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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Are you insane? Serious question? Are you insane? No man with balls would pay Sinsod for any woman with two kids. Sinsod is for Virgins...and that is the only way I would invest 2000 THB. It is beyond stupid to pay Sinsod in this country,..,.send me your money, I will invest in stocks, gold and bitoin and you will get a better ROI. God, some men just never learn!
  2. Whenever I will party hard, I have a Wingman....basic rules of partying over here or any major vacation spot.
  3. I blame the mom, who raised their sons here spoiled and entitled...
  4. Losing face is very dangerous to your health here in Thailand...Respect!
  5. Can someone tell me why is Khaosan Road trying to damage your ear drums? My God, I thought I was in Saigon on that noisy walking street, where you go deaf if you do not protect your ears. It is too loud! I want to hear the person I am sitting down with to have a drink!
  6. When will the cops blame weed on this incident?
  7. Well, if you borrow money, you are required to pay it back, unless you are an American entitled college student.
  8. He who dares win.....sometimes.
  9. Why did he think he will get away with his demonic behavior? Send him to prison for 50 years!
  10. No, when I was young, I got two degrees...Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, worked three jobs through college, then got a real job and then travel. OK!
  11. How many times are folks going to beg Pensioners here in Thailand?
  12. Get over it dude. Americans sent a message to folks like you and others who cannot get a clue. Ok. Enjoy the next 4 years suffering from <removed>. You can be cured. Just get a life.
  13. Here is a hint...do not get drunk and argue with Thai men....they do not Eff around in this country. They do not respect us. Remember that!
  14. Just like Aussies, New Zealanders, Africans, Europeans, Arabs, Russians, Chinese, etc. Every race of people of this rock are racists! We are animals with a bigger brain genius. Stop focusing on Americans! Americans elected Trump to focus on Americans. You should learn to accept that.
  15. Get ready....the next 4 years will change the world. FAFO!
  16. They have no clue about are the only tourists that I have seen creating problems for the workers. The Russians are the best tourists in 7/11. They go in, load up, pay and leave. Indians, most of them always question the price or have some issue.
  17. I am so tired of the Indians arguing at 7/11. They are annoying and rude and I can understand why the locals attack them. Stop disrespecting those hard working folks at 7/11. Please. This is not India where you can haggle all day long.
  18. The Damage Done! More Runs never learn!
  19. Regardless if the family refused to file charges, the cops should arrest him for manslaughter.
  20. That in-bred Royal family should be sent packing...all of them, including the bull dog camila.
  21. The whole family should be cut off....Parasites they are!
  22. Every F-ing day here in Patts, we deal with these more runs. They rev their engines on Buakhao to impress the babes, who by the way think that when they make noise like that, it is a sign of a small penis. I hate those folks who drive around with their shirts off, showing the Roids and trying to impress ladies here, when they could care less how roided and cut you are.
  23. I would highly recommend the super luxurious resort - IDC. I hear it is a 5 star rated resort.
  24. Look at me...look at me....I ride my big bike without shirts so all the hot LBs can see me. Mr. Attention Seeker will have a fun time in prison.
  25. This More Run should be sent to the Big House for 10 years. Then black listed and deported. Plus, he and his family should pay the injured officer millions in Thai Baht to cover his medical expenses.
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