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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. SSRIs are the absolute worst drugs any human can take. Especially if you mix in Alcohol. First, your sex life will go away. Second, you may end up suicidal Third...they do not work to solve the root cause of the medical issue. Mess with your brain chemistry and deal with the consequences.
  2. Easy peasy....cut back on my ST and LT. Ride it out. No Whiners.
  3. Or a Sanctuary city in America.
  4. Could care less if they were profiled...they are criminals and deserve to be in prison. Get them out of this country.
  5. Clean out the Vermin...but first let the stew in IDC for a few months.
  6. Any man who wants to get married, needs to have his head examined. Marriage is a scam!
  7. Hello Swedes. Those folks know a good thing when they see it. You were stupid to let them in to take over your cities...and now, guess what, they will not leave.
  8. That is a good start.
  9. Send him to IDC and then back to OZ!....He is in need of special treatment in prison in Australia.
  10. Yes, he was drunk as a skunk...but some folks in the Thai media will blame anything on weed. 55555
  11. It has been a week since weed was blamed...I was getting worried....5555.
  12. I am black and retired and would be considered wealthy....where $400 or 400 pounds is just another night in Nana or PatPong for me (love King's Castle). So, for the guy who asked the question,,,,we work hard for our money...yes, big surprise that a black man have that much. Deal with it. The kid messed up and got lucky. Very lucky that it was only a slap.
  13. Get a divorce you More Run.
  14. Agree, I live in SF and when I travel, as an American, I have no respect for those power hungry assh&&ls at the SF Immigration center. Power trip is an epidemic with that group. Can't wait for AI to replace them.
  15. He is crying because he has to return to France...and based on what is going on there right now, he is better off in IDC.
  16. I hope he enjoys IDC....I hear the food and rooms are five star rated. What a More Run.
  17. I can understand why all the Russians are here. There is no way I would let my son die for that More Run Putin. I would go in debt to ensure my son or sons were able to get away from the nightmare that is Russia today.
  18. Hmmm, what site was he watching,,,,? Asking for a friend.
  19. Not guilty....he was assaulted and disrespected. You are not supposed to do this in this culture. Or anywhere on the planet. FAFO. Move on.
  20. If your 401 is taxed, which most are, it is exempt.
  21. This plan would not apply to Social Security or 401K or other pensions that are taxed in the US already.
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