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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. I have the same concerns when that time comes. I've heard many horror stories about reentry from an ED visa. And that getting the retirement visa ends all those concerns about re-entry issues. If the normal application doesn't go well and you have to leave. You many want to use an agent and a border where they are sure you will get back in with no hassle.
  2. There weren't very many good looking girls on there for him either, was there? I mean, none were ugly. But less than a handful I'd "click on"
  3. USA 2 Men make same effort to connect with woman: Man Not My Type = now harrasment Man My Type = I'm gonna steal a baby outta you tonight and lock you and your piggy bank down for 18 years min
  4. Train wrecks and Heart Throb Heros: They usually pick out either end of the spectrum to be on these shows. Then they line up the girls that would hate or love the type they centering the show on. That's what makes good (reality) TV...and unfortunately "news". I can't understand what he says, but he was put up there to be a villain from the start for ratings. Guarantee he a good looking Thai and wealthy and 20 plus shake their head in agreement with his principles lol, or whatever the current type heart throb is. Or at least try and slip their number to him after lol. And btw, you can't say the guy is wrong. He's telling you what he's looking for in a partner and what he likes and is honest about it. That's how you find your matches and not pretending to be what they want and then doing what you want anyways
  5. As I understand, you'll need 45-55 days processing once you are here. So if you came for classes, you'd have to come on tourist visa and immediately start process for school and visa. You'll also have to check for class availability very much in advance. One school told me 2 weeks ago that they have no openings until like September/October.
  6. Guys all over. Usually "wow you are so hot/pretty/fill in the blank compliment" kind of beginning banter. Throw is some penis pics lol, fetish people, rude people (begging and/or demanding meet ups). I should see if there is a chatgpt app that would syphon all those DM's and organize it into a book to sell online lol.
  7. Unfortunately, a beautiful woman 18 to 30 can just post a single picture on FB or IG or Tik Tok and get 1,000s if not 1,000's of incoming DM's. If she' is educated, now she doesn't even have time to answer them. No need to be on a dating app for them. However, if they are for example, my gf dating app had almost 8,000 incoming MESSAGES (not answered), no idea how many were clicked before me. This isn't "liked by" This is incoming messages. Same with random white knights DMing their best shot. Deck is stacked against the male still digitally. I won't concede it being against us in person though ???? when there is no clutter to break thru.
  8. When single I've thought of doing the same: hiring someone to reach out and handle replies to a certain point. It's a full time job being on an app, at least here in Thailand, to start talks and get any traction...also to weed out all the customer seekers (which still takes time).
  9. are you possibly trying to find the "one" and get married before even on the first date? I just hung with my neighbor who is 62, comes here every 3rd month for a month and had 3 or 4 good looking Thai "gf's" So, dating is not hard. Picking just one might be?
  10. current soldiers more in line with the popular vote and the people and will not turn on their own. thus import other soldiers who will be soldiers with no feelings towards it all and keep the local soldiers on task as well since their will be threats against mutiny that could be enforced then. Chess moves to stay in power. Thats my 2 second severely ill informed take.
  11. "average person" you mean? 95% of the world population that are plain old boring heterosexual? Honest question. Why have you jumped to use these new vocab-narratives that were quite literally almost created yesterday? instead of the terms we've used for 1,000's of years that mean exactly the same thing? And you cannot say "To be clear on who I'm talking about". Average person or heterosexual person are crystal clear terms that everyone knows and understand that mean the exact same thing. Actually, they are MORE clear terms. A talk show host could go interview the average person on the street what "cisgender" is and I'm pretty sure 99 out of 100 are not going to know what that is. So it's NOT for clarity. And if it's not for clarity of an already clear and defined term and definition....why are you insisting on using it?
  12. I thought it's against the law not to ask for money to see ping pong show in Pattaya?
  13. I didn't want to complicate it, and technically you are correct, but the number that qualify as what is now called intersex is .0018% of all population and is an extremely rare abnormalty to our species.
  14. Mother nature doesn't care about political opinions and word games. There are two and only two genders/sexes. XX (woman) XY (man) This is biology. This is fact. no need for the recently fabricated word 'cisgender'. Man/male and woman/female stand on their own without pretense. You can (and should) tack on anything you want pre or after male/female for truthful classification (ie trans woman). The rest is western political word-play salad and political games.
  15. I was on the extra 30 day extension for visa exempt. I cannot tell you office hours for immigration at airport, but I assume they are 24/7. But don't assume when it's your butt on the line. Maybe try an agent for your immigration office if you want to do it in advance? I had a weird case of old PP to emergency PP due to embassy and then immediately to NEW PP. So I had my agent move stamp from old pp to emergency pp for me for like 800 baht. 2nd time, from emergency to NEW PP I just did it at border (but I was also under expectation that I wouldn't need to move anything since I was leaving country...but I was wrong.) Possible options: I do not know if you can go to another immigration office and do this? or if you can just hire an agent that can get it done for you there or at another immigration office? or just go to a nearby border or airport and get it done before hand. (they did mine outside and before I could give my pp to the immigration officer to leave the country).
  16. I just did this. They DO move it now. @ OP, you should also be able to get it done at immigration. But they will do it at borders/airport. I thought (as the gentleman above thought) that there would be no need to move it...but the officers stopped me at the window and had me get it moved before letting me proceed to leave the country. This took roughly a half an hour. Of course, the time it takes is gonna vary by where you are and how busy they are...so just plan for that time suck. It was a 500 baht fee btw, as well. *they asked me for letter from embassy but embassy no longer issues them and immigration is supposed to know this. I did have a letter on hand because I got my new PP 2 days after the "no letter" rule and I begged since I knew there was a big chance of it coming up at the border.
  17. Technically you are right. But in NK all things are Kim. What he says is the first and last word. The sky, the ground, the air, the water. It is all Kim lol
  18. I don't think we are talking about the same thing, but here is a link about North Korea getting a governing seat at WHO. https://www.newsweek.com/north-koreas-new-power-who-sparks-outrage-1803667
  19. Wow. I guess if they will sit there and tell you a man can give birth with a straight face, saying kids are in danger of covid is an easy horror-porn to spin. Kids are practically bulletproof to covid...and should be builidng a natural antibodies to it for when they get to their 60s (when 87% of all deaths start occurring "due" to covid). from 2020-2023 in USA there were less than 9,000 deaths for anyone under the age of 29 TWENTY NINE! out of a total of 623,000 attributed to covid. Less than 1,500 if under the age of 17. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm But hey, the WHO just voted to give North Korea's dictator a spot on it's executive board for all the good health care he provides to his nation. Congrats Kim! You've worked so hard to get accepted and join up with like minded peoples!
  20. She's fast and she's agile. Caught him from behind while also dodging flying chairs. Can't believe a witness didn't have this fight on record lol
  21. I found that service to be a rip off for what is done (dr cert, residency cert, and taxi driving). But understand that for some doing the homework can cost more than spending the 5k. I mean, I pay essentially 2k plus the 1900 for agents just to go do my 30 day extension. Not for the ease of paperwork, but for avoiding that office, the headaches, and the all day lines.
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