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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Me thinks someone snitched because he got cleaned out at the last game....55555.
  2. Stern was always a liberal, pretending to be a Punk Rocker rebel. He is the epitome of cowardice. From high school to his actions during Covid, that man is a born coward. He locked himself in his mansion for 2 years, afraid to come out (aka Howard Hughes), and got 5 injections of vaccine. He got covid regardless of his stupid actions. He betrayed Trump, who always came on his show to talk about current events. Howard uses people for his own benefit and is a disgusting human being.
  3. The good Indians live in Fremont, CA.
  4. Wonder why they are treated like that? Could it be due to their behavior? I never see the Thais treat Westerners bad, unless you ask for it. Respect this country or get out.
  5. Agree.,,,Thais are very friendly to tourists. I see this as a nice gesture from the lady and those effin more runs took it to the next level. Anyone touch my wife and it is game on.
  6. Those Gupta boys never learn...this is not India...you cannot touch Thai women here like you abuse them back home in India. It will turn out well for them. They are lucky the husband only hit once.
  7. Never trust a Swiss man who wears a 7/11 T-shirt....555555.
  8. When I was living in Basel, Switzerland, the locals told me they have guns, but they are safely tucked away at home. It is a safe, very safe country. Maybe he is senile.
  9. Am I high on weed, or is this a real news worthy issue?
  10. Well, there goes my 11 hour VIP bus ride from BKK to Phuket.
  11. Well, there goes my 11 hour VIP bus ride from BKK to Phuket.
  12. Here we go again....blame the awful, evil plant.
  13. Are you sure that weed was not the cause of this fight? They blame weed for every fight and tragic event here.
  14. Sad, so very, very sad. My heart goes out to those families.
  15. The only thing Russians understand is another violent person who is not afraid of them. That is all.
  16. Last week, a US couple was sentenced to 15+ years in State Prison for allowing their dogs to killed an old man. The owners of this dog belong in prison.
  17. Sad, so very sad. Not sure why folks can't get a clue that these dogs should never be allowed to roam among humans. Kill on site.
  18. Please go on the internet and look up original Blues and Jazz music. You will enjoy.
  19. The 58K dead and hundreds of thousands wounded did not deserve to be lied to. Kamala, like LBJ are dangerous for men 17 to 28.
  20. She is under controlled by BlackRock and WS. They, like me are aware that this woman is dumber than a box of rocks. The less she says, the better it is for the masses to think she is the first black woman president. For those who are trained in media communications, it is a brilliant strategy. Then add a distraction (P Diddy) and focus on Trump's stupid comments, and bingo, no one cares that she has no plans.
  21. 100000000%.
  22. Up to you. Do not complain if the USA is in a war next year. Remember LBJ? Ok, that is all. Learn about American power before you default to conspiracy theory insults. If you think the folks we elect run my country, then please share some what you are smoking.
  23. In case anyone has not been paying attention, Biden has been senile for 10 years...and it was hidden during the last election by the folks who control the Government is the USA. Everyone, including my kids know that Kamala is a moron and not very smart. I know because of living in the Bay Area when she was a DA. She is a "Plant" and will do what she is told...like a good girl should. Trump is not an insider and that is why they want to bring him down. This is America's way of acting like a Banana Republic.
  24. You have no clue about American media and the power they hold over elections. Stupid comment. All MSM hate Trump and will set him up. The reason is that they are in bed with Wall Street and Madison Avenue and Black Rock...but not sure you are capable of understanding what a Puppet (Kamala) is for those organizations. Reading is Fundamental.
  25. Deport him for just being stupid...that is all.
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