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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. When will they blame weed for this sad outcome?
  2. New thing? Dude, look up the 60's in America ok! It is not new.
  3. Another American More Run who lacks critical thinking skills.... Lock him up for 20 years for being stupid.
  4. Hmmmm, wonder if they are missing out on all the fun at the Coconut Bar? Glad to see Thailand is letting in the best of the best from India.
  5. To be honest, all joking aside, if he gets a good lawyer, he can take her to criminal court for Fraud. Providing he saved all his receipts and text messages between him and the "wife". Then put together a timeline and present evidence and then she and her husband will have some explanation to do in criminal court. Chapter 3: Offence of Cheating and Fraud Section 341. Fraud Whoever dishonestly deceives a person with the assertion of a falsehood or the concealment of the facts which should be revealed, and, by such deception, obtains a property from the person so deceived or a third person, or causes the person so deceived or a third person to execute, revoke or destroy a document of right, is said to commit the offence of cheating and fraud, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.
  6. Thai cops were probably laughing at him in the back office.
  7. AS they should. Anytime suckers give money away, I hope the Thais have a sick party in the village.
  8. Not guilty. The Thai woman should be rewarded for taking money from this fool.
  9. After he is finished with his stay at the luxury resort called the BKK Hilton, and appropriately managed by those folks, please send him to an American Prison. We have as special welcoming party ready for him and the rest of his life will quite an adventure.
  10. Red Bull comes to mind.
  11. Of course they were. Too much money involved in those properties....
  12. Well, this is not a surprise. Been here long enough to know that money talks....I am drinking a "Red Bull" today to toast this "victory" by an awful human being.
  13. Hmmm, let me see, tight, skinny jeans that shows their ankles (like women use to wear), man buns, man purse, more time in the salon than women and some wearing makeup to look "fem" for the ladies.... Sorry, the real men are those Burmese building Condos and doing the real work. Same for the west, where men are building things and do not have time for skinny jeans and makeup.
  14. He should be locked up for 20 years for being stupid. God, what is wrong with this generation today?
  15. Some folks in this part of the world lack critical thinking skills.
  16. Great idea to come to Thailand dude.....55555. You think they would not find you?
  17. Just give them a 90-day visa and Wai. You let them in, so deal with it.
  18. The Babes at the WS GoGos and in Nana Plaza are smiling....big money coming soon.
  19. The Green Eyed Monster is very busy in Thailand.
  20. I hate to say this, but cannot disagree with this statement,,,55555.
  21. Anyone who believes anything the Chinese Government say and take it to be true, need to have their head examined.
  22. Every night when you see the boats with the GREEN lights, just know that those guys are "laying cables" and the fish are not complaining. 55555
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