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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Number 1 or number 2? If number 1, no issues. If number 2....then we have a situation.
  2. The Russians are trying hard to get back to the 30-day tourist visa. Started out at 90-days....now 60..... Keep it up.
  3. Hmmm, so how will he pay his hotel bill now?
  4. OK, you win....best quote of the day.
  5. You just cannot make these things up here in Patts....55555. Hey, let more in.
  6. Wow, ARE you sure? Could this be true. I am sure it was the Mormon visitors or the Amish that would do this sort of thing. The Jehovah witness is another group that should be watched. I would never, ever, ever suspect the "Peace Loving Immigrants from a country whose religion is different than yours, whose women are restricted and whose culture is based on a Death Cult, to be involved with this tragedy. Let more in. Please go to the train station and clap again...like you did back when Merkel was in power. Ask Sweden how that turned out.
  7. Another article about American and American Politics and Guns,,,blah, blah, blah.... Hint: OK, Americans care about football, kids, football, sex, football, cold beer, football, barbeque, gambling and football. We have our guns fully loaded and ready just in case our Government gets out of control. Also, our military is stacked with kids whose parents are gun owners and they will never, ever turn their guns on their parents. Look up Fragging in Nam to understand why you should never push us to hard. Finally, we all know that both parties are controlled by very powerful people...and when we are ready, we will manage that issue.
  8. Every woman holding a baby and begging for money at 3 am should be locked up for a long time.
  9. Pattaya is the world's largest Brothel...and that is a good thing, because a lot of Western Men are trapped in a nightmare of "sex less marriage", entitled women, spoiled kids and excessive taxes. In other words, Pattaya is heaven for them.
  10. The addiction for the cell phone is worst than heroin.
  11. This man is a MORE RUN....and should be in the BKK Hilton and the blacklisted forever!
  12. May I suggest they talk to the Swiss Engineers...they are experts at this type of work.
  13. Agree....victim or not, she has a baby, WTF was she thinking leaving that baby alone to get drunk. Actions have consequences! The outcome could have been avoided if she used her critical thinking skills....which we know is absent here.
  14. The Green Eyed Monster strikes again....that lady, made some bad decisions and now is in pain and will have a life of nightmares.
  15. Well, he got the BIB involved ...and that was first mistake.
  16. May I, for medical reasons, find out what strain he was smoking....and can I have some. Thanks
  17. Hmmm, guess what, this is just the start.....I live here and see what is going on...there is nothing, repeat nothing the Thai cops can do, because they are too soft. They need help from Singapore cops.
  18. No sympathy for More Runs who cannot control their tourism money. Any country that let in so many tourists and cannot get back some "coin" from said tourists, are just plain stupid. Know the game. The Chinese are playing the Thai Government like the Issan babes play the lonely mongers and take all their money.
  19. You let in garbage and must now deal with the consequence of that action.
  20. May they rest in peace. Very sad.
  21. Nothing. They met last year and promised to tell the kids to behave. That turned out well.
  22. The Crime Against Humanity by the USA continues unabated...if it was not for our Fast Food and junk food served in Thai Malls, we would not have Buffalos roaming the streets of Bangla Road after 0400.
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