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Posts posted by Alreadyinuse

  1. Normally i would have said i miss everything about Thailand, but after getting back with a 3 month old baby, i tell you now i have never been happier to be back in the U.K. :D

    2 weeks on i am still happy to be back in the U.K and we wont be coming back until the little un is walking, so same time next year :D:D


  2. Yep.

    finished my contract in Vietnam little over one year ago. As a family of 4 we moved to Phuket, where the kids started school and I was in search of another job in Thailand. Place of origin of my wife is Nakhon Si Thammarat. I had to leave them as my VISA was running out and I needed to get a new job. So I went back to Sweden. When I 10 months later came back to Phuket and got myself a hug from my 3 year old daughter it was heaven. Not to mention my wife,, thats a different forum. Thing is my daughter was now growing up, and I was missing out.

  3. I had the same recently from my old landlady. Took her nearly 2 months to pay up. Try to pin them down on a date - not necessarily specific, but perhaps "end of next week" or soemthing. Then phone up at the end of the week and ask where your promised cash is - try to make them feel guilty for not fulfilling their promise.

    If this doesn't seem to be working, try going round there. A firm but calm face to face confrontation (but not an aggressive one) is often very productive.

    Prompt these things to be mentioned in the contract before signing, dates receipts and such. The landlady that we had was very careful with contracts. when they are written they become legal. She wanted everything to be correct, did not want to fool me. It could be that I had a large company behind me. Dont look for an apartment yourself, if you are employed let the locals deal with it.

  4. Why on earth would anyone want to turn a 17 month old kid into a freak show? :D

    He is a kid, for God's sake, not a commodipty to sate your own vacarious pleasures. :o

    Just give him a stable, loving, contented family up- bringing, and your pleasures will be all the greater.

    This forum are probably on page 54 or something already and i dont want to go through all posts. but here are some of my views.

    Yes he is a kid, he is not a commodity. You need to respect that he is a child and give and support a solid and secured childhood. However how many have not seen commercials or other advertisement on TV or newspapers and said ahhhhhhh what a beautiful baby, how sweet. I am sure some of you have.

    How come you dont stand up react and complaint towards the companies that uses babies in their commercials/advertisements? Most likely there is a baby or a younger child posing as model...Is that double morals..

    Now, If your pushing him into this definitely not ok, however if this is a one time gig. Whats the problem.

  5. Farang pub material for sure. Topic moved.

    As for the idea that women are better representatives of the human race, no darling women are better representatives of women :o

    I have no idea how Mr Goethe reason.

    Maybe a psychological evaluation is at hand however we, people have a tendency to put gender on certain things, such as for example a car.

    Have you ever heard the expression "She is a real beauty" I dont think that I have ever heard "He is a real beauty, but what if the car is a HE. I am not sure but maybe Goethe used the same way of communication and also knew that this would be read and understood my intellectuals and therefore they would be able to understand the deep and profound meanings of each phrase, what do you think? :D

  6. Thanks for your story Alreadyinuse. I wish all the best for your sister.

    Thanks, it has completely changed how we as family communicate with each others, how we think, discuss, make plans and set future goals together.

    And foremost taught us how to appreciate time. We consider it as borrowed. Nothing is for granted, you might have to return it or it could be taken away from you.

    Everything is great now and there is no reason to go sentimental, but all of the above and my other posts are from heart


  7. I think its further south, somewhere in Africa. It looks a little bit beaten up

    Yes, this looks like Africa to me too...south africa ....thinking about Durban , Port Elisabeth or East london...somewhere this coast . Am i near?

    Getting close , but not too many beaches around here

    Johannesburg or Pretoria?


    Close as in nowhere near Oz , carribean or Spain.

    Last clue

    The word for farang begins with an M (I know cos I woz one)

    (No it is not a contraction of two words beginning with an M and an F!)

    Jambo Mzungo....

    After research I have narrowed it down to Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda.

    You mentioned that weird things had been going on in this country. Could it be Uganda or Tanzania? Its getting hotter for sure, am I right or am I right :o

    I said weird things were going on? No , I've been gone from there a loooong time so it

    has probably calmed down.

    The word I remember was mazungu , but maybe that's my spelling error.

    And it has wider usage geographic than you think , not sure it doesn't stretch as far as SA.

    Come on , so near yet so far.

    I merely mentioned these countries because in these countries this is the language that is most frequently spoken. Ok, Wow youre keeping us under the pressure here. This is a tricky one. May I be excused my brain is full? :D

  8. I think its further south, somewhere in Africa. It looks a little bit beaten up

    Yes, this looks like Africa to me too...south africa ....thinking about Durban , Port Elisabeth or East london...somewhere this coast . Am i near?

    Getting close , but not too many beaches around here

    Johannesburg or Pretoria?


    Close as in nowhere near Oz , carribean or Spain.

    Last clue

    The word for farang begins with an M (I know cos I woz one)

    (No it is not a contraction of two words beginning with an M and an F!)

    Jambo Mzungo....

    After research I have narrowed it down to Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda.

