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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. The "Bum Gun" was quite busy this weekend in Phuket....55555.
  2. The Chinese will send all their spies to Thailand via the express route.....555555.
  3. Remember when Cambodia was an independent country until China moved in? Remember LAOS? Coming to Thailand real soon.
  4. Not once growing up in the West did I say, I will marry a prostitute...no need to marry a woman with serious mental issues. Marriage is a mental problem to start with, as men were not designed for monogamy.
  5. Late to this discussion, but the human body is just energy...so if you remember the laws of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, thus, our energy goes back to the Universe. That is all.
  6. These morons just gave up free money because they cannot control their emotional state. Deport them and black list for 5 years.
  7. Just another day for the Quality Tourists on that over priced island.
  8. Just like the UK...and other parts of the world,,,this is not news.
  9. Follow the money and you will find out it ends with the lobbyists for the Pharma companies. Ok! Follow the money! The big pharma companies do not want weed legal.
  10. Use motorbike taxis and tell them to drive carefully and you will be fine. To hell with the Taxi mafia!
  11. Historically, if we wanted a base here, we would have set one up for our ships after WW2. No need for shipyard bases, we will use the airfields when necessary.
  12. Hey, wait a minute, is the Yellow/Red Card system not working?
  13. If the most powerful country on the planet could not prevent weed from getting to its citizens, what is Thailand trying to accomplish with this stupid policy?
  14. If the most powerful country on the planet, with an extensive militarized police force and all the technology in the world could not stop me from getting weed, what does Thailand think they will accomplish if the re-criminalize this plant? The Arrogance of Humans knows no bounds! From the day I was born back in 1961, men were smoking weed in my country and they did not care about any rules. Stop the insanity!
  15. Yes, they should bow down to the USA after WW2. England wanted to decimate Thailand after what they and the Japanese did to the troops during WW2 (River Kwai, etc.). The US said to England to hold off, we need those airbases in case China <deleted> around and thus we saved Thailand from some serious ass whipping by the UK.
  16. Agree,,,also, may be Roid Rage...what a coward!
  17. So, Mr. Tough Guy Tourist Cop beats up a Chinese man, and even after he is apologizing on the street, continues to attack? God, what an efin COWARD!
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