting like OAPs, all in all I’m just bored with the UK life.

    As for booze well I don’t care if its rum, rhum, brandy, gin, and I have been known to have vodka.

    I have been in Goa for 8 weeks this year to see if Goa was the place for me, unfortunately not, the Goan people are excellent but cow shit every where and the taxi drivers drive you up the wall as do the tat sellers, its very cheep to live I could easily live off my pension, but Goa is not for me.

    A one bed flat will be luxury for me, I live in a 4 bed house with large gardens back and front, I dream of getting up in the mornings and all I have to do is, shower and make coffee then decide who is going to cook my food,

    Any how the flight is booked for Nov 1st for 3 weeks so I’m hoping to see some of you folk in Pattaya. Looking for a hotel now so many to look at.

    Les :o

  9. Just spent another hour or so in the visa thread.

    Yes I am over 50 and have no intention what-so-ever of working, I have done my bit.

    The retirement visa looks the better option, there is a Thai visa office in Liverpool so I will go and have a chat there.

    I have not been to Thailand since the mid 80s (5 visits on a ship) with my girlfriend to keep me pure and untouched, (drat) just realised it been 20 years. Don’t seem that long since I was visiting temples and floating markets while my mates where down the rags. B*****ds

    A studio will do me I’m not that interested in luxury just a decent bed a shower fridge television the usual stuff and only half hour cleaning and someone to do my washing and ironing.

    I digress. thanks everyone

    Les :o

  10. Thanks for the replies; my pension is 60000/month so I can live on that, I have a few bob in the bank to see to the unexpected, thankfully I don’t drink much beer but brandy is another matter. :o


  11. A couple of questions I hope you can answer for me that will help me decide on living in Thailand

    I have been reading lots of posts regarding staying in Thailand long term but a little confusion has left me bamboozled.

    1 rent, what will it cost to rent a 1 bed furnished flat in Pattaya not a dump say mid range?

    2 can I live comfortably on 50,000 Baht a month. Rent, food, booze, everything.

    3 I’m not looking for a live in wife/girlfriend

    4 visa runs how much it total and how often.

    My apologies if these questions have been asked before.

    Les :o

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