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Posts posted by Dart12

  1. 5 hours ago, Mikeyfromoz said:

    Sugar and grains are pretty much the quickest way to add kilos/pounds, and yes, not moving much speeds up the weight gain...!
    I left Thailand in 2016, after living there for 3.5 years,  I saw quite a lot of obese kids, and I saw what they ate (my wife's little shop was less then 100M from the school in her village)... sugar is definitely a huge (pun intended) problem in Thailand now...! ????

    Basically 7/11 diet of processed foods, especially any and all drinks (95% of them all based around sugar ingredients)  including fancy coffees and teas (that traditionally would be some of the best drinks for you dietary wise - but no longer).  Same afflicition of western world

  2. What is the process (and is it even possible) to enroll Cambodian children into a thai government school?

    More details:  the two kids are already enrolled into Thai schools and have been  for 6 years already.  They are more Thai than Cambodian in culture.
    They only have student cards, no other documents that I am aware of.

    However, the person sponsoring them will no longer be keeping them enrolled soon (details not required here).

    I am Farong, GF is Cambodian.

    I've looked up past posts here and it SEEMS like it would be possible to pay for them to attend locally, something like 3000 baht a term. 

    But I'm unsure, and definitely 100% clueless on the process to get it done if it is possible.

    Can anyone share information on how to enroll them (in Pattaya/Jomtien area specifically if that matters).

    Thank you

  3. 14 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

    "These rankings are based on data from Thai travelers’ accommodation searches during the early part of last year, according to Agoda." 


    There were still very strict Covid regulations at this time. I doubt that many families looked for holidays in Thailand at this time. Below a link describing Covid Testing at Tree Town. A friend of mine was forced to stay in a quarantine hotel here in Pattaya. He is still upset because his insurance didn't pay for this.


    "Mr. Yuttana Santiprakun, 28, a security guard at the market, told TPN media, “There have been many confirmed cases of Covid-19 at the market, although almost all have been mild or asymptomatic. Therefore, a major cleaning was held today." >>>



    I rolled laughing anytime I saw someone go to accuse turn themselves in for a 100,900 hospitel lock up

    • Like 1
  4. YOu can try duck duck go search engine,  Although I hear they have already been flipped to the dark side despite being created for those who didn't want the narratives only links displayed when doing searches.

    Still worth a try.

    but for shopping, it hard to beat google still imo.  

  5. 3 hours ago, JayClay said:

    Firefox is a browser, not a search engine.


    Have you tried ChatGPT to find what you're looking for? Beware that ChatGPT will confidently give an answer to your questions even when it may be wrong, but it might help as a starting point; just make sure you fact check any important information you get before taking it as gospel.

    you do not want to use that for product searches.  It's data is a year old.  To chatgpt Iphone 14 isn't even out yet.

    besides, I see bad things coming from using something like this.  It just gives an answer and you are supposed to take it as god's word, when really it's just the answer the powers be want you to hear:  ie , yes, men can give birth to babies being such an example.

    on the flip side, I hear bing has already incorporated AI with their search and is fun to use at this stage in the game, and better than google.

  6. On 10/14/2022 at 3:41 PM, BritManToo said:

    I use both for 2 years.

    Then I was seemingly cured by taking a 1/2 dose of NorfloxStar (200mg, twice a day for 5 days) once a month for 3 months.


    I'm assuming I was originally misdiagnosed by the Thai hospital.

    would you mind elaborating on this scenario of why or what changed or what was correct prognosis?

    and I assume NorfloxStar is Norfloxacin mispelled?  (at least what google is telling me)

  7. 7 hours ago, Mywayboy said:

    Thai passport holders exempt .

    Germy dirty Farang discriminated against once again. 

    So Thailand has Covid 19 under control ho ho ho.

    Suggest TAT needs needs a mental health assessment prior to making their absurd decisions. 

    that's normal for any country for their citizens for re-entry.  It's not really discrimination when universal.

    However, all the requirements to now get into Thailand ARE pretty blatant discrimination to rest of world to  suck on China teets.  

    Nobody meets any of these requirements anymore EXCEPT for the people living in the stone age of China policy that have been mandated to keep re-filling the human body poison.  

    Also a total joke as even Pfizer has come out and had to openly admit it doesn't prevent transmission.  No efficacy has been discovered. 

    And even the establishment now advertises it as just cold like symptoms (but still promote getting boosters of course).

    There is no purpose for any of this save the ability to manufacture tyranical control at the snap of a finger (for all countries save a very few).

    • Like 1
  8. Tastes.  Some people love it.  It can be annoying for sure.  There are definitely audiophiles that it's an art  for them.

    I find it more Little Richard syndrome though (in this day and age of tech) with loud engines and mufflers on cars and bikes.  

    Yes, once upon a time big muscle necessitated big noise, but that's no longer the case.  so now it's just for "look at me, pleeeeeaaaasse"

  9. 1 hour ago, BigStar said:

    "queens?" Sirikit is Queen Sirikit. Maybe you mean Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital in Siricha? Been there a couple of times for minor things, was quite OK. Thais respect it. But I think you'd have the same problem as with Sirikit. You wouldn't have time, given your schedule. First you'd probably have to see a generalist, then get another appt to see the specialist. That could be weeks away. After the first appt, the second could be weeks away. And you have the waiting times in the hsp. Will take half a day, at least, every time, even if you have an appt.


    It also helps to speak some Thai or have a Thai speaker with you at gov't hsps. The doc probably speaks enough English; the problem is to get to the doc. 


    Dunno anything about BKK Jomtien.

    Yes, sorry, in the morning I was typing this out in many replies.  Queen Hospital in Sirikit was the one I was referring to and asking about if someone had any experience to share.

    I'm getting the impression is that I go to first, almost any first close proximity hospital and get  a general idea of issues and then seek out the specialist I would prefer.


    18 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yep on here or Facebook at Jomtien it was good service and cheaper than BPH and no nurse bill padding.


    Don't forget to buy any meds outside the private hospitals

    Unless I'm unable to google it, when I search Bangkok Hosptital Jomtien I only find "Jomtien Hospital".   Absolutely nothing showing BKK in it.

    is JH actually Bangkok Jomtien Hospital?

    I did contact JH and they do not have a urologist at all.

    Thanks for the med purchase advice too

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