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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. They didn't take responsibility for the overstay?? even though it was their fault. I'm already at 4000 baht overstay if this is the case. unacceptable in my eyes.
  2. and then what would you do for the next visa? leaving country for visa run sounds like recipe for not getting back in imo. plus the 15-17k lost.
  3. 2022. Not sure how old you are, but online commerce is beyond established, it's killing offline physical businesses. It's just as safe if not safer due to all the documentation of conversation that occurs in written form. This company is going to do what it does whether I went to the office or done online. Btw, they did provide my first 2 visas of the 9 month plan without any issue. As well as many others I know. If you have a solution to kick them in the butt to provide the last one instead of deriding the platform of commerce, I'm taking notes of any suggestions.
  4. yeah. I don't know why, but I fear some extra sneaky unknown retribution soon as I give a hard push that will make it harder to get my NEXT visa, or them returning my passport 8 days late already with no new visa that I paid some 15-17k for already.
  5. I feel like this is bad contractors at home. ie: they spent the money already from 6 months ago and now maybe robbing paul to pay peter to get ours done (hopefully). 9 months is a long time for some people to budget money.
  6. I think depending where you are getting it there is some artistic ability involved. like forehead = easy. good lips = require some skill. but I have no real clue
  7. One other person said something similar which is why I did not freak out immediately. I contacted them by phone 2 days before my stamp officially ended (because she was no longer replying to FB PM's). She answered. Response was basically: It ok. School busy. I see them tonight and let you know or have them contact you. My official 'end day' was friday, so , I let it go because I have to kind of assume to let people do their jobs and that they are professionals, and that at this point they hadn't done any real wrong, or failed me yet. It's now almost a week after with no FB PM response (all I had ever used with them the first 6 months). I wanted to get responses here before my next call to the agency, for some more seasoned opinions. Jack, and Ubon Joe.... one other person mentioned for me to just go to the Embassy and state my passport lost and to simply get a new one. To me, this doesn't make sense for several reasons. 1 the agent was paid roughly 17k for this last 3 months of visa. I should get it. 2. It makes me look inept to immigration with more overstays. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I show I did everything I'm supposed to and that my tardiness is due to a possibly crook agent, I'd get some lee-way? But if going straight for a lost passport is fast, please let me know. I thought that in itself took at couple weeks to get if requested? Thank you everyone for your suggestions and input.
  8. They are in Samui and I'm in Pattaya. How can I get there if you are suggesting I go there physically. **How can I find out if I've been stamped or not? and what can I say to the agent to "scare" them into fulfilling their duty. I mean, what are my recourses? Is a threat of reporting to police viable? or not at all. My passport is hostage (although they last said don't worry). They've been paid. I have contracts. I have PM's. I have bank transfer receipts. I have post receipts. @DrJack54 any suggestions to solve my Post?
  9. I have an agent I used prior in Pattaya that I will go back to. Nobody could help in pattaya last time. I did extensive interviews of 14 agents before leaving pattaya area and finding plenty of solutions. Thank you for the offer. However, right now the problem is "What action to initiate, if any, against the current agent that has my passport?' I need my passport to get my thai license, which is scheduled for sept 27.
  10. I'm not a teacher, but I understand why you think that in retrospect. Unfortunately, I 'd need to fly to Samui from Pattaya. Not gonna happen without a passport either. When I chose this agent and school, I did as much vetting as I could. Looking at reviews, how long in business, how long their sites were up. And of course, the first few months were stellar service. then they removed their stellar employee (IDK if she left, fired, or what). And it's been terrible since. And of course I have the PM's, acknowledgement of receipt of passport and Post receipt showing they accepted it. plus a contract stating what they owe me for my full payment 9 months ago. I honestly don't have a clue what action to take. Obviously I don't see them trying to keep my passport. That's quite illegal with dire consequences for them.
  11. When I first got here I thought red/white/red/white curb paintings acted as bike "spots" to park as they were always filled with bikes parked at them lol
  12. Ok. Here is my predicament. And What action should I take? This was a 9 month visa prepurchased 6 months ago. I received the first 2 stamps no problem. My last visa ended on 16. I mailed my passport to them on Sept 2. Two weeks in advance. They replied as normal, asking for additional pics etc a week after getting my passport for immigration. Everything seems normal. Any question I have, they say they will have to get back to the school and back to me. Or that the school will contact me. (The school NEVER contacts me) 4 days before end of visa, they quit replying to my PM's. I called 2 days before 16, they answered, and said waiting on school. 16 was Friday so I wait the weekend, and now have left 2 PM's again with no answer. They advertise daily on their FB page of new visa runs, and stamps for their clients. So they haven't run away into hiding and are seeking new business. I'm going to call again today after I get some advice here. If I was getting any communication, I would guess this more normal. What do I need to say to light a fire under their butt? Or what action do I need to take against them? I cannot visit their office for direct interaction. I'm in Pattaya and they are in Samui. @ubonjoe and anyone else? ***It's now 6 days after my known visa expired. They have not provided me verification that I have my new visa and am legal...and they've nearly had my passport for a month. ADD the below in to my situation, and I'm really getting upset. Of course I NEED my visa I paid for (being legal here the most important item) , but I also need my passport to get my drivers license which is a month long queue to schedule. I've already taken two 500 baht rides out there at an expense of nearly two hours a day to get the appointment set for Sept 27. I also have to get my certs again to GO to my appointment so I certainly don't want to miss my appointment and have to make a drive to make ANOTHER appointment and wait another month.
  13. as are all who are not mistreated. they are great pets if you are wanting a pet. Noted, they are great guard dogs, fighters, etc... and can be dangerous if that's the intent of the person owning them. that is on the owners and not the dog itself.
  14. I have met more good Russian people here than I've met of any other nationality. Shame on most of you treating them like they are any more like their government leader than you are to your governernment in charge. Your pedestals are duly noted, as is the rope you are unrolling for yourselves.
  15. Best dog I ever had. stories like this come from owners who didn’t care for them, not from the dogs themselves.
  16. In the 50's they were advertised as diet pills for housewives and it would help them keep a nearer home (all true btw). Plus smoking was on tv recommended by doctors for health. And coca cola had cocaine in the 20s. Drinking alcohol all day was completely ok. I think your memory a bit off here.
  17. I was denied at Krunsgri because not have right visa , even though been here over 2 years. Bangkok bank had no problem. but needed residency cert. this is HERESAY from FB yesterday, but maybe it will work for you: ****Bangkok Bank opened my account on a tourist visa, l told them l wanted to buy a car
  18. Yes. But I'm just now learning about esims now too and how to get my next data package via esim instead of Sim card (because my iphone only has one port and I lose my number then).
  19. Honestly, and I need to research this myself as I want my next purchase to be an Esim so I can retain old number...he can purchase E-sim and install it to his phone IMMEDIATELY after an online purchase. **what I need to research is if these lazada vendors can provide Esims yet. However, He's not even here yet I don't think. He can have it purchased and shipped to his destination before even arriving. Most people do all shopping online now (for better and worse) because of it's convenience, and in this case...better pricing. Mainly, I'm giving him info on what will happen. His choice to decide.
  20. I got that response from a health insurance agent online. I immediately found another agent to give business to. If not going to help me while they trying to get my money, they never gonna help AFTER it's pocketed.
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