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Posts posted by Alreadyinuse

  1. As Kayo said I believe you have to be in here for awhile to learn how to deal with there guys, after this is done you dont wanna leave. Looking forward to it.. Bring it on. If it doesnt kill me. I got Sigmund Freud with me so he can probably help categorizing all of you....


  2. Don´t worry, as you spend more time here, you´ll get to know us. Think of tv.com as a local pub.. tajkes some time to get into the different discussions, but once you are in, you´ll never leave.

    Key TIP: Check New Posts....

    That´s how many of us navigate, once we´re in.

    Gotta go to work! See everybody tomorrow!

    God bless...

    Absolutely, have not even decided to go to bed yet. Hanging around in here will be my death. No sleep. My growth hormones (yeah I know they are more active when you are young) are having the toughest time of their lifes. I am young at heart

  3. That´s fine (hi already inuse I see you floating...) Your women may be as good as they get, but I stand by my statement. A good woman is hard to find.

    Yeah I am floating alright, floating into a dreamworld. Trying to figure out what the h.... you guys are talking about. Guess I need to go to an eye doctor or worse a shrink... :o

    No worries,, I was on the 17 page going through the posting and your message was a welcomed break. Puhhh

  4. Hi All, a friend has begun a protein based diet. The concept is to keep the blood sugar levels stable and low, permitting fat to be burnt. And after 2 days, my friends are still feeling no hunger, drinking their protein shakes. ** Q: could you recomend a type of protein for dieting and for bodybuilders? Some proteins are not suitable (Soy ?) as they are used to fatten farm animals ;-) And where in Thailand are you ordering the stuff? Can one get larger quantities, too? Thank you!

    There is already some good input on the issue, however if your substituting normal food with protein shakes youre missing some really importing things concerning the whole process of building muscles. Protein shakes are built to give the body more building blocks. Its not to be confused with Creatin or equivalent substances, that promotes explosiveness and gives more high octane gas for the muscles. If you stare blindly at proteins youre missing also out on the benefits from the following nutrients as Folate, which helps building more blood and blood supports the muscles with oxygene and without oxygene you do not have the powers, period.

    Too little Vitamin D leads to worse uptake of Calcium, which together with Kalium regulates and play an important part in the hormone production. As we all know testosterone is a hormone...

    We can go on and on and on what all the nutrients do in our body.

    Some nutrients play such an important role that without them or lacking them would not allow us to gain as much muscles we initially thought we would. Many ahtletes or bodybuilders knows alot about diest and can control this. However normal people hear what power supplements they take and sees the effect and copy without having the slightest clue what it will do to you.

    Best advice is to learn how the body works, study it and do not listen too much on the people that substitute normal food with powdered energy. Through normal food we usually get all nutrients and energy.

    If youre lacking time and youre so big there is no chance on earth to eat as much protein and carbs as you would need on a daily basis, then I suggest you drink it. Otherwise stay away from it. Hope this helps some :o


  5. Hi everybody,

    I have been doing a fair bit of web surfing gathering info on the success rate and possible complications related to a reverse vasectomy.

    Have any readers any experience or advice in having this procedure done in Thailand?

    Any info or endorsement of any particular establishments would be gratefully received.


    Khun Andy

    I have not checked the other posts maybe they give the same information, In a hurry for the moment but you can always check up on this link. The success rate would for me determine if I should go for a reverse vasectomy.... More information on this link. http://www.vasectomy.com/index.htm

    Cheers :o

  6. Just a short question regarding how popular personal training is in Phuket with the Thai Nationals? Anyone know this. There are as far as I understand 3 of quality gyms that announce that they have personal training. What is the level of professionalism wioth these traininers?

    Is there a way to do a professional survey of this and if so where do I find the right people, governmental or private institution.

  7. Hi all,

    Thought I would introduce myself. I am male, 40 yrs scandinavian. My small, yet guiding principles of life is to look at people for who they got potential to become instead of who they appear as. At the same time I am trying to get as much as possible out of every day. I wanna go to bed knowing that I did my absolute best on a daily basis , knowing I have nothing to regret the next day (btw, does not always help).

    Looking forward visiting and posting on this forum. I have seen many interesting postings so far which I follow with interest, for example the classified ads. My dreams is to be able to once again come back to Thailand, to be closer to my family and for work. I had to go back home for some time to study and is loooking for possibilities to get back to next high season.

    Currently awaiting the answers as we speak. I think it will be a positive one and hopefully I am back in November already.

    I completely fell in love with Thailand from the first time and have ever since regarded Thailand as my second home.

  8. SamuiJens,

    A bright comment.

    Please dont use a negative answer from the doctor to do the same mistake again. Your scare is your lesson, learn from it. The scare is legit. I think you just used up one of your lives but unfortunately life is not a game and we dont have unlimited lives.

    :o In respect

    This was meant for the people that initially posted on the forum, not to you SamuiJens, sorry about that

  9. SamuiJens,

    A bright comment.

    Please dont use a negative answer from the doctor to do the same mistake again. Your scare is your lesson, learn from it. The scare is legit. I think you just used up one of your lives but unfortunately life is not a game and we dont have unlimited lives.

    :o In respect

  10. Its on CNN now. They are stopping people even taking drinks on board. Just in case its a liquid bomb. Stopping virtually everything.

    Please tell me that they do not include "liquid" served on board. :o

    Maybe I shouldnt make a joke however, jokes aside it would probably not be long before we have terrorists employed as cargo personell or airline staff as the next step in their worldwide conquest.

    I can not believe the level of comittment and brainwash of suicide bombers.

  11. I have been in a happy relationship with a 22-year-old Lao lass, who is a Thai resident, for the past two months. Problem is her mother has been making requests for Baht 40,000 worth of gold on her daughter's behalf, "According to our local culture". Although the girlfriend lives on her own, she seems more afraid of the mother (there's no father) than losing me if I refuse. She has never been involved in the nightlife industry. The mother spends time on both sides of the border.

    I have offered a moderate gift of gold in keeping with my means and our relationship but it seems they want all or nothing, even though the price of gold is sky-high. In several Thai relationships I have never encountered such heavy financial pressure within such a short time-frame.

    What is the best way of dealing with the mother, who is basically a dim-witted peasant, and convincing her daughter there is more to our current happiness than fretting over gold chains?

    You say the Mom is requesting 40K in gold. Are you talking direct to the mom or is your girlfriend translating? They are certainly not beating around the bush.

    I say guard your heart, your head and your wallet

  12. Does anybody know if human growth hormone is legal to import in thailand.I would like to import some for personal use from china but don't want to end up in jail.It's possible to buy it in the pharmacy overhere but don't know how to find out if it's original or copy,that's why I would like to import straight from the manufacturer in china.Anyone some information about this issue?

    May I ask for what reason you are interested of getting HGH?

    If for building muscles? there are loads of other alternatives.

    You wanna look younger? There are alternatives.

    Or do you wanna get increased libido?

    or perhaps medical reasons, but in this case your dr would be able to prescribe some.



    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Freud
  13. Why hasn't Thailand done what Viet Nam did: vaccinate all the chickens in the country? Although Viet Nam has had a high number of deaths (42) it has not had any outbreak this year. Thailand's policy of not preventing, but eradicating after an outbreak is demonstrably less effective. Did TH adopt this policy to save money for Charoen Pokpand and other large poultry producers?

    Actually both responses were taken into action. Mass eradication of poultryfarms in certain regions and vaccination. :o

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