    You mentioned that weird things had been going on in this country. Could it be Uganda or Tanzania? Its getting hotter for sure, am I right or am I right :o

  9. Agree, its common. Was working at a resort at Rawaii beach, Phuket and every evening we basically had to jump over a snake pit to even get inside our home. These were also Cobras so yes they are quite common. :o

  10. thai men are about the least monogamous on the face of this earth so chances are you will not be his only girlfriend, and on top of that you are trying to do it long distance for a year?
    Girlx, that is quite a broad and general statement unfairly directed at thai men. From what I have seen, all men have the ability to be full of crap when professing their love. Living in thailand, you tend to see it more with....thai men.

    yes i agree, lots of men are full of crap, but you have got to be kidding if you don't think that consideration of monogamy is not almost completely lacking in thailand. prostitutes and mia nois and a sense of male entitlement are culturally ingrained into them since birth. a thai man is actually more respected the more women he has.

    Well I'll be damned.

    No more different than 80% of the worlds male population (notches on the bed post, and bragging in the bar).

    So the question is, when to raise girls to see a "user beware, men are like the lottery" sign on the foreheads of men.

    Ahh come on, La Reina.

    You just have not met me!!!


  11. Alright, have a good night and I will leave you with something that my dear friend Goethe once said.

    "If you treat a person as the person he/she stand out as, you will make her worse. if you on the other hand treats a person as if she already is the person she have potential to become, you will make her what she was meant to be"


    You refer to just females... wonder what the ladies of the board will read into that.. :o

    Just quoting Goethe, blame him. I think that he consider the women to be a good representatives for human rase.


  12. This is on my mind.

    I am in AWE to my sister and thought I share with you a story that displays persistancy through setbacks.

    My sister started to complain last October about stomach pain and she never thought that it could be serious, she thought it had more natural causes like food etc. When she got it more frequently she started to worry and went to the doctors who told her that the bleeding and pain was caused by myoms.The bleedings and pain increased in intensity and she went for further test. They showed that she had cancer. She was devastated and this was during Christmas time, good timing eh.

    The doctors gave her preliminary time for the first treatment to commence in January 2006. By this time she have gotten used to the thought since the doctors told her the percentage of survival. The cancer was agressive. She have already thought of the worst case scenario a million time and she now understood she have nothing else to loose and was getting ready to fight it.

    She was prepared and would not allow anything else to let her down further, this is still ongoing.

    She learned to live her best life here and now. Make the best of each day. Nowadays she does not take anything for granted and sees the pleasure in all the everyday things. Things that I know for sure I take for granted.

    She have now finished all her treatment which have for the last 30 days been daily. She lost her dignity, she lost her hair and the radiation and chemotherapy has both resulted in numerous amounts of strange and disturbing side effects.

    However her spirit now soars high as a kite. She is getting better and better for each day.

    As this spans over 9 months the story could be very long but even if this is the comprehensive version I hope it can serve as a source of inspiration for you.

    Sense moral, NEVER GIVE UP


  13. When I'm in Thailand I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about Thailand.

    When I'm somewhere else I do my level best to enjoy everything I can about that 'somewhere else'.

    Right now 'somewhere else' is Italy, so I'm a bit to engrosed in the joys of Italy to fret about missing things in Thailand.

    I figure a way to waste your life is to spend it wishing you where living another life.

    Fair enough. I'd be enjoying the Penne Arrabatia and the Pinot Grigio!

    Normally I would agree but it is hard to agree due to the fact that family is over there and I am still stuck here.

  14. Alright, have a good night and I will leave you with something that my dear friend Goethe once said.

    "If you treat a person as the person he/she stand out as, you will make her worse. if you on the other hand treats a person as if she already is the person she have potential to become, you will make her what she was meant to be"


    You refer to just females... wonder what the ladies of the board will read into that.. :o

    totster :D

    I never thought of it that way but now when you say it :D

  15. Alright, have a good night and I will leave you with something that my dear friend Goethe once said.

    "If you treat a person as the person he/she stand out as, you will make her worse. if you on the other hand treats a person as if she already is the person she have potential to become, you will make her what she was meant to be"


  16. Best placed in Farang Pub would be my guess ..... my apologies to the folks having to deal with my personal "flamer" tonight :D

    No worries, maybe it would be a better place. How can it be changed once posted? I dont mind where it is placed.


    Mods will do it after they have had a rest, they have been a little busy tonight :o

    Good Luck

    Moss :D

    yes they have been run off there feet the poor soles. some people are highly sensitive you know.

    I say, its a big bad world out here you best come prepared. :D

    I keep that in mind, I got west, helmet on and my .45 in the holster. Bring it on. :D

  17. Best placed in Farang Pub would be my guess ..... my apologies to the folks having to deal with my personal "flamer" tonight :o

    No worries, maybe it would be a better place. How can it be changed once posted? I dont mind where it is placed.


  18. Hey all,

    The topic title is selfexplanatory. Share your words of wisdom, quotes (please do the author the honor of introduction) stories to reflect over, sayings.

    Thing that you, yeah you have on your mind will, could potentially be the fuel for someone that specific day. It could mean a great start for the person reading it.

    You might not be aware of that you are reducing the obesity in the world, but bear in mind that everytime you say something that we dwell upon, we are burning calories, yes its not much but if you think about the amount of people reading your post, at the end of the day it accumulates to KILOS, my friend... The doctors of the world salutes you.

    "I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind" Unknown

    Your postings are the evidence that I just crossed your mind.

    Cheers :o

